HC Deb 30 March 1994 vol 240 cc779-81W
Mr. Matthew Taylor

To ask the Secretary of State for Social Security if he will list each appointment for which a Minister has to approve the appointment or shortlist for the appointment, showing for each appointment(a) which Minister exercises the responsibility, (b) the salary, if any, attached to the post, (c) the term of the appointment and (d) the person currently appointed to the post.

Mr. Hague

The information requested is as follows. All appointments are the responsibility of my right hon. Friend the Secretary of State. Except where shown, appointments are for a three-year term and non-salaried.

Occupational Pensions Board

  • Chairman (£26,000):
    • Mr. P. Carr CBE
  • Deputy Chairman (£12,000), 3.5 year appointment:
    • Miss C. H. Dawes
  • Members:
    • Mr. R. Amy
    • Mrs. R. Brown
    • Mr. R. Ellison
    • Mr. H. Harris Hughes
    • Mr. A. Herbert
    • Mr. D. Lyburn
    • Mr. A. Pickering
    • Mr. W. Ramsey
    • Mr. M. Slack
    • Mr. K. Thomas
    • Miss P. Triggs

Central Advisory Committee for War Pensions

  • Members:
    • Mr. M. B. Day, MBE
    • Councillor T. S. Deeming, MBE
    • Mr. P. H. Dixon, OBE MA
    • Mr. I. Duncan-Smith, MP
    • Mr. W. Dunn, MBE JP
    • Mr. C. G. Fox, FRSH FCIArb
    • Mr. I. Grainger
    • Mr. D. B. Hilton
    • Mr. R. R. Holland, MBE
    • Mr. R. W. E. House, MBE
    • Mr. J. Hughes, CBE
    • Mr. E. R. Jobson, OBE
    • Councillor T. J. Jones, JP BEM KSG
    • Mr. O. C. S. Light, MBE
    • Lord Mackie of Benshie, CBE DSO DFC
    • 780
    • Mr. A. Meale, MP
    • Mr. G. R. Miller
    • Mrs. H. Murphy
    • Mr. W. S. Mutimer, MBE JP
    • Mrs. M. F. K.Neale, MBE
    • Mrs. P. L. Newnes, OBE
    • Mr. F. E. Onyon, MBE
    • Sir Roger Palin, KBE
    • Mr. H. L. Payne, OBE
    • Mr. C. G. S. Pigott, MBE
    • Mr. J. J. Ray, MBE
    • Mr. H. B. Salmon, MBE

Disability Living Allowance Advisory Board

  • Chairman (two year appointment):
    • Professor R. Grahame, MB BS MD FRCP
  • Deputy Chairman (two year appointment):
  • Miss S. Knibbs, CQSW
  • Members:
  • Mrs. J. Allen-King, MBE
    • Mrs. J. Ashcroft, MBE
    • Mrs. P. Case, CBE BA
    • Dr. A. Clarke, BSc MB BS FRCP
    • Miss E. Fanshawe, OBE DipCOT
    • Mrs. J. Franklin, CQSW
    • Mr. S. Gallop, OBE MA
    • Mrs. C. Henry, RGN
    • Dr. J. Hunter, BSc MB ChB FRCP
    • Sir Peter Large, CBE BSc
    • Mr. C. Laurenzi, BSc CQSW
    • Dr. R. Lucas, BSc MB BS MPhil FRCPsych
    • Dr. I. McKinlay, BSc MB ChB FRCP DCH
    • Mrs. S. Philbrook, BA MCSP
    • Dr. T. Phillips, MB BS FRFPS MRCP MFOM
    • Dr. M. Piper, MB BS FRCP
    • Dr. M. Richards, BSc MB BChir FRCPGP
    • Dr. S. Shorvon, MB BChir MD FRCP

Industrial Injuries Advisory Council

  • Chairman:
    • Professor J. M. Harrington
  • Members:
    • Dr. J. Asherson
    • Miss J. C. Brown
    • Mrs. J. Carter
    • Professor M. J. Cinnamond
    • Dr. D. N. M. Coggon
    • Professor A. D. Dayan
    • Dr. C. P. Juniper
    • Mr. T. Mawer
    • Professor A. J. Newman Taylor
    • Mr. R. Pickering
    • Dr. L. Rushton
    • Dr. C. Taylor
    • Mr. O. D. Tudor
    • Ms M. Tworney

Social Security Advisory Committee

  • Chairman: Mr. M. Bett CBE
  • Members:
    • Mrs. J. Anelay OBE
    • Mr. A. Dilnot
    • The Reverend G. H. Good OBE
    • Mr. D. Guereca
    • Mr. N. Hardwick
    • Mr. M. Hastings
    • Professor A. Ogus
    • The Hon. Mrs.R. H. Price CBE
    • Esme Scott CBE
    • Professor O. Stevenson
    • Dr. A. V. Stokes OBE
    • Mr. O. Tudor
    • Mr. R. G. Wendt DL

Far East (Prisoners of War and Internees) Fund

  • Trustees: (5 year appointments)
    • Lord Gridley
    • Reverend R. Rossiter
    • Dr. Peter Watson

Queen Mary's Roehampton Trust

  • Trustees:
    • Mr. C. J. Flind
    • Mr. M. Forrester MBE
    • Dr. J. Watkinson

Independent Living Fund

  • Chairman (indefinite term): Mr. S. Shore
  • Trustees (indefinite term):
    • Mrs. A. Davis
    • Mr. G. Mackey
    • Mr. W. Morrison
    • Mr. J. Shepherd
    • Dr. A. Stokes
    • Mr. R. Wendt

Motabiliry Tenth Anniversary Trust

  • Trustees (indefinite term)
    • Mr. D. Chislett
    • Sir Peter Large CBE

Pensions Ombudsman (indefinite term), £53,500, Mr. M. Platt

Social Fund Commissioner (salary range £46,100 to £55,800),

Mrs. R. Mackworth

Agency Chief Executives

  • Benefits Agency five year appointment, (salary range £75,000 to £82,000), Mr. M. Bichard
  • Child Support Agency (salary range £46,100 to £55,800), Mrs. R. Hepplewhite
  • Contributory Agency (salary range £51,300 to £59,600), Miss A. Chant
  • Information and Technology Services Agency (salary range £51,300 to £59,600), Mr. I. Magee
  • Resettlement Agency (salary range £37,600 to £55,800), Mr. A. Ward
  • War Pensions Unit to achieve Agency status in April 1994, (salary range £36,000 to £53,700), Mr. P. Mathison

Mr. Matthew Taylor

To ask the Secretary of State for Social Security (1) what information his Department holds or obtains relating to individuals who have been appointed, or may be considered for appointment, to paid or unpaid posts for which a Minister has to approve the person or shortlist for the appointment, in particular relating to active involvement in(a) extreme left-wing organisations, (b) extreme right-wing organisations and (c) involvement in any of the political parties represented in the House of Commons;

(2) what procedures his Department has to prevent the possible appointment of individuals with extreme political views to posts for which a Minister has to approve the person or shortlist for the appointment.

Mr. Hague

Where an appointment gives access to classified information the need for security vetting will be considered.