§ Mr. Matthew TaylorTo ask the Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster if he will list each appointment for which a Minister has to approve the appointment or shortlist for the appointment, showing for each appointment(a) which Minister exercises the responsibility, (b) the salary, if any, attached to the post, (c) the term of the appointment and (d) the person currently appointed to the post.
§ Mr. David DavisIn the departments and agencies for which my right hon. Friend is responsible, and other areas which fall to the Cabinet Office vote, the appointments are set out in the table.
The table does not refer to appointments to the research councils, which will be restructured on 1 April 1994.1 shall write to the hon. Member with the details.
My right hon. Friend is also responsible for the appointment of justices of the peace in Lancashire, Greater Manchester and Merseyside and appoints several individuals to posts which have historical connections with the Duchy of Lancaster. These receive no remuneration.
Appointment Minister Salary Term of appointment Post holder Special Adviser to the Prime Minister (Head of No. 10 Policy Unit) Prime Minister 1— Usual terms Mrs. Sarah Hogg Special Adviser to the Chief Whip Chief Whip 1— Usual terms Miss Shana Hole Special Adviser to the Chief Whip Chief Whip 1— Usual terms Miss Sophie McEwen Special (Expert) Adviser to the Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster 1— Two years or usual terms Dr. John Nicholson Special Adviser to the Prime Minister (No. 10 Policy Unit) Prime Minister 1— Until 31 July 1994 or usual terms Lord Poole Special Adviser to the Prime Minister (No. 10 Policy Unit) Prime Minister 1— Usual terms Mrs. Katharine Ramsay Special Adviser to the Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster 1— One year or usual terms Mr. David Rutley Special Adviser to the Prime Minister (Deputy Head of No. 10 Policy Unit) Prime Minister 1— Usual terms Mr. Nick True Special Adviser to the Prime Minister Prime Minister 1— Usual terms Miss Arabella Warburton Chairman of the Prime Minister's Advisory Committee on Business Appointments Prime Minister Unpaid Three years to 31 December 1994 The Rt. Hon. the Lord Carlisle of Bucklow, QC Member of the Prime Minister's Advisory Committee on Business Appointments Prime Minister Unpaid Three years to 31 October 1996 The Lord Bridges, GCMG Member of the Prime Minister's Advisory Committee on Business Appointments Prime Minister Unpaid Three years to 13 March 1997 Sir John Blelloch, KCB Member of the Prime Minister's Advisory Committee on Business Appointments Prime Minister Unpaid Three years to 8 March 1997 The Rt. Hon. Peter Shore, MP Member of the Prime Minister's Advisory Committee on Business Appointments Prime Minister Unpaid Three years to 31 October 1995 The Rt. Hon. the Lord Thomson of Monifieth, KT Member of the Prime Minister's Advisory Committee on Business Appointments Prime Minister Unpaid Three years to 31 July 1994 Sir Trevor Holdsworth Member of the Prime Minister's Advisory Committee on Business Appointments Prime Minister Unpaid Three years to 31 July 1994 Sir Charles Huxtable, KCB, CBE Member of the Prime Minister's Advisory Committee on Business Appointments Prime Minister Unpaid Three years to 31 October 1994 Sir Robin Ibbs, KBE Chairman of Security Commission Prime Minister 2— Three years to 31 May 1995 Lord Lloyd of Berwick Alternative Chairman of the Security Commission Prime Minister 2— Three years to 31 January 1996 Lord Justice Butler-Sloss, DBE Member of the Security Commission Prime Minister £198 per day Three years to 31 August 1994 Sir John Blelloch, KCB Member of the Security Commission Prime Minister £198 per day Three years to 31 August 1994 Lt-General Sir Derek Boorman, KCB Member of the Security Commission Prime Minister £198 per day Three years to 31 August 1994 Sir Christopher Curwen, KCMG Member of the Security Commission Prime Minister £198 per day Three years to 31 January 1996 Lord Tombs of Brailes Member of the Security Commission Prime Minister £198 per day Three years to 31 October 1995 Lord Wright of Richmond Chairman of Political Honours Scrutiny Committee Prime Minister3 Unpaid The current Administration Lord Pym, MC Member of Political Honours Scrutiny Committee Prime Minister3 Unpaid The current Administration Lord Cledwyn of Penrhos, CH Member of Political Honours Scrutiny Committee Prime Minister3 Unpaid The current Administration Lord Thomson of Monifieth KT
Appointment Minister Salary Term of appointment Post holder Administrative Trustee to the Chequers Trust Prime Minister Unpaid First appointed in summer of 1970 Sir Ralph Vemey, KBE Chairman of the Prime Minister's Panel of Advisers on the Citizen's Charter Prime Minister £13,125 pa Two years Sir James Blyth, KT Member of the Prime Minister's Panel of Advisers on the Citizen's Charter Prime Minister £10,500 pa One year Sir Christopher Bland Member of the Prime Minister's Panel of Advisers on the Citizen's Charter Prime Minister £10,500 pa Two years Angela Heylin Member of the Prime Minister's Panel of Advisers on the Citizen's Charter Prime Minister £10,500 pa Two years Baroness Perry Member of the Prime Minister's Panel of Advisers on the Citizen's Charter Prime Minister £10,500 pa One year Dr. Madsen Pirie Member of the Prime Minister's Panel of Advisers on the Citizen's Charter Prime Minister £10,500 pa Two years Nick Rawlings Member of the Prime Minister's Panel of Advisers on the Citizen's Charter Prime Minister £10,500 pa One year Christopher Swan Member of the Prime Minister's Panel of Advisers on the Citizen's Charter Prime Minister £10,500 pa One year Lady Judith Wilcox Chairman of the Citizen's Charter Complaints Task Force Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster £5,000 pa Two years (w.e.f. June 1993) Lady Wilcox Member of the Citizen's Charter Complaints Task Force Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster Unpaid Two years (w.e.f. June 1993) Professor Judith Allsop Member of the Citizen's Charter Complaints Task Force Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster Unpaid Two years (w.e.f. June 1993) Mrs. Rosemary Edwards Member of the Citizen's Charter Complaints Task Force Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster Unpaid Two years (w.e.f. June 1993) Mrs. Ros Gardner Member of the Citizen's Charter Complaints Task Force Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster Unpaid Two years (w.e.f. June 1993) Mrs. Elizabeth Hodder Member of the Citizen's Charter Complaints Task Force Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster Unpaid Two years (w.e.f. June 1993) Mr. Colin Skeen Member of the Citizen's Charter Complaints Task Force Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster Unpaid Two years (w.e.f. June 1993) Mr. David Way Chairman of the Advisory Committee on Advertising Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster Unpaid Three years Mr. Brian Nicholson Member of the Advisory Committee on Advertising Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster Unpaid Three years Mrs. Anne Ferguson, OBE Member of the Advisory Committee on Advertising Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster Unpaid Three years Mr. John Mellon Member of the Advisory Committee on Advertising Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster Unpaid Three years Mr. Charles Auld Member of the Advisory Committee on Advertising Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster Unpaid Three years Mr. Richard Spelman Member of the Advisory Committee on Advertising Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster Unpaid Three years Mr. Nick Phillips Member of the Advisory Committee on Advertising Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster Unpaid Three years Mr. Eric Nicoli Member of the Advisory Committee on Advertising Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster Unpaid Three years Mr. Howard Mann Member of the Advisory Committee on Advertising Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster Unpaid Three years Mrs. Caroline Marland Chairman of the LINK Steering Group CDL and PBT4 5 Unpaid Two years Dr. John Pamaby
Appointment Minister Salary Term of appointment Post holder Member of the LINK Steering Group CDL and PBT4 5 Unpaid Unspecified Dr. Ashok Ganguly Member of the LINK Steering Group CDL and PBT4 5 Unpaid Unspecified Dr. Robert Whelan Member of the LINK Steering Group CDL and PBT4 5 Unpaid Unspecified Dr. Brian Richards Member of the LINK Steering Group CDL and PBT4 5 Unpaid Unspecified Professor Stanley Mason HMSO—Non-executive Director Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster £8,000 Unlimited Simon Master Notes to the table:
Usual terms for Special Advisers
There are standard terms governing Special Adviser appointments concerning the length of their appointment. Unless a termination date is stated the appointment will terminate either:
- (i) at the end of the present Administration;
- (ii) in the event of the appointing minister leaving Government or moving to another appointment; or
- (iii) in the event of a General Election
whichever is soonest. If a length of appointment is stated then the appointment will terminate when this period is up in the event that one of the above does not pre-empt this.
1 Special Advisers are normally paid according to a salary spine which ranges from £19,121 to £59,957.
2 Members of the Security Commission do not receive a salary, but are fee-paid. As members of the judiciary, the Chairman and Alternative Chairman do not receive a fee as they are already paid from public funds. All members (including Chairman and Alternative Chairman) are entitled to claim expenses.
3All appointments to the Political Honours Scrutiny Committee are made by the Prime Minister by Order of Council.
4CDL—PBT—Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster, President of the Board of Trade.
5 Appointments to the LINK Steering Group are made jointly by the Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster and the President of the Board of Trade.
§ Mr. Matthew TaylorTo ask the Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster (1) if he will list the organisations and individuals outside his Departments who are sent information on, or consulted about, individuals who are, or may be, proposed to the Minister for appointment to posts for which a Minister has to approve the person appointed or the shortlist for the appointment;
(2) if he will list the organisations and individuals who have been asked, since June 1992, to submit names of individuals to be considered for appointments to paid and unpaid posts for which a Minister has to approve the person or shortlist for the appointment.
§ Mr. David DavisMy right hon. Friend follows the procedures for the selection of candidates set out in the "Guide on Public Appointments Procedures" copies of which are available in the Library. The public appointments unit and the chairmen of the respective bodies are consulted in all cases. Other organisations that have been consulted about appointments are as follows:
- The Accounts Commission (Scotland)
- The Advisory Board for the Research Councils
- The Agricultural and Food Research Council
- The Association of County Councils
- The Association of District Councils
- The Association of Metropolitan Authorities
- The Audit Commission
- Chartered Institute of Arbitrators
- The Citizen's Charter Advisory Panel
- The Commissioner for Local Administration in England
- The Commissioner for Local Administration in Scotland
- The Commissioner for Local Administration in Wales
- Convention of Scottish Local Authorities
- Council on Tribunals
- Department of Trade and Industry
- The Economic and Social Research Council
- Federation of Independent Advice Centres
- The Health Service Commissioner for England
- The Health Service Commissioner for Scotland
- The Health Service Commissioner for Wales
- The Local Government Management Board
- Mediation UK
- The Medical Research Council
- The National Association of Citizens Advice Bureaux
- The National Audit Office
672 - The National Consumer Council
- The Natural Environment Research Council
- The Northern Ireland Commissioner for Complaints
- The Northern Ireland Parliamentary Commissioner
- The Parliamentary Commissioner for Administration
- The Police Complaints Authority
- The Post Office
- The Post Office User's National Committee
- Reading Centre for Ombudsman Studies
- The Royal Society
- The Royal Academy of Engineering
- The Science and Engineering Research Council
- The Social Fund Commissioner
- Society of Local Authority Chief Executives