HC Deb 17 March 1994 vol 239 cc772-5W
Mr. Redmond

To ask the Secretary of State for the Home Department how many people were remanded in custody in (i) Humberside, (ii) North Yorkshire, (iii) South Wayland and (iv) West Yorkshire for the latest year he has figures available, broken down by(a) sex, (b) racial category, (c) aged under 17 years, (d) aged 17 to 21 years, (e) aged over 21 and under 65 years and (f) aged 65 years and over.

Mr. Peter Lloyd

Provisional information for remand receptions into Prison Service establishments in the areas specified in 1993 is given in the table.

Male - Ethnic origin Female - Ethnic origin
Age at remand Total White Black2 South Asian3 Chinese and other4 Total White Black2 South Asian3 Chinese and other4
Under 17 20 20
17–21 113 105 4 1 3
65 and over
First received as untried not subsequently received as convicted unsentenced
All ages 87 81 4 1 1
Under 17 12 12
17–21 75 69 4 1 1
65 and over
First received as untried subsequently received as convicted unsentenced
All ages 46 44 2
Under 17 8 8
17–21 38 36 2
65 and over
First received as convicted unsentenced
All ages 10 10
Under 17 3 3
17–21 7 7
65 and over
All convicted unsentenced
All ages 56 54 2
Under 17 11 11
17–21 45 43 2
65 and over
All remands
All ages 2,089 1,794 123 145 27 336 311 13 2 10
Under 17
17–21 273 235 15 20 3 124 115 3 1 5
22–64 1,804 1,547 108 125 24 212 196 10 1 5
65 and over 12 12
All untried
All ages 1,706 1,464 107 115 20 290 269 12 2 7
Under 17
17–21 209 183 12 12 2 103 95 3 1 4
22–64 1,485 1,269 95 103 18 187 174 9 1 3
65 and over. 12 12
First received as untried not subsequently received as convicted unsentenced
All ages 1,268 1,069 86 98 15 227 211 11 1 4
Under 17
17–21 149 127 10 10 2 72 67 3 2
22–64 1,108 931 76 88 13 155 144 8 1 2
65 and over 11 11
First received as untried subsequently received as convicted unsentenced
All ages 438 395 21 17 5 63 58 1 1 3
Under 17
17–21 60 56 2 2 31 28 1 2
22–64 377 338 19 15 5 32 30 1 1
65 and over 1 1
First received as convicted unsentenced
All ages 383 330 16 30 7 46 42 1 3
Under 17
Male - Ethnic origin Female - Ethnic origin
Age at remand Total White Black2 South Asian3 Chinese and other4 Total White Black2 South Asian3 Chinese and other4
17–21 64 52 3 8 1 21 20 1
22–64 319 278 13 22 6 25 22 1 2
65 and over
All convicted unsentenced
All ages 821 725 37 47 12 109 100 2 1 6
Under 17
17–21 124 108 5 10 1 52 48 1 3
22–64 696 616 32 37 11 57 52 2 3
65 and over 1 1
All remands
All ages 2,378 2,207 65 91 15
Under 17 239 224 9 2 4
17–21 2,137 1,981 56 89 11
22–64 2 2
65 and over
All untried
All ages 1,945 1,808 49 77 11
Under 17 205 193 7 1 4
17–21 1,738 1,613 42 76 7
22–64 2 2
65 and over
First received as untried not subsequently received as convicted unsentenced
All ages 1,136 1,046 32 52 6
Under 17 96 90 4 1 1
17–21 1,038 954 28 51 5
22–64 2 2
65 and over
First received as untried subsequently received as convicted unsentenced
All ages 809 762 17 25 5
Under 17 109 103 3 3
17–21 700 659 14 25 2
65 and over
First received as convicted unsentenced
All ages 433 399 16 14 4
Under 17 34 31 2 1
17–21 399 368 14 13 4
65 and over
All convicted unsentenced
All ages 1,242 1,161 33 39 9
Under 17 143 134 5 1 3
17–21 1,099 1,027 28 38 6
65 and over
1 Provisional figures.
2 Black: African, Caribbean, Other.
3 South Asian: Bangladeshi, Indian, Pakistani.
4 Chinese and other: Asian (other), Chinese, Other.