HL Deb 14 March 1994 vol 553 c1WA
Lord Hutchinson of Lullington

asked Her Majesty's Government:

How many prisoners were held in local prisons on the most recent available date; what proportion of the prison population did this represent; what was the certified normal accommodation of local prisons on the same date; and how many prisoners were held two or three to a cell respectively on the same date or, if unavailable, on the most recent available date.

The Minister of State, Home Office (Earl Ferrers)

Responsibility for the subject of this Question has been delegated to the Prison Service and its Director General, Mr. Derek Lewis. The Director General has therefore responded to the Question and his letter is given below.

Letter to Lord Hutchinson of Lullington from the Director General of the Prison Service, Mr. Derek Lewis, dated March 1994

Lord Ferrers has asked me to reply to your recent Question about population and accommodation in local prisons and about prisoners held two or three to a cell.

The number of prisoners held in local prisons on 4th March 1994 was 16,653. This represented 35 per cent. of the prison population on that date and 34 per cent. of the total number of prisoners, including those held in police cells. The certified normal accommodation of local prisons on 4th March 1994 was 13,902.

The latest date for which the numbers of prisoners sharing cells intended for one is available is 28th January 1994. On that date there were 39 prisoners sharing three to a cell intended for one and 7,898 sharing two to a cell intended for one.