HL Deb 16 June 1994 vol 555 cc103-5WA
Lord Brougham and Vaux

asked Her Majesty's Government:

Whether they will list the forthcoming business in the Council of the European Union.

The Minister of State, Foreign and Commonwealth Office (Baroness Chalker of Wallasey)

The following meetings are planned:

A: 16 June Internal Market
B: 17 June Culture
C: 20/21 June Justice
D: 21 June Education
E: 22 June Social Affairs
F: 27 June Research
G: 27/28 June Agriculture

The following subjects are likely to be discussed, although those marked with an asterisk are not yet firm:

A - 16 June: Internal Market

Resolution on administration co-operation.

Decision on mutal recognition.

13th Amendment to marketing and use of dangerous substances directive.

14th Amendment to marketing and use of dangerous substances directive.

15th Amendment to marketing and use of dangerous substances directive.

  • *Data protection.
  • *Lifts.
  • *Hallmarking.
  • *European pharmacopoeia.
  • *Novel foods regulation.
  • *European co-operation statute.
  • *Pension funds directive.
  • *Legal protection of databases.
  • *Customs mutual assistance regulation.

B - 17 June: Culture

Development of a community action plan in the field of cultural heritage - draft conclusions.

Promotion and development of sub-aquatic cultural heritage - note from the Presidency.

Culture and the child - draft conclusions.

European City of Culture and Month of Culture -note from the Presidency on current situation, discussion on follow-up to November 1993 Council and decision on the cultural month for 1996.

Increased co-operation in the field of archives - draft conclusions.

The cultural dimension in audiovisual policy - note from the Presidency, oral presentation from the Commission.

C - 20/21 June: Justice

Racism and xenophobia.

Presentation by the Commission of global strategy to combat drug abuse and trafficking.

Draft resolution on admission of third country nationals for employment.

Commission communication on immigration and asylum.

Eurodac - choice of consultant.

EDU/Europol appointments.

State of work on draft Europol Convention.

Draft Customs Information System Convention.

Draft European Information System Convention.

Presidency report on legal protection of financial interests of the Communities.

Report on extension of Brussels Convention to family and succession law matters.

Extradition - oral report by Presidency on state of work.

Title VI - Relations with third countries.

EDU budget 1995.

D - 21 June: Education

Proposal for a decision on the European Parliament and Council establishing the Community Action SOCRATES (proposed legal bases: Articles 126 and 127) - draft common position of the Council.

Draft conclusions on the cultural and aesthetic aspects of education (possible A point).

Draft conclusions on the education of migrants' children in the European Union (possible A point).

The framework programme on research - informa-tion from the Commission.

E-22 June: Social Affairs

Regulation establishing a health and safety agency.

Decision on a programme to combat social exclusion.

Directive on the protection of health and safety of young people at work.

Decision on a vocational training programme (Leonardo da Vinci).

Directive on the setting up of a European Works Council Agreement of the 11.

Flynn Green Paper on the future of social policy.

White Paper on growth, etc. Commission Communication on immigration and asylum policy.

F - 27 June: Research Council

Article 130 (J) - Rules for participation of undertakings.

Article 130 (J) - IPR rules.

FP4 specific programmes.

EC/Israel Scientific and Technical Co-operation Agreement.

G - 27/28 June: Agriculture

  • *Price fixing.
  • *Milk quotas.
  • *Wine regime.
  • WA105
  • *Genetic resources.
  • *Labelling of organic foods.


Health rules for the marketing of eggs.

Plant breeders' rights.