HC Deb 16 June 1994 vol 244 cc657-8W
Mr. Welsh

To ask the Secretary of State for Scotland how many meetings of the European Council of Ministers took place in the past year; how many Scottish Office Ministers have attended in each case; which Minister attended; and what was the subject discussed at each of these meetings.

Mr. Stewart

The European Council of Ministers meets on average 125 times each year.

Since the beginning of 1993 Scottish Ministers have attended the following meetings:

Date Minister
25 January 1993 Environment/Transport Council Secretary of State
18 March 1993 Fisheries Council Sir Hector Monro
24 June 1993 Fisheries Council Sir Hector Monro
20 September 1993 Joint Foreign Affairs/Agriculture Council Secretary of State
21 September 1993 Agriculture Council Secretary of State
20 October 1993 Fisheries Council Sir Hector Monro
29–30 November 1993 Justice/Interior Issues Lord Fraser
20 December 1993 Fisheries Council Sir Hector Monro
12 April 1994 Fisheries Council Lord Fraser
27–28 May 1994 Justice/Interior issues Lord Fraser
3–4 June 1994 Regional Policy Mr. Stewart

In addition to the above, Scottish Office officials have also attended a further 15 Agriculture Councils and four Education Councils since the beginning of 1993.

Agendas for meetings of the Council of Ministers usually cover a number of different subjects, but all within the area of responsibility of the particular Council. Ministers generally report to Parliament on the outcome of discussions at the Council of Ministers.