HL Deb 25 July 1994 vol 557 cc70-2WA
Lord Rea

asked the Leader of the House:

What are the declared party allegiances, if any, of those Peers who have attended the House in the current Parliament, according to whether they are (a) hereditary Peers of first creation; (b) hereditary Peers by inheritance; (c) Life Peers created pursuant to the Life Peerages Act 1958; (d) Life Peers created pursuant to the Appellate Jurisdiction Act 1876; (e) Bishops and Archbishops; and

What are the declared party allegiances of those Peers who are entitled to attend the House but have not so far attended during this Parliament.

The Lord Privy Seal (Viscount Cranborne)

The information is given in the attached tables.

"Declared party allegiances" of those Lords who are currently members of the House and who are entitled to attend the House (i.e. who are in receipt of a Writ of Summons and are not on Leave of Absence) but have not done so in the current Parliament
Life Peers created under
Party Life Peerage Act 1958 Appellate Jurisdiction Act 1876 Peers of First Creation Heriditary Peers Bishops and Archbishops Total
Conservative 2 0 0 21 23
Labour 5 0 0 0 5
Liberal Democrat 0 0 0 0 0
Cross Bench 0 0 2 16 18
No declared allegiance 2 0 2 43 0 47
Totals 9 0 4 80 0 93