HC Deb 13 July 1994 vol 246 c675W
Mr. Ainger

To ask the President of the Board of Trade (1) if he will exclude from the 16th and subsequent oil and gas licensing rounds those areas which meet the criteria for designation as special areas for conservation under the European Union directive on the conservation of species and habitats;

(2) if he will make it his policy to exclude from the 16th oil and gas licensing round those United Kingdom continental shelf blocks which include, or could affect, special protection areas for birds or Ramsar sites.

Mr. Eggar

In considering whether to offer individual blocks for licensing in the 16th and subsequent rounds I will consult Departments and other relevant bodies, including the Department of the Environment and the Joint Nature Conservation Committee, and take into account any environmental or other concerns which they bring to my attention including the requirements of European directives and other international obligations. If necessary, strict conditions will be attached to blocks to ensure that any environmental sensitivities in them are addressed.

Mr. Ainger

To ask the President of the Board of Trade if those United Kingdom continental shelf blocks that were withdrawn from the 14th and 15th oil and gas licensing rounds for environmental reasons will also be withheld from the 16th and subsequent licensing rounds.

Mr. Eggar

The circumstances surrounding the non-offer of a block in a particular round may change. We cannot therefore say that a block excluded from the 14th round of offshore licensing will not be offered in a future round. No blocks have been withdrawn from the 15th round for environmental reasons.

Company Inspectors Companies Act Power Date of Appointment Cost of inspection £ (000's)
Graylaw Holdings Ltd. Miss E. Appleby QC S165 CA 1948 11 March 1983 474
Link Service Station Ltd. and Mr. P. Foss FCA 11 March 1983
British Anzani plc 11 March 1983
Bank Street Securities Ltd. Miss E. Appleby QC S165 CA 1948 4 October 1983 172
Medway Secondary Metals Ltd. and Mr. P. Foss FCA 16 February 1984 100
Consolidated Gold Fields plc Mr. P. Heslop QC S442 CA 1985 10 December 1986 3,799
Mr. R. Lewis FCA