HC Deb 12 July 1994 vol 246 cc570-2W
Mr. Bradley

To ask the Secretary of State for Social Security if he will list(a) the amounts payable and the earnings limits for adult dependency increases payable with invalidity benefit since 1971, (b) the changes in eligibility conditions for adult dependency increases payable with invalidity benefit since 1971, (c) the arrangements for transitional protection for each and (d) numbers of claimants receiving transitional protection under each heading.

Mr. Scott

The information is in the tables:

(i) adult dependency increases: rates and earnings limits
Date Weekly rate £ Earnings limit £
September 1971 3.70 9.50
October 1972 4.15 9.50
October 1973 4.75 9.50
July 1974 6.00 13.00
April 1975 6.90 20.00
November 1975 7.90 20.00
November 1976 9.20 20.00
November 1977 10.50 40.00
November 1978 11.70 45.00
November 1979 14.00 45.00

Date Weekly rate £ Earnings limit £
November 1980 15.60 45.00
November 1981 17.00 45.00
November 1982 18.85 45.00
November 1983 19.55 45.00
November 1984 20.55 45.00
September 1985 20.55 28.45
November 1985 23.00 30.45
July 1986 23.25 30.80
April 1987 23.75 31.45
April 1988 24.75 32.75
April 1989 26.20 34.70

(ii) Changes in eligibility conditions and details of transitional protection
Date and description of change Details of transitional protection
November 1981
Payment for a prescribed relative discontinued Right to protection continues for a maximum of two years whilst entitlement remains. No longer applies.
November 1983
Provision made for a dependent husband if his earnings are no more than the increase payable. Not required-beneficial change.
November 1984
Occupational pensions treated as earnings. Protection continues whilst increase remains in payment. Number still benefitting unknown.
Provision made for a male adult dependant caring for a child. Not required—beneficial change.
September 1985
Tapered earnings rule abolished (see note to Table (i)). Right to protection continues whilst entitlement remains. 3,000' recipients estimated as benefitting at 4 April 1992.
October 1989
Personal pensions treated as earnings. Protection continues whilst increase remains in payment. Number still benefitting unknown.
1Rounded to the nearest thousand.

Mr. Bradley

To ask the Secretary of State for Social Security how many people on invalidity benefit who were found(a) capable of alternative work and (b) capable of normal occupation in each of the quarters between the quarter ended June 1993 and quarter ended June 1994 subsequently received (i) unemployment benefit, (ii) income support, by virtue of signing on as unemployed and (iii) regained entitlement to invaldity benefit.

Mr. Scott

Information about subsequent activities of people found capable of work following a medical examination by the Benefits' Agency medical service is being collected as part of the arrangements for monitoring the revised medical control procedures introduced from April 1993. The sample size from this exercise is not yet sufficient to provide statistically reliable information.

Mr. Denham

To ask the Secretary of State for Social Security what is the total sum currently withheld from recipients of invalidity benefit in respect of the Government's appeal against the decision of the social security commissioner regarding equal treatment for women and men in entitlement to the benefit.

Mr. Scott

Around 37,000 women are having their increase of benefit suspended pending the outcome of the appeal. Information about the amount of money involved is not routinely collected and could be obtained only at disproportionate cost.

Date Weekly rate £ Earnings limit £
April 1990 28.20 37.35
April 1991 31.25 41.40
April 1992 32.55 43.10
April 1993 33.70 44.65
April 1994 34.50 45.45

Note: Until 16 September 1985, the increase was withdrawn on a tapered basis when earnings exceeded the limit shown above by 0.10p or more. From that date except in transitionally protected cases the increase is wholly extinguished when earnings exceed the limit shown above by any amount.

Mr. Bradley

To ask the Secretary of State for Social Security how many appeals concerning invalidity benefit where received by his Department during each of the quarters between the quarter ended June 1993 to the quarter ended June 1994; and what percentage of these were found in the claimant's favour.

Mr. Scott

The available information is in the table:

Appeals registered with Social Security Appeal Tribunals: Invalidity Benefit
Quarter ending Appeals lodged with the tribunal 1Appeals heard and decided by the tribunal 1Percentage decided in the claimants favour
30 June 1993 5,689 1,800 51.7
30 September 1993 7,021 2,961 54.9
31 December 1993 7,150 3,225 57.8

Source: Analytical Services Division.

1Includes appeals lodged in an earlier quarter.

2Percentage of appeals heard and decided.