HC Deb 08 July 1994 vol 246 cc350-3W
Mr. McMaster

To ask the Secretary of State for Scotland if he will publish tables showing the current loan debt of each Scottish local authority in respect of their(a) general services capital programmes, (b) housing accounts and (c) other accounts, including those to which specific grant is paid; if in the case of (a) he will express this in terms of (i) total debt, (ii) annual repayment charges and (iii) annual cost to each eligible council tax payer; if in the case of (b) he will express this in terms of (i) total debt, (ii) annual repayment charges and (iii) annual burden on each tenant of that authority; if in the case of (c) he will specify the name of the account or programme and express the current fiscal situation in terms of (i) total debt, (ii) annual repayment charges and (iii) annual burden on each relevant individual; and if he will make a statement.

Mr. Stewart

The tables give the latest available information separately for general fund services—excluding domestic sewerage—housing revenue account, water and sewerage services. Footnotes to the tables explain the source and derivation of the figures shown. Loan charges on general fund services are taken into account in the distribution of aggregate external finance to individual local authorities and the level of each authority's debt on these services has little or no effect on the level of council tax.

General Fund
Capital debt1 outstanding at 31 March 1993 (excluding domestic sewarage) (£000) Loan charges2 1993–94 (excluding domestic sewerage) (£000)
Scotland 4,301,088 652,406
Borders 77,820 11,781
Central 127,988 19,262
Dumfries and Galloway 93,410 13,489
Fife 187,636 27,392
Grampian 304,285 45,652
Highland 181,661 27,276
Lothian 423,144 65,043
Strathclyde 1,268,029 193,542
Tayside 177,980 29,514
Orkney 0 6,565
Shetland 0 7,350
Western Isles 86,210 14,061

Capital debt1 outstanding at 31 March 1993 (excluding domestic sewarage) (£000) Loan charges2 1993–94 (excluding domestic sewerage) (£000)
Berwickshire 3,631 716
Ettrick and Lauderdale 6,392 917
Roxburgh 8,873 1,186
Tweeddale 2,644 444
Clackmannan 8,564 1,166
Falkirk 23,595 3,583
Stirling 23,644 3,429
Annandale and Eskdale 4,256 749
Nithsdale 10,516 1,376
Stewartry 2,190 354
Wigtown 5,149 832
Dunfermline 11,200 1,584
Kirkcaldy 16,021 2,160
North East Fife 12,830 1,772
Aberdeen City 62,914 9,431
Banff and Buchan 8,443 1,129
Gordon 9,788 1,512
Kincardine and Deeside 6,894 962
Moray 10,871 1,736
Badenoch andd Strathspey 1,481 184
Caithness 5,068 786
Inverness 7,652 1,173
Lochaber 6,425 1,086
Nairn 1,703 283
Ross and Cromarty 17,509 3,024
Skye and Lochalsh 5,448 864
Sutherland 3,864 675
East Lothian 15,749 2,706
Edinburgh City 237,430 31,502
Midlothian 11,572 1,830
West Lothian 22,021 2,920
Argyll and Bute 34,917 5,171
Bearsden and Milngavie 6,522 1,065
Clydebank 25,500 3,307
Clydesdale 8,614 1,473
Cumbernauld and Kilsyth 8,390 1,191
Cumnock and Doon Valley 8,426 1,393
Cunninghame 29,948 4,676
Dumbarton 13,759 2,650
East Kilbride 6,622 1,215
Eastwood 4,894 656
Glasgow City 363,156 42,632
Hamilton 25,864 3,465
Inverclyde 38,278 4,992
Kilmarnock and Loudoun 13,683 2,031
Kyle and Carrick 18,081 3,070
Monklands 34,801 5,639
Motherwell 37,832 5,779
Renfrew 35,247 5,490
Strathkelvin 18,124 1,842
Angus 7,778 1,391
Dundee City 38,489 7,452
Perth and Kinross 19,664 2,828

Sources: 1Capital debt outstanding returns (CDO 93)

2Provisional outturns 1993–94.

1Capital debt 31 April 1994 £ thousands 1Loan charges 1994–95 £ thousands Rent burden per house 2per annum £
SCOTLAND 3,867,414 503,170 775.40
Orkney Islands 7,314 912 793.04
Shetland Islands 56,197 5,535 2,222.16
Western Isles 44,898 6,426 2,951.91
Berwickshire 9,795 1,416 667.92
Ettrick and Lauderdale 15,898 1,993 571.22
Roxburgh 46,037 4,755 1,045.28
Tweeddale 5,139 597 497.79
Clackmannan 29,356 4,448 626.48
Falkirk 102,506 15,091 620.8
Stirling 49,912 7,281 774.62
Annandale and Eskdale 34,798 5,114 1,247.25
Nithsdale 37,304 4,858 789.95
Stewartry 15,746 1,905 943.44
Wigtown 23,774 3,358 936.66
Dunfermline 57,196 8,576 549.96
Kirkcaldy 80,951 10,900 577.84
North East Fife 26,546 3,067 573.27
Aberdeen 160,129 19,902 625.85
Banff and Buchan 54,850 6,333 655.18
Gordon 67,240 9,004 1,797.2
Kincardine and Deeside 37,691 4,722 1,421.82
Moray 52,058 5,649 670.19
Badenoch and Strathspey 9,411 1,117 1,210.40
Caithness 28,204 4,504 1,280.55
Inverness 48,981 6,047 1,017.67
Lochaber 34,762 4,421 1921.26
Nairn 9,370 1,164 1,177.14
Ross and Cromarty 60,880 9,192 1,719.35
Skye and Lochalsh 16,348 2,143 2,736.83
Sutherland 18,906 2,534 1,593.71
East Lothian 47,492 6,649 583.91
Edinburgh 258,192 32,466 914.46
Midlothian 22,226 3,505 395.64
West Lothian 61,178 8,566 522.32
Argyll and Bute 49,535 6,995 1,089.51
Bearsden and Milngavie 9,214 1,384 994.72
Clydebank 38,834 5,701 708.16
Clydesdale 21,675 3,480 447.75
Cumbernauld and Kilsyth 15,307 1,981 616.37
Cumnock and Doon Valley 27,267 4,152 514.44
Cunninghame 72,379 9,329 524.10
Dumbarton 50,102 6,082 647.63
East Kilbride 4,863 603 681.42
Eastwood 7,009 885 540.62
Glasgow 1,065,488 133,328 1,075.83
Hamilton 72,532 9,988 605.33
Inverclyde 93,900 9,594 643.20
Kilmarnock and Loudoun 52,142 5,624 420.41
Kyle and Carrick 61,700 7,844 618.86
Monklands 98,762 14,712 674.24
Motherwell 112,308 18,033 583.66
Renfrew 133,959 15,501 555.69
Strathkelvin 45,144 5,250 682.08
Angus 37,045 4,949 444.78
Dundee 117,143 18,373 688.28
Perth and Kinross 49,822 5,232 461.19


1Housing revenue account 1994–95.

2Loan charges divided by estimated housing stock 1994–95.

Water Sewerage4
Capital debt1 outstanding at 31 March 1993 (£000) loan charges2 1992–93 (£000) Burden community water chargepayer per annum3 £ Capital debt1outstanding at 31 March 1993 (£000) loan charges5 1992–93 (£000) Burden community chargepayer per annum6 £
Scotland 588,010 78,879 10.64 669,979 93,031 11.65
Borders 12,531 1,691 11.35 10,716 1,925 14.14
Central 28,002 3,944 5.51 35,376 5,186 10.92
Dumfries and Galloway 23,326 2,985 12.36 17,821 2,388 12.07
Fife 41,964 5,443 9.15 42,292 5,796 10.06
Grampian 94,753 11,935 17.93 83,112 11,682 12.15
Highland 24,339 3,500 12.03 32,326 4,455 13.69
Lothian 111,440 13,983 11.89 117,778 15,433 14.10
Strathclyde 203,134 27,769 8.09 262,425 36.001 9.37
Tayside 39,784 6,608 11.33 61,616 9,196 14.36
Orkney 2,763 223 6.37 1,165 75 1.99
Shetland 0 0 0 0 0 0
Western Isles 5,974 798 23.57 5,352 894 25.77


1Capital debt outstanding returns (CDO 93)

2LFR 21 (water) returns 1992–93.

3Domestic element of expenditure on loan charges divided by water chargepayers.

4Includes domestic sewerage.

5LFR 19 (sewerage) returns 1992–93.

6Domestic element of expenditure on loan charges; divided by community chargepayers.

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