§ Ms AbbottTo ask the Secretary of State for Transport if he will list the(a) accountancy firms and (b) merchant banks to which his Department awarded private consultancy work in 1992 and 1993, together with a list of the consultancies concerned and the amount paid.
§ Mr. NorrisThe information is as follows:
Year Consultants Service required Value £'000s 1992 Ernst and Young Departmental Payroll Costs Model 106 1992 Price Waterhouse Senior Staff Review 72 1992 Ernst and Young DVOIT privatisation 2 1992 Touche Ross Management Information System: OR Preparation 40 1992 Capita Financial reporting review 12 1992 Michael Page Finance Accountancy services to Driving Standards Agency 16 1992 Cooper and Lybrand Evaluation of telesales tenders 36 1992 KPMG Network referencing 109 1992 KPMG Project management software 172 1992 KPMG Disc network policy 26 1992 Coopers Lybrand Deloitte Birmingham Northern Relief Road: financial advisers 300 1992 Coopers Lybrand Deloitte Study of EC directive 450 1992 Coopers Lybrand Deloitte National Motorway Communications System maintenance specifications 60 1992 Ernst and Young Development of a decision framework for European standardisation 87 1992 Coopers Lybrand Deloitte DVOIT privatisation strategy review 16 1993 Capita Financial reporting review 109 1993 Ernst and Young IS strategy support to Vehicle Inspectorate 39 1993 Capita Financial advice 250 1993 KPMG Peat Marwick Rail privatisation: accountancy and taxation advice 2,072 1993 Price Waterhouse London Buses Ltd. privatisation 400 1993 Price Waterhouse Review of DVOIT's 1992–93.accounts 30 1993 Price Waterhouse Feasibility of privatising Vehicle Inspectorate's testing functions 72 1993 Price Waterhouse Review of DVOIT Ltd. balance sheet N/a 1993 KPMG Peat Marwick Financial advice on DVOIT's privatisation 541 1993 KPMG Peat Marwick Study on the privatisation of Transport Research Laboratory 42 1993 Cooper and Lybrand Scottish Office Safety Review 18 1993 Michael Page Finance Temporary accountant 12 1993 Price Waterhouse Advice on the privatisation of Transport Research Laboratory 9 1993 Touche Ross Management Information System 23 1993 Ernst and Young OPRAF Consultancy 170 1993 Cooper and Lybrand Training courses on tender evaluation 2 1993 Touche Ross Market Testing in DVLA: customer/client role 139 1993 Capita Market Testing in DVLA: in-house bid construction 34 1993 Cooper and Lybrand Sale of anonymised data 25 1993 Cooper and Lybrand Evaluation of vehicle relicensing tenders 25 1993 Capita Financial Adviser N/a (b) Merchant banks 1992 Samuel Montagu and Co. Rail privatisation: merchant banking advice 351 1992 Samuel Montagu and Co. Private sector involvement in Channel Tunnel Rail Link 223 1992 Lloyds Corporate banking 450 1993 Samuel Montagu and Co. Rail privatisation: merchant banking advice 1,776 1993 Hill Samuel Bank Private sector involvement in Channel Tunnel Rail Link 366 N/a—Not available.