HC Deb 31 January 1994 vol 236 c553W
Mr. Corbett

To ask the Secretary of State for Defence in what manner, and by whom, serving soldiers due to appear before a regimental board of inquiry are given verbal and written details of the procedure to be followed, including their right of representation; and who is responsible for selecting any such representative.

Mr. Hanley

Witnesses or persons who, in the opinion of either the convening officer or the president of the board, may be affected by a board of inquiry or regimental inquiry are notified of the proceedings and are given the opportunity to be present and to be represented if they so wish. Such notification is not required to be in writing, but the convening order for all boards of inquiry and for most regimental inquiries will be published and displayed throughout the unit.

Such witnesses or persons may, if they wish, be present at the proceedings and give evidence, question witnesses, or produce witnesses to give evidence on matters affecting them. In addition, if represented, their representative may question witnesses and, with permission of the president, address the board of inquiry.

Selection of a representative is a matter of choice for the witness or person concerned. That representative may be an officer, solicitor or barrister.