HC Deb 24 January 1994 vol 236 cc12-3W
Ms Glenda Jackson

To ask the President of the Board of Trade (1) if he will list all east and central European countries subject to European Union textile quotas, giving the per capita income of each country and the date upon which textile quotas on each will be fully lifted;

(2) what percentage of quotas will be lifted in each of the 10 years of the phasing out of the European Union multi-fibre arrangement;

(3) if he will list all countries subject to European Union textile and clothing quotas, giving th per capita income levels of each and the dates, under the new general agreement on tariffs and trade, when such quotas will be lifted.

Mr. Needham

The recently concluded GATT provides for a phase-out of the multi-fibre arrangement over a 10-year period commencing from the date of implementation of the total GATT package. The phase-out will consist of four stages for which the following minimal levels have been set:

Stage 1: From start of year 1: 16 per cent. of total volume of textile trade based on 1990 figures will be returned to normal GATT rules and any quota restrictions in force on tariff lines included in the 16 per cent. will be removed.
Quotas not liberalised will have their levels increased by 116 per cent. of the prescribed MFA growth factor.
Stage 2: From start of year 4: a further 17 per cent. of total volume of textile trade based on 1990 figures will be returned to normal GATT rules.
Quotas not liberalised will have their levels increased by 125 per cent. of the prescribed MFA growth factor.
Stage 3: From start of year 7: a further 18 per cent. of total volume of textile trade based on 1990 figures will he returned to normal GATT rules.
Quotas not liberalised will have their levels increased by 127 per cent. of the prescribed MFA growth factor.
Stage 4: All remaining quotas will be liberalised.

The product content of each stage of the phase-out is yet to be agreed.

Following is a list of countries currently subject to European Union textile quotas—under the MFA and other arrangements. The figures indicate per capita gross domestic product in US dollars, in 1991, which is the latest year for which directly comparable figures are available:

Argentina 2,790
Belarus 13,110
Brazil 2,940
Bulgaria 1,840
China 370
Czech Republic 2
Hong Kong 1[...],430
Hungary 2,720
India 330
Indonesia 610
Macao 2
Malaysia 2,520
Mongolia 2
Pakistan 400
Peru 1,070
Philippines 730
Poland 1,790
Romania 1,390
Russia 13,220
Singapore 14,210
Slovak Republic 2
South Korea 6,330
Sri Lanka 500
Taiwan 2
Thailand 1,570
Ukraine 12,340
Uzbekistan 11,350
1 Estimated figures.
2 No figure available.

Source: The World bank world development report.