HC Deb 28 February 1994 vol 238 cc598-603W
Mr. Kilfoyle

To ask the Secretary of State for Scotland who are the members currently appointed to the Scottish Studentship Selection Committee.

Lord James Douglas-Hamilton

[holding answer 24 February 1994]The current Secretary of State appointees are shown in the table:

  • Professor J. Trainer (Chairman), University of Stirling
  • Professor J. Butt, University of Strathclyde
  • Professor D. Harding, University of Edinburgh
  • Professor R. Jack, University of Edinburgh
  • Professor W. Gordon, University of Glasgow
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  • Professor R. J. Bauckham, University of St. Andrews
  • Professor S. W. Smith, University of Dundee
  • Professor J. R. Cameron, University of Aberdeen
  • Professor J. B. I. McDonald, University of Glasgow
  • Professor P. H. Ramsay, University of Aberdeen

All members were nominated by the principal of their respective university, with the exception of Professor D. Harding, who was nominated by the senate of the university of Edinburgh.

Mr. Kilfoyle

To ask the Secretary of State for Scotland who are the members currently appointed to the Scottish Examination Board.

Lord James Douglas-Hamilton

[holding answer 24 February 1994]The members currently appointed to the Scottish Examination Board by my right hon. Friend the Secretary of State for Scotland are listed in the table, with the source of their nomination where relevant:

Chairman appointed by Secretary of State:

Mr. I. L. Fraser OBE (Chairman)

Chosen by Secretary of State for experience in industry, commerce or other relevant qualifications:

  • Mr. R. Dobson
  • Mrs. A. J. Gardner
  • Mrs. A. I. Ritchie
  • Miss V. M. Pugh
  • Mr. J. B. Wright

Universities of Scotland nominated by Scottish Universities Council on Entrance:

  • Professor R. J. Lyall
  • Professor P. R. Boyle
  • Dr. I. M. Hannah
  • Professor H. M. Hine
  • Professor M. K. Thomas
  • Professor D. J. Tedford
  • Professor E. H. Thomson
  • Professor R. J. Knops

Education Authorities nominated by COSLA:

  • Councillor T. M. Dair
  • Councillor Mrs. K. Hutchison
  • Councillor T. R. Dumble
  • Councillor T. McAughtrie
  • Councillor Mrs. E. Macginnis
  • Councillor Mrs. J. P. Orskov

Director of Education nominated by ADES:

  • Mr. D. S. Alexander
  • Mr. N. R. Galbraith

Teachers employed in Education Establishments nominated by various teacher unions:

  • Mr. J. Bell—EIS
  • Mr. G. M. Munro—HAS
  • Mr. A. Hannah—SSTA
  • Mr. D. Drever—EIS
  • Mrs. E. C. Marsh—AHTS
  • Mr. G. MacBride—EIS
  • Mr. J. B. 0. McNair—HAS
  • Mr. K. Paterson—PAT
  • Mr. G. A. Rubenski—EIS
  • Dr. P. W. Thomson—EIS
  • Mr. B. Williams—SSTA

Central Institutions nominated by Committee of Principals and Directors of Central institutions:

  • Professor C. E. R. Maddox

Institutions of Further Education nominated by Association of Principals of Colleges:

  • Principal W. Greenock

Colleges of Education nominated by Conference of Scottish Centrally Funded Colleges:

  • Professor Kirk

Educational Advisers nominated by Association of Educational Advisers in Scotland:

  • Mrs. D. McVean

Independent Schools nominated by Scottish Council for Independent Schools:

  • Mr. R. Nimmo

Mr. Kilfoyle

To ask the Secretary of State for Scotland who are the members currently appointed to the Animal Diseases Research Association.

Sir Hector Monro

[holding answer 24 February 1994]The Animal Diseases Research Association is a registered friendly society. There are currently 49 members of the directorate of ADRA. They are listed in the table. All officers and directors except the president, vice-president and the co-opted and special directors are elected by the members of the association present and entitled to vote at an annual general meeting or a special general meeting. Directors are elected by members on a regional basis. The president and vice-president are elected by the directors. The source of the appointments of the co-opted directors and special directors are shown in the table.

Hon. President—His Grace the Duke of Buccleuch

  • Hon. Vice-Presidents
    • Sir John Gilmour
    • Sir John Gilmour
    • J. Cameron
    • C. B. R. Gray
  • President
    • J. Stobo
  • Vice-President
    • J. Matts
  • Directors
  • Scotland North
    • R. J. Lennox
    • R. Simpson
    • A. D. Forbes
    • G. A. D. Clyne
    • R. Paterson
  • Scotland South
    • K. A. Brooke
    • J. Duncan J.
    • J. Sharp
    • MacMillan
    • W. Brown
    • Jeffrey
  • England North
    • H. McLaren
    • C. Slade
    • P. Johnson
    • Fiona Fell
    • A. Harker
    • M. Walton
  • England South
    • J. Matts
    • Lesley Stubbins
    • Harbottle
    • J. Hindson
    • Catherine Paine
    • D. D. Mackie
  • Wales
    • T. Tudor
    • R. Howells
    • H. Hughes
    • J. Willyman
    • A. Lewis
    • J. Jones
  • Northern Ireland
    • J. Campbell
  • Co-opted Directors
    • W. Elliot—Sheep Representative
    • D. J. Biggar—cattle Representative
    • Dr. K. A. Linklater—Veterinary Representative
    • Dr. P. Wells—Industry Representative
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    • Lady Sanderson—ADRA Equine Fund
  • Special Directors
    • J. Ross—Secretary of State for Scotland
    • Councillor C. Hebenton—COSLA
    • Councillor A. Milne—COSLA
    • T. Elliot—RHAS
  • Trustees
    • W. A. Biggar (Chairman)
    • J. G. S. Gammell
    • J. Gilmour
    • J. Izat

Mr. Wallace

To ask the Secretary of State for Scotland, pursuant to his answer of 2 February,Official Report, column 774, if he will list those hon. Members defeated in the general election of June 1987 who, at any subsequent date, have been appointed to public bodies by him or his predecessor; and if he will list those appointments.

Mr. Lang

[holding answer 24 February 1994]As indicated in the reply referred to by the hon. Member, no hon. Member who was defeated in the general election of 1987 currently holds appointment on any non-departmental public body or NHS body for which my department has responsibility. The information held centrally by my Department does not show whether defeated Members were appointed to such bodies earlier.

Mr. Wallace

To ask the Secretary of State for Scotland if he will establish a register of new appointees to executive bodies or advisory bodies which would show previous and present political affiliations, together with financial contributions to any political parties.

Mr. Lang

[holding answer 24 February 1994]No. Appointments are made on the basis of aptitude and merit. No central record is kept of the political affiliation of those appointed to public bodies.

Mr. Wallace

To ask the Secretary of State for Scotland what guidelines he has issued to non-departmental public bodies regarding the admission of public to meetings; and if he will make a statement.

Mr. Lang

[holding answer 24 February 1994]None. Given the very wide range of non-departmental public bodies for which the Secretary of State for Scotland is responsible, general guidance would not be appropriate.

Mr. Wallace

To ask the Secretary of State for Scotland if he will publish the arrangements made by each non-departmental public body appointed by him, to enable members of the public to have access to agendas, minutes and reports of such bodies.

Mr. Lang

[holding answer 24 February 1994]: It is not normal practice to make the agendas and minutes of the meetings of NDPBs available to the public. Those NDPBs which are covered by the Companies Acts are required to publish annual reports, as are some other bodies. In a number of cases, the body is required by statute to produce an annual report on the exercise and performance of its functions for the Secretary of State which he is obliged to lay before Parliament. Many executive NDPBs, both statutory and non-statutory, make their annual report available to the public. Full details of the availability of annual reports in relation to executive NDPBs are given in my letter of 16 November 1993 to the hon. Member for Cannock and Burntwood (Dr. Wright), a copy of which was placed in the Libraries of the House.

Mr. Wallace

To ask the Secretary of State for Scotland if he will make it his practice to consult the leaders of the opposition parties in Scotland prior to making appointments to the chairmanship of non-departmental public bodies within his Department's responsibility.

Mr. Lang

[holding answer 24 February 1994]: No.

Mr. Kilfoyle

To ask the Secretary of State for Scotland who are the members currently appointed to the rent assessment panel for Scotland.

Lord James Douglas-Hamilton

There are 78 members currently appointed to the rent assessment panel in Scotland. The list of members as at 14 February 1994 is as follows:

  • President
    • G. F. Robertson, FRICS, FCIArb
  • Vice President
    • Mrs. M. J. L. Walker, MA, LLB, NP
  • Chairmen
    • J. M. Barton, WS
    • J. Burns, MA, LLB
    • Mrs. L. J. M. Campbell, BL
    • Mrs. J. Catto, LLB, NP
    • Miss A. Chisholm, LLB
    • Miss M. Crighton
    • C. J. Forrest, WS
    • J. R. Gardiner, BL, NP, WS
    • Miss S. T. Givens, MA, LLB
    • J. M. D. Graham, LLB, NP
    • The Hon. Simon E. G. Guest, LLB, WS
    • Miss C. S. Hederson, MA, LLB, NP
    • Professor J. A. M. Inglis, CBE, MA, LLB
    • E. G. Kennedy, LLB, NP
    • Miss D. McGhie, LLB
    • J. G. Malcolm-Smith
    • Mrs. E. Mochar
    • J. A. Robertson, BL
    • J.G. L. Robinson, BA, LLB
    • E. O. St. John, BL. WS
    • O. H. Spiers, MA
    • B. C. T. Wood, BL
  • Valuers
    • J. M. Bennett, FRICS, ARVA
    • K. I. Crichton, FRICS
    • F. M. Halliday, FRICS
    • Mrs. U. L. Heaney, MA, FRICS
    • M. Kay, FRICS
    • A. C. Love, FRICS
    • R. R. McConnell, FRICS
    • L. J. McFarlane, FRICS FRVA
    • R. A. M. MacKenzie, FRICS
    • MacPherson, MA, FRICS
    • E. Milne, FRICS
    • W. W. Mitchell, FRICS, FRVA
    • Miss C. Oliphant, ARICS
    • P. Paterson, FRICS
    • J. B. Pettinger, FRICS, ARVA
    • T. F. Phillips, FRICS
    • A. J. Prentice, FRICS, ARVA
    • J. D. O. Ramsay, FRICS, FFB
    • G. Scott, FRICS, FRVA
    • R. T. Shanks, FRICS
    • J. G. Smith, FRICS
    • D. Sutherland, FRICS
    • T. Sutherland, FRICS
    • J. S. Traill, MSc, FRICS, MRTPI
    • A. E. L. Weir, FRICS, FRVA
  • >Lay Members
    • Mrs. P. Bolton
    • S. J. Boyd, AIPM
    • Mrs. H. Charlton
    • Ms A. S. Daghlian
    • I. S. Davidson
    • M. Fleming
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    • J. Forbes
    • Mrs. C. K. Fraser
    • W. G. Fyfe, MA, BD, STM8
    • A. Gray
    • W. Hill, FIHsg
    • Mrs. E. R. Innes
    • N. MacPhail
    • A. McQuaker
    • Mrs. S. B. Mathieson
    • J. S. Methven
    • Mrs. A. O'Neale
    • Mrs. E. Park
    • Mrs. D. Rankin
    • Mrs. S. Ritchie
    • R. C. Robinson
    • Mrs. S. Ross
    • Mrs. M. M. Roxburgh
    • J. I. Stevenson
    • Mrs. A. Tankel
    • J. Thomson, MBE, JP
    • Mrs. A. Woodward-Nutt

Mr. Kilfoyle

To ask the Secretary of State for Scotland who are the members currently appointed to the board of the Rowett Research Institute.

Sir Hector Monro

[holding answer 24 February 1994]: There are currently fourteen members of the board of the Rowett Research Institute. Their names and the sources of the appointments are:

  • Chairman
    • Mr. J. Provan— Secretary of State for Scotland
    • Mr. M. Mackie, Jnr—Secretary of State for Scotland
    • Professor A. Trichopoulou—Secretary of State for Scotland
    • Mr. W. J. Ferguson—The Scottish Agricultural College
    • Professor H. M. Keir—University of Aberdeen
    • Principal J. M. Irvine—University of Aberdeen
    • Professor C. Kidd—University of Aberdeen
    • Dr. R. W. Brimblecombe—Confederation of British Industry
    • Mr. F. G. Perry—Confederation of British Industry
    • Professor P. Cohen—Learned Societies The Royal Society
    • Professor A. J. F. Webster—Nutrition Society
    • Mr. C. S. MacPhie—Co-opted by the Rowett Research Institute
    • Mr. D. S. C. Levie—Co-opted by the Rowett Research Institute
    • Professor C. H. MacMurray—Co-opted by the Rowett Research Institute

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