HC Deb 15 February 1994 vol 237 c658W
Mr. Robert Ainsworth

To ask the Secretary of State for the Home Department (1) what considerations he takes into account when deciding whether an asylum seeker should be detained;

(2) what is his policy on keeping asylum seekers in detention where relatives are prepared to offer sureties.

Mr. Charles Wardle

The policy is to use the powers of detention under the Immigration Act 1971 only where there is no alternative and where there are good grounds for believing that the person concerned will not comply with any conditions attached to his release. All relevant factors are taken into account, including the person's previous immigration history, the existence of any connections with the United Kingdom, the likelihood and time scale of removal and any compassionate circumstances, including the person's medical condition.

Any application to an immigration officer to grant release on bail in accordance with paragraph 29 of schedule 2 of the 1971 Act is considered on its merits taking into account all relevant factors, including the willingness of relatives to offer sureties. A similar approach is taken in deciding whether or not to oppose an application for bail to the independent immigration appellate authorities or to the courts.

Mr. Robert Ainsworth

To ask the Secretary of State for the Home Department what is the cost in the last year available for keeping asylum seekers in detention.

Mr. Charles Wardle

The available information does not identify separately those detention costs which relate to asylum seekers.

Mr. Robert Ainsworth

To ask the Secretary of State for the Home Department how many asylum seekers are currently detained in prisons(a) in the west midlands and (b) nationally.

Mr. Charles Wardle

On 10 February, 46 men who had claimed asylum at some stage were detained in the west midlands area, all at Birmingham prison. The number detained in prisons nationally was 278.