HL Deb 07 February 1994 vol 551 c114WA
Lord Gainford

asked Her Majesty's Government:

What are the priorities of the Metropolitan Police for 1994–95.

Earl Ferrers

The priorities of the Metropolitan Police for 1994–95 are:

  1. (i) to deliver the standards defined in the Metropolitan Police Service Charter;
  2. (ii) to increase the number of notifiable offences solved to 190,000;
  3. (iii) to increase the detection rate for burglary to a minimum of 15 per cent.;
  4. (iv) to improve performance against terrorism;
  5. (v) to improve performance against the criminal use of firearms; and
  6. (vi) to improve policing performance and quality of service by restructuring the Metropolitan Police Service.

Details of each of the priorities and the way in which they address the key objectives for policing that my right honourable friend announced on 3 December (Official Report, Written Answers, cols. 786–787), are set out in a corporate strategy document which the commissioner is, with my right honourable friend's approval, issuing today. My right honourable friend will be sending copies today to all right honourable and honourable Members whose constituencies fall wholly or partly within the Metropolitan Police District and my right honourable friend will arrange for copies to be placed in the Library.