HC Deb 04 February 1994 vol 236 cc995-6W
Ms Mowlam

To ask the Secretary of State for National Heritage which agencies, quangos and associated public bodies were transferred to the responsibility of his Department when it was set up; and what was the cost of transferring them.

Mr. Sproat

On being established in April 1992, my Department became responsible for the Historic Royal Palaces agency and for sponsoring 43 non-departmental public bodies—NDPBs—and other bodies, which are listed in "Public Bodies 1993" These are:

Executives NDPBs

  • Arts Council
  • British Film Institute
  • British Library
  • British Tourist Authority
  • Broadcasting Complaints Commission
  • Broadcasting Standards Council
  • Crafts Council
  • English Tourist Board
  • Football Licensing Authority
  • Historical Buildings and Monuments Commission for England
  • British Museum
  • Geffrye Museum
  • Greater Manchester Museum of Science and Industry
  • Horniman Museum
  • Imperial War Museum
  • Museum of London
  • National Gallery
  • Natural History Museum
  • National Maritime Museum
  • National Museums and Galleries on Merseyside
  • National Museum of Science and Industry
  • National Portrait Gallery
  • Sir John Soane's Museum
  • Tate Gallery
  • Victoria and Albert Museum
  • Wallace Collection
  • Museums and Galleries Commission
  • National Film and Television School
  • National Film Development Fund
  • National Heritage Memorial Fund
  • Registrar of Public Lending Right
  • Royal Armouries
  • Royal Commission on Historical Manuscripts
  • Royal Commission on Historical Monuments (England)
  • South Bank Theatre Board
  • Sports Council

Advisory Bodies

  • Advisory Committee on Historic Wreck Sites
  • Advisory Committee on the Government Art Collection
  • Advisory Committee for the Public Lending Right
  • Library and Information Services Council
  • Reviewing Committee on the Export Works of Art
  • Royal Find Art Commission
  • Theatres Trust

In addition, my Department assumed policy responsibility for the following public corporations:

  • British Broadcasting Corporation
  • Independent Television Commission
  • Radio Authority
  • Sianel Pedwar Cymru (S4C)

The costs associated with their transfer are those relating to the preparation and promulgation of the Transfer of Functions (National Heritage) Order 1992.