HC Deb 20 December 1994 vol 251 cc1167-9W
Mr. Byers

To ask the Secretary of State for Defence how many serving officers broken down by service are entitled to the provision of cooks at public expense; and if he will identify the posts and locations and the estimated cost of this provision for the financial year 1994–95.

Mr. Soames

The information requested is as follows:

Serial Post Holder
Royal Navy
1 1st Sea Lord
2 Vice Chief of Defence Staff
3 Commander-in-Chief Fleet
4 Chief Naval Home Command/2nd Sea Lord
5 Flag Officer Plymouth
6 Flag Officer Scotland, Northern England and Northern Ireland
7 Deputy Supreme Allied Commander Atlantic
8 United Kingdom Allied Forces South
9 Flag Officer Surface Flotilla
10 Deputy Commander-in-Chief Fleet
11 Commandant Joint Service Defence College
12 Assistant Chief Naval Staff/Admiral President
13 Commander British Forces Gibraltar
14 Flag Officer Portsmouth
15 Flag Officer Sea Training
16 Flag Officer Naval Aviation
17 Director General Naval Personnel Strategy and Plans
18 Commander United Kingdom Task Group
19 Flag Officer Submarines
20 Naval Secretary
21 Flag Officer Training and Recruiting

Serial Post Holder
22 Commandant General Royal Marines
23 Medical Director General (Naval)
24 Chief of Staff Flag Officer Surface Flotilla
25 Commodore Minor War Vessels
26 Naval Base Commander/Commodore Drake
27 Commandant Royal Naval Staff College
28 Commodore Clyde
29 Naval Base Commander/Captain Nelson
30 Brigadier Commander Commando Forces
31 Chief of Staff Flag Officer Naval Aviation
32 Commodore Amphibious Warfare
33 Chief of Staff Flag Officer Plymouth
34 Captain Royal Naval Engineering College
35 Captain Admiralty Interview Board
36 Captain Britannia Royal Naval College
37 Captain HMS Daedalus
38 Director Maritime Tactical School
39 Captain HMS Dryad
40 Captain HMS Sultan
41 Captain HMS Collingwood
42 Captain HMS Dolphin
43 Captain Fleet Maintenance
44 Captain HMS Neptune
45 Captain HMS Raleigh
46 Naval Base Commander Rosyth
47 Captain HMS Heron
48 Captain HMS Osprey
49 Captain HMS Seahawk
50 Chief of Staff Flag Officer Scotland, Northern England and Northern Ireland
51 Captain of the Port (Portsmouth)
52 Medical Officer-in-Chief RNH Haslar
53 Medical Officer-in-Chief INM Alverstoke
54 Captain Second Submarine Squadron
55 Chief of Staff Commodore Minor War Vessels/Captain Fishery Protection
56 Joint Maritime Operational Training Staff
57 Commandant Training Centre Royal Marines
58 Naval Base Commander Portland
59 Director of Naval Recruiting
60 Commanding Officer RM Deal
61 Commanding Officer RM Poole
62 Commanding Officer 45 Commando Royal Marines
63 Commanding Officer Comacchio Group
64 Commanding Officer RMB Stonehouse
65 Naval Party 1002 (Diego Garcia)
66 Chief of Defence Staff
67 Chief General Staff
68 Inspector General Doctrine and Training
69 Quartermaster General
70 Commander-in-Chief United Kingdom Land Forces
71 Commander United Kingdom Field Army
72 Chief of Staff United Kingdom Land Forces
73 Commander ACE Rapid Reaction Corp
74 Commander British Forces Cyprus
75 Commander British Forces Hong Kong
76 General Officer Commanding Northern Ireland
77 General Officer Commanding Southern District
78 General Officer Commanding Eastern District
79 General Officer Commanding Scotland
80 General Officer Commanding London District
81 General Officer Commanding Wales and Western District
82 General Officer Commanding 3rd Division
83 Commander 2nd Infantry Brigade
84 Deputy Supreme Allied Commander Europe
85 United Kingdom Military Representative
86 Commandant Army Staff College

Serial Post Holder
87 Commandant Royal Military College of Science
88 Commandant Royal Military Academy Sandhurst
Royal Air Force
89 Chief of the Air Staff
90 Commander in Chief Strike Command
91 Air Officer Commanding-in-Chief Personnel and Training
92 Air Officer Commanding-in-Chief Logistics
93 Deputy Commander-in-Chief Central Europe
94 Chief of Staff HQ Strike Command
95 Air Officer Commanding 18 Group
96 Chief of Staff Logistics
97 Royal College of Defence Studies
98 Air Officer Commanding 1 Group
99 Air Officer Commanding 2 Group
100 Air Officer Commanding 11 Group
101 Chief of Staff HQ Personnel and Training
102 Air Officer Training
103 Air Officer Commanding and Commandant Bracknell
104 Air Officer Commanding and Commandant Cranwell
105 Air Officer Directly Administered Units
106 Air Officer Maintenance
107 Deputy Commander British Forces Cyprus
108 Maritime Headquarters Pitreavie
109 Air Officer Administration
110 Officer Commanding Akrotiri
111 Officer Commanding Benson
112 Officer Commanding Marham
113 Officer Commanding Sek Kong
114 Officer Commanding St. Mawgen

The total estimated cost of these posts for 1994–95 is approximately £2,400,000. For security reasons, it is not our practice to reveal the location of individual residences for senior officers. The subject of domestic assistance, including cooks and chefs, is being studied by Sir Peter Cazalet as part of his review of representational entertainment in the armed forces.