HC Deb 06 December 1994 vol 251 cc117-20W
Mr. Mullin

To ask the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs if he will list the projects on social care, business administration, accounting and financial services and management respectively.

Mr. Paice

[holding answer 28 November 1994]: Figures for the number of national vocational qualifications awarded in England, Wales and Northern Ireland are collected by the National Council for Vocational Qualifications. Figures are not readily available in the format requested. The statistical data laid out in the 11 occupational areas under which NCVQ collects information is shown in the following tables:

organisations to support HIV and AIDS programmes outside the United Kingdom for each year since 1976.

Mr. Baldry

Expenditure figures on HIV/AIDS are available for the 1986–87 financial year onwards reflecting the fact that most developing countries started HIV/AIDS programmes in or after 1987, the same year that the World Health Organisation's global programme on AIDS was established.

Which British aid to Indonesia has been spent in the last two years; and what was the value in each case.

Mr. Baldry

The projects supported under the British aid programme to Indonesia on which there has been expenditure in the last two years are listed in the table. This shows the aid programme allocation for each project and the expenditure on each in the last two financial years.

Expenditure (£ thousands)
Sector and Project Allocation 1992–93 1993–94
(A) Renewable National


Rice Development Project 1,659 110 64
Cloves Disease Research 706 11 6
Coastal Fisheries—University of Diponegoro 384 159 30
Animal Health Phase 4 1,687 742 381
Coastal Prawn Culture 1,298 313 298
Regional Physical Planning, Map Improvement and Training Project 655 46 0
Forestry Senior Management Team 1,793 434 574
Forestry Conservation 1,984 425 565
Forestry Training 2,454 368 785
Forestry Research 2,644 418 654
Provincial Forest Management 1,800 0 366
(B) Energy—Gas
Gas Distribution—Phase 1 4,193 40 0
Gas Distribution—Phase 2 5,509 1,177 1,587
Support to LEMIGAS (Petroleum Authority) 4,762 1,373 431
(C) Education
Active Learning and Professional Support at Primary level 1,708 470 477
Libraries, Books and Information Development Project 747 223 29
English Language Teaching at the National level 1,325 514 192
English Language Teaching in Government Institutions 1,789 613 408
Biotechnology 428 98 73
(D) Mining and Geological


South Sumatera Geological Survey Project 2,261 516 331
Ombilin Coal Mine Training School 377 36 0
(E) Public Administration and Finance
Assistance to Regional and Local Government Finance 905 370 310
Police Management Training 713 268 126
Indonesian Civil Service Training Institute (LAN) Assistance to Public Admin 120 51 21
(F) Public Works
Survey and Mapping Advisers Project 400 4 0
Local Consultants/Professional Engineers Training Project 1,735 232 370
(G) EnergyElectric Power
Bali Power Study 305 44 0
Electricity Authority (PLN) Training Project Phase 2 1,162 117 0
Electricity Authority (PLN) Training Project Phase 3 1,202 330 373
Mini Hydros 5,610 596 302
(H) Projects financed from the

Aid and Trade Provision

Steel Bridging (Phase I) 6,642 366 397
Navigational Aids 6,386 370 416
Expenditure (£ thousands)
Sector and Project Allocation 1992–93 1993–94
Bandung Television Studio 9,734 562 632
Scattered Diesels 5,891 377 409
Cigading Port Extension 13,266 774 829
Radio Studios Rehabilitation 5,040 304 304
Cigading/Serpong Railway 24,690 553 12,257
Citayam/Cibinong Railway 20,105 850 505
Radio Communication System for the Ministry of Forestry 34,111 1,421 1,384
Western Universities Equipment 13,671 654 814
Flight Simulator 4,659 139 211
Bali and Medan Airport Security 10,455 501 628
Jambi Power Station 5,345 139 280
Steel Bridging (Phase II) 3,669 197 218
Shortwave Radio Transmitters 26,911 815 1,373
(I) Training
Training in the United Kingdom (Annual) 1,498 1,125
1 Under-collection by ECGD in 1992–93

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