HC Deb 28 April 1994 vol 242 cc275-6W
Mr. Butler

To ask the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food what targets have been set for the Central Science. Laboratory in 1994–95.

Mrs. Gillian Shephard

I have set the Central Science Laboratory the following strategic performance targets for 1994–95:

Financial: —100 per cent. cost recovery of full costs, —an overall efficiency gain of 2 per cent., —a reduction of 2 per cent. in real terms of representative unit costs for services;

Service Delivery —at least 90 per cent. of work completed to time and within budget, —at least 95 per cent. of contracts delivered to the customer's satisfaction.

These are demanding targets which challenge the newly enlarged agency to build on its achievements to date. The Central Science Laboratory will continue to implement during 1994–95 arrangements for the independent assessment of the quality of the scientific work and publications. Details of performance in 1993–94 will be set out in the agency's annual report and accounts will be published during July 1994.

Mr. Butler

To ask the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food what targets have been set for the Central Veterinary Laboratory in 1994–95.

Mrs. Gillian Shephard

I have set the Central Veterinary Laboratory the following strategic performance targets for 1994–95.

Financial performance Full cost recovery for all central veterinary laboratory services.

Efficiency An overall efficiency gain of 2.5 per cent.

Service delivery 85 per cent. of ROAME R and D milestones achieved.

Service quality Achievement of a satisfactory report from a Visiting Group. Achievement of laboratory accreditation for the Biological Products and Analytical Chemistry units.

Details of performance in 1993–94 will be set out in the agency's annual report and accounts to be published during July 1994.

Mr. Butler

To ask the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food what performance targets she has set for the Agricultural Development Advisory Service executive agency for 1994–95; and if she will make a statement.

Mrs. Gillian Shephard

I refer the hon. Member to my answer of 25 February 1994 at columns492–93 when I announced that my right hon. Friend the Secretary of State for Wales and I have decided that for 1994–95 ADAS will be asked to recover 63 per cent. of its costs for advisory services through charges to commercial customers; the balance will be met by my Department. I also announced ADAS's plans for restructuring its operations in order to achieve this new target, and reduce its cost base to make it competitive in all its markets.

The other financial, efficiency and service delivery targets for ADAS for 1994–95 will be: — to achieve full cost recovery from all other work; — to reduce the total cost per hour in contract delivery in real terms by 4 per cent. to maintain average debtor days at or better than the best achieved in any previous year; —to meet 90 per cent. of R and D project milestones; — to continue to achieve customer satisfaction as measured by customer surveys.

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