HC Deb 26 April 1994 vol 242 cc112-3W
Mr. Tom Clarke

To ask the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs how much of the multilateral aid budget he intends to allocate to each of(a) the European bank for reconstruction and development, (b) the European Union, (c) the Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations and (d) the World bank for each of the financial years 1994–95, 1995–96, 1996–97, 1997–98.

Mr. Lennox-Boyd

Current planning figures for expenditure is given below. Estimates for 1997–98 are not available as this is beyond the current public expenditure survey period.

£ million
1994–95 1995–96 1996–97
European Bank for Reconstruction and Development 40 40 40
European Community 569 696 745
World Bank/IMF 315 232 204

In some cases actual spending may vary from those figures because of factors such as exchange rate movements and changes in the rate of expenditure of the multilateral institutions concerned.

The Food and Agriculture Organisation sets a biennial programme of work and budget of which the United Kingdom contribution is based on the United Nations scale of assessments. The United Kingdom contribution in 1994 is £12.1 million. The 1995 contribution will be similar.

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