HL Deb 21 October 1993 vol 549 c60WA
Lord Gainford

asked Her Majesty's Government:

What progress has been made in privatising British Rail Telecommunications Ltd.

The Earl of Caithness

The Government and British Rail intend to privatise British Rail Telecommunications Ltd (BRT) by the end of 1994. They wish to involve the private sector to the maximum extent possible in the management, maintenance and exploitation of the British Rail Telecommunications network. The network provides two types of service to BR at present: operational—especially communications relating to signalling—and business services. There is also some spare capacity on the network which could be exploited for external telecommunications customers.

BRT is to be restructured by April 1994 with a new management. BR will be devising appropriate commercial arrangements to be put in place between BRT and the railway before these activities are privatised. These matters and others will be detailed in an information memorandum which is expected to be issued during the first half of next year. Railtrack will have a major role to play because of its responsibility for safety and as a customer.

The Government and BR believe that there are excellent opportunities for private sector involvement in rail telecommunications while safeguarding operational requirements. BR will consult the private sector about the details of the privatisation of BRT.