HL Deb 19 October 1993 vol 549 cc45-6WA
Lord Brabazon of Tara

asked Her Majesty's Government:

Which regiments and corps of the Army and squadrons of the Royal Air Force will be able to include the Gulf campaign in their battle honours.

The Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State, Ministry of Defence (Viscount Cranborne)

Her Majesty the Queen has graciously approved the award of the theatre honour "GULF 1991" and the battle honours "WADI AL BATIN" and "WESTERN IRAQ" to the Army regiments and corps listed below. Her Majesty has also approved the emblazonment of the theatre honour "GULF 1991" on the colours, standards, or guidons of those regiments and corps awarded this honour.

Her Majesty the Queen has also graciously approved the award of the battle honour "GULF 1991" to the squadrons of the Royal Air Force listed below. Squadrons which were involved in direct confrontation with the enemy and had demonstrated gallantry and spirit under fire have been awarded the battle honour "GULF 1991" with the right to emblazon the honour on their standards. Squadrons which operated in theatre and contributed to operations against the enemy have been awarded the battle honour "GULF 1991" without the right to emblazon the honour on their standards.

Her Majesty the Queen has also graciously approved the retrospective award of the theatre honour "FALKLAND ISLANDS 1982" to the Army Air Corps for their part in the Falklands campaign.

Army Regiments and Corps awarded the Theatre Honour "Gulf 1991" with the right of Emblazonment

  • The Life Guards
  • 1st The Queen's Dragoon Guards
  • The Royal Scots Dragoon Guards (Carabiniers and Greys)
  • The Queen's Royal Irish Hussars
  • 14th/20th King's Hussars
  • 16th/5th The Queen's Royal Lancers
  • Grenadier Guards
  • Coldstream Guards
  • Scots Guards
  • The Royal Scots (The Royal Regiment)
  • The Royal Regiment of Fusiliers
  • The Royal Highland Fusiliers (Princess Margaret's Own Glasgow and Ayrshire Regiment)
  • The King's Own Scottish Borderers
  • The Staffordshire Regiment (The Prince of Wales's)
  • Queen's Own Highlanders (Seaforth and Camerons)
  • Special Air Service Regiment
  • Army Air Corps

Army Regiments and Corps awarded the Battle Honour "Wadi al Batin"

  • The Life Guards
  • 1st The Queen's Dragoon Guards
  • The Royal Scots Dragoon Guards (Carabiniers and Greys)
  • The Queen's Royal Irish Hussars 14th/20th King's Hussars
  • 16th/5th The Queen's Royal Lancers Grenadier Guards
  • The Royal Scots (The Royal Regiment)
  • The Royal Regiment of Fusiliers
  • The Staffordshire Regiment (The Prince of Wales's)
  • Army Air Corps

Army Regiment awarded the Battle Honour "Western Iraq"

Special Air Service Regiment

Royal Air Force Squadrons awarded the Battle Honour "Gulf 1991", with the right of Emblazonment

Number 1 Squadron Royal Air Force Regiment Scorpion/Spartan
Number 2 Squadron Tornado GR1a
Number 6 Squadron Jaguar
Number 7 Squadron Helicopter SF
Number 9 Squadron Tornado GB1
Number 12 Squadron Buccaneer
Number 13 Squadron Tornado GR1a
Number 14 Squadron Tornado GR1
Number 15 Squadron Tornado GR1
Number 16 Squadron Tornado GR1
Number 17 Squadron Tornado GR1
Number 18 Squadron Helicopter SH
Number 20 Squadron Tornado GR1
Number 27 Squadron Tornado GR1
Number 31 Squadron Tornado GR1
Number 33 Squadron Helicopter SH
Number 41 Squadron Jaguar
Number 54 Squadron Jaguar
Number 208 Squadron Buccaneer
Number 230 Squadron Helicopter SH
Number 617 Squadron Tornado GR I

Royal Air Force Squadrons awarded the Battle Honour "Gulf 1991", without the right of Emblazonment

Number 10 Squadron VCIO AT
Number 20 Squadron Royal Air Force Regiment Rapier
Number 24 Squadron Hercules AT
Number 26 Squadron Royal Air Force Regiment Rapier
Number 29 Squadron Tornado F3
Number 30 Squadron Hercules AT
Number 32 Squadron AT/Comms
Number 34 Squadron Royal Air Force Regiment Field/Ground Defence
Number 42 Squadron Nimrod Maritime
Number 43 Squadron Tornado F3
Number 47 Squadron Hercule; AT
Number 51 Squadron Nimrod (R)
Number 51 Squadron Royal Air Force Regiment Field/Ground Defence
Number 55 Squadron AAR
Number 58 Squadron Royal Air Force Regiment Field/Ground Defence
Number 66 Squadron Royal Air Force Regiment Rapier
Number 70 Squadron Hercules AT
Number 101 Squadron AAR
Number 120 Squadron Nimrod Maritime
Number 201 Squadron Nimrod Maritime
Number 206 Squadron Nimrod Maritime
Number 216 Squadron AT/AAR