HC Deb 18 October 1993 vol 230 c37W
Mr. Spearing

To ask the Secretary of State for Health what consultations she has had with professional bodies representative of gynaecologists, midwives and health visitors concerning proposals for division of responsibilities between bodies in the health service for pre-natal, maternity and post-natal care.

Mr. Sackville

A comprehensive review of national health service maternity care has recently been completed by the Expert Maternity Group. Professional and other organisations were consulted as part of that exercise. All those with an interest, including general practitioners, midwives and obstetricians, have been invited to give written comments on the group's report "Changing Childbirth" by 29 October. Ministers will study carefully all comments received and then decide on future action.

"Changing Childbirth" is available in the Library.

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