HL Deb 04 November 1993 vol 549 c135WA
Lord Judd

asked Her Majesty's Government:

What discussions they are having with the government of Kenya about the rapidly deteriorating security situation in Kenya, the need to bring urgently to an end the tribal clashes and the vital importance of bringing to justice without delay those in whatever quarter who have been initiating and inciting violence; and what consultations they have in hand in the European Community, Commonwealth and United Nations about the immediate humanitarian priority of pre-empting widespread armed conflict and social collapse within Kenya.

Baroness Chalker of Wallasey

We are in regular contact with the Kenyan Government, UN agencies and our European partners over the security situation in Kenya and the needs of those most affected. We welcome the steps which have been taken by the Kenyan authorities to re-establish law and order. On 1 November we issued the following statement:

We are deeply disturbed by the reports of further violence in the Rift Valley which has forced many people to flee from their homes.

It is particularly regrettable that some leading Kenyan politicians have expressed themselves in terms which do not encourage tolerance or understanding among all Kenyan citizens.

We therefore welcome President Moi's call on security forces to deal firmly with those responsible for the violence, and his affirmation of the sanctity of all human life.

It is the responsibility of any government to ensure security for all its people and to deal with anyone—of whatever party—who incites violence.