HL Deb 04 November 1993 vol 549 c147WA
Lord Brougham and Vaux

asked Her Majesty's Government:

What progress has been made with the proposal for a Housing Action Trust in Brent.

Baroness Denton of Wakefield

We are pleased to announce that we have decided, after careful consideration of tenants' views and of the detailed feasibility study for the estate, that there should be a ballot of tenants on the proposal to establish a Housing Action Trust for the Stonebridge Estate in Brent. This is a further example of our determination to tackle the problems of rundown estates and improve their management in close consultation with the people who live there.

We shall announce the ballot date in due course. In the meantime further consultations with the tenants will take place, so that they can ask the questions and receive the answers which will enable them to understand the implications for them of the establishment of a HAT.

We have decided to appoint Mr. Tony Wade MBE and Mr. Clive Lloyd CBE, respectively, as prospective Chairman and Deputy Chairman for the trust. They will carry forward the further consultations with tenants and help prepare for the major tasks which the HAT will undertake, if established.