HL Deb 03 November 1993 vol 549 c125WA
Lord Williams of Elvel

asked Her Majesty's Government:

Whether, in siting the proposed Army personnel centre in Glasgow rather than in Exeter, they have taken account of the comparative cost table prepared by Exeter City Council on 25th June 1993, which suggests that the net cost of locating in Exeter would be £12.35 million plus VAT, compared with £16.46 million plus unknowns to locate in Glasgow.

Viscount Cranborne

The comparative cost table prepared by Exeter City Council was taken into account in the evaluation of options for the establishment of an Army personnel centre. However, the department's own comparisons, based on all relevant costs and savings, clearly showed Glasgow to be the most cost-effective option, and it was on this basis that the decision was made.

Lord Williams of Elvel

asked Her Majesty's Government:

Whether, on grounds of cost effectiveness, they are able to justify the decision of the Ministry of Defence to site the proposed Army personnel centre in Glasgow rather than Exeter and, if so, what precise calculations were made to support the decision.

Viscount Cranborne

The decision to locate the Army personnel centre in Glasgow was fully justified on grounds of cost effectiveness. Detailed investment appraisals were made in accordance with departmental practice, which covered a number of options including Exeter. The precise calculations include costs which remain commercial in confidence, but took all relevant factors fully into account. Kentigern House in Glasgow was clearly shown to be the most cost-effective option.