§ Mr. CohenTo ask the Secretary of State for Northern Ireland to what investigations his Department has been subject by the Data Protection Registrar in relation to a suspected breach of a data protection principle; if he will summarise the nature of each complaint and state when the complaint was made; and what remedial action was taken by his Department to ensure future compliance with the principle subject to the investigation.
§ Mr. Mates[holding answer 21 May 1993]: The information is as follows:
represents; and what proposals exist to replace this training capacity under the plans of the Eastern health and social services board for the closure of the facility.
§ Mr. Hanley[holding answer 19 May 1993]: The information is as follows: 689W
Year NI student intake Jubilee placements Per cent. 1992 85 24 28.2 1991 91 28 30.8 1990 102 33 32.4 1989 104 34 32.7 1988 111 36 32.4 The Eastern health and social services board has recently completed a consultation process on plans for acute hospital services, including obstetric services. My noble Friend Lord Arran is confident that there will continue to be sufficient placement opportunities for midwifery students in the Eastern board area.