HC Deb 26 May 1993 vol 225 c616W
Sir David Mitchell

To ask the Secretary of State for the Environment when he expects to publish for consultation his new draft guidance to local planning authorities on sites for gipsies and those of a nomadic way of life.

Mr. Baldry

My Department and the Welsh Office have today issued for consultation a draft circular containing proposed guidance to local planning authorities on the planning aspects of gipsy sites. This forms part of a range of measures designed to reduce illegal camping, including our recently announced proposals to reform the Caravan Sites Act 1968.

The purpose of the revised guidance is to ensure that gipsies are put on the same footing as other developers under the planning system and that the system recognises gipsies' particular accommodation needs.

Our objective is that gipsies should be given every encouragement to find, develop and run sites for themselves, as I know so many of them are anxious to do.