HL Deb 25 May 1993 vol 546 cc11-6WA
Lord Hylton

asked Her Majesty's Government:

Whether they will update the information given in their Written Answer of 10th May 1991 concerning asylum-seekers and asylum detainees (HC Deb, cols. 599–602).

Earl Ferrers

Information on asylum applications awaiting a decision is not available in the form requested. Available information on the total number awaiting a decision at 31st March 1993, by nationality, is given in Table A. Of the 42,170 applications then awaiting a decision, it is estimated that 55 per cent, were made after 1st January 1992. Corresponding estimates for individual nationalities are not readily available.

Information on asylum applicants detained at 19th May 1993 for more than one month is given in Table B.

Table A
Asylum applications1 awaiting a decision at 31st March 1993, excluding dependants, by nationality
Europe and Americas
Bulgaria 355
Colombia 425
Romania 755
Turkey 2,760
Former USSR 495
Former Yugoslavia 5,970
Others 680
Total 11,430
Angola 1,655
Congo 80
Ethiopia 820
Ghana 4,770
Somalia 1,910
Sudan 1,260
Togo/Ivory Coast 800
Uganda 1,725
Zaire 3,315
Others 3,105
Total 19,440
Middle East
Iran 545
Iraq 610
Lebanon 495
Others 660
Total 2,310
China 640
India 2,135
Pakistan 3,035
Sri Lanka 2,620
Others 580
Total 9,010
Other and unknown nationalities
Grand total 42,170
1Estimated figures, rounded to nearest five.

Table B
Asylum applicants detained1 as at 19th May 1993 for more than one month, by nationality, place of detention and length of detention
Number of persons
Nationality Harmondsworth2 Haslar2 Her Majesty's prisons2 Total
(i) Detained for between one and two months
Algeria 3 2 5
Angola 2 1 1 4
Bangladesh 1 1 2
Cameroon 1 1
China 1 1
Gambia 1 1
Ghana 4 4 4 12
India 2 1 28 31
Ivory Coast 2 2
Kenya 1 1
Libya 1 1
Morocco 1 1
Nigeria 5 1 4 10
Pakistan 1 1
Romania 1 1 2
Sierra Leone 1 1 2
Tanzania 1 1
Turkey 1 2 3
Uganda 1 1 2
Former Yugoslavia 1 1 2
Zaire 5 1 6
TOTAL 23 19 49 91
(ii) Detained for between two and three months
Algeria 6 6
Angola 1 1
Colombia 2 2
Cyprus 1 1
Ghana 1 1
India 1 2 13 16
Iraq 1 1
Ivory Coast 1 2 3
Nigeria 5 4 9
Pakistan 1 1
Romania 3 3
Sierra Leone 1 1 2
Sudan 1 1
Turkey 1 1
Zaire 1 5 6
TOTAL 11 7 36 54
(iii) Detained for between three and four months
Algeria 2 2
Angola 1 1 2
Colombia 1 1
Egypt 2 2
Ghana 4 2 6
India 1 6 6 13
Jamaica 1 1
Kenya 1 1
Libya 1 1
Nigeria 2 3 1 6
Pakistan 3 3
Sierra Leone 1 1
Turkey 2 2
Uganda 1 1
Zaire 6 1 2 9
Total 15 21 15 51
(iv) Detained for between four and five months
Angola 1 1 2
Bangladesh 1 1
Colombia 1 1
Ecuador 1 1
Ghana 1 2 1 4
India 3 3
Morocco 1 1
Nigeria 1 1 2

Nationality Harmondsworth2 Haslar2 Her Majesty's prisons2 Total
Poland 2 2
Turkey 3 3
Former Yugoslavia 1 1
Zaire 3 3 1 7
Total 5 14 9 28
(v) Detained for between five and six months
Algeria 1 1
Angola 1 1 2
Ghana 3 3
India 2 4 6
Ivory Coast 2 1 3
Kenya 1 1
Nigeria 1 1
Pakistan 1 1
South Africa 1 1
Total 5 8 6 19
(vi) Detained for between six and seven months
Angola 1 1
Ghana 1 1 2
India 3 3
Sri Lanka 1 1
Total 1 1 5 7
(vii) Detained for between seven and twelve months
Algeria 1 2 3
Angola 2 2 4
Bangladesh 1 1
Colombia 2 2
Ghana 2 1 3
India 2 1 5 8
Iran 1 1
Nigeria 2 1 3
Pakistan 1 1
Sierra Leone 2 2
Tanzania 1 1
Zaire 2 2
Total 6 10 15 31
(viii) Detained for longer than twelve months
Colombia 1 1
India 2 2
Total 1 2 3
1 Persons detained, as at 19th May 1993, solely under the powers contained in Schedules 2 or 3 to the Immigration Act 1971. In some cases the asylum application will have been lodged subsequent to the applicant being detained. The figures include both detained asylum applicants who applied at ports, and those detained in after-entry enforcement work. For the latter, the figures exclude persons whose asylum application was refused and who remained in detention pending removal.
2Any asylum applicant detained for longer than one month is held in one of these locations.