HC Deb 20 May 1993 vol 225 cc247-8W
Mr. Win Griffiths

To ask the Secretary of State for Education what consideration he has given, in connection with considering the potential membership of the

Employment Select Committee reports
Report number Title and date published Government response
1992–93 Session
First report Employment in the Horseracing Industry and the new VAT regime after 1 January 1993 (16 December 1992) Second Special report HC 521
Second report Employment Consequences of British Coal's Proposed Pit Closures (21 January 1993) Third Special report HC 597
1991–92 Session
First report Employment in Prisons for Ex-offenders (28 November 1991) CM 1837" March 1992
Second report Industrial Change: Retraining and Redeployment (7 May 1992) First Special report HC 219

proposed. Schools Curriculum and Assessment Authority, to the reasons given by Lord Skidelsky and Dr. John Marenbon for their resignations from the School Examinations and Assessment Council.

Mr. Forth

My right hon. Friend regrets the resignations of Lord Skidelsky and Dr. Marenbon from SEAC, and is aware of the reasons they gave. When considering the appointment of members to the proposed SCAA he will take account of relevant comments made to him from all sources.

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