HC Deb 20 May 1993 vol 225 cc298-305W
Mr. Flynn

To ask the Secretary of State for Social Security (1) how many and what percentage of(a) attendance allowance claims, (b) new disability living allowance claims and (c) top-up claims since February 1992 have (i) resulted in an award and (ii) been rejected; and if he will publish a breakdown in each case of whether the claim was decided solely on the statement of disability or whether a medical examination, other evidence or both were required;

(2) what were the average clearance times for (a) new claims, (b) top-up claims and (c) requests for review of disability living allowance at each disability benefit centre for each month since September 1992.

Mr. Scott

The administration of disability living allowance is a matter for Mr. Michael Bichard, the chief executive of the Benefits Agency. He will write to the hon. Member and a copy will be placed in the Library.

Letter from Michael Bichard to Mr. Paul Flynn, dated 19 May 1993: As Chief Executive of the Benefits Agency, it is my responsibility to answer questions about relevant operational matters. I am therefore replying to the points raised in your recent Parliamentary Questions to the Secretary of State for Social Security asking (1) how many and what percentage of (a) attendance allowance claims, (b) new disability living allowance claims and (c) top-up claims since February 1992 have (i) resulted in an award and (ii) been rejected; and if he will publish a breakdown in each case of whether the claim was decided solely on the statement of disability or whether a medical examination, other evidence or both were required and (2) what were the average clearance times for (a) new claims, (b) top-up claims and (c) requests for review of disability living allowance at each disability benefit centre for each month since September 1992. Number of claims made and decided. You asked for the number of new claims and top-up claims for DLA together with the number and percentage of awards and refusals, including reasons for refusal. Annex 1 shows a breakdown of this information together with details of decisions based upon information provided on the claim form, medical examinations and other forms of evidence. A further breakdown detailing claims to AA from 1.2.92 to date is shown at Annex 2. National average clearance times. Performance on DLA is measured in terms of X per cent. of cases cleared in Y days and it is therefore not possible to state an average processing time. It may be helpful for me to say at this stage that new DLA claims are dealt with by the regional Disability Benefit Centres (DBC) Details of the clearance times for each DBC for each month between September 1992 and April 1993, inclusive of new claims and those made under the special rules are supplied at table I. Top-up claims are dealt with by the Claims Conversion Unit (CCU). A breakdown, therefore by DBCs is not available. I have provided details of available information regarding performance at table 2. Finally, Disability Living Allowance reviews are dealt with by the Disability Living Allowance Unit (DLAU). No information is, therefore, available in respect of each DBC. Table 3, however provides details of review performance figures for the specified period. I hope you find this reply helpful. A copy will appear in the Official Report. A copy will also be placed in the library.

Annex 1
1. Number of claims received February 1992 to April 1993
New claims 562,000
Top-up claims 235,000
AA claims 671,000
2. Adjudication officer decisions February 1992 to April 1993
Number As percentage
Awards 298,000 53
Refusals 228,000 41

3. Adjudication officer decision by evidence type
New DLA claims Top-up claims
Awards Refusals Awards Refusals
Statement of disability
Number 134,000 84,000 124,000 32,000
Percentage 45 37 77 69
Medical examination
Number 64,000 44,000 18,000 4,000
Percentage 22 19 11 8
Other evidence
Number 89,000 74,000 18,000 8,000
Percentage 30 33 11 17
Cases with unrecorded evidence type
Number 11,000 25,000 2,000 3,000
Percentage 4 11 1 6
Annex 2
AA65+—May 1992—April 1993
Awards Refusals
Statement of Disability Number 244,000 56,000
Percentage 59 43
Medical Examination Number 67,000 33,000
Percentage 16 26
Other Evidence Number 45,000 13,000
Percentage 11 10

New claims for DLA September 1992
Normal rules Percentage cleared Special rules Percentage cleared
in 30 days in 55 days in 10 days in 15 days
Edinburgh 22 41 48 55
Newcastle 35 63 36 37
Leeds 44 66 83 90
Manchester 38 60 79 80
Bootle 27 52 66 74
Birmingham 21 39 30 37

Number As percentage
Others1 36,000 6
Top-up Claims
Awards 161,000 69
Refusals 47,000 20
Others2 27,000 12
AA Claims
Awards 433,000
Refusals 133,000
1 Others - this category includes claims withdrawn, defective claims and claims otherwise disposed of.

Note: AA statistics prior to April 1992 were kept on a quarterly basis and not monthly. Therefore it is not appropriate to give awards and refusals as a percentage of claims received. Due to rounding percentage figures do not always add up to 100 per cent.

AA65+—May 1992—April 1993
Cases with
Evidence Type Number 60,000 27,000
Percentage 14 21

Note:—The breakdown of decisions by evidence type for AA are based on the period May 1992 to April 1993 as these statistics were not recorded prior to that period. The figures shown in this table will therefore not agree with those shown in table 2 which shows the number of adjudication officer decisions for the period April 1992 to April 1993. Due to rounding percentage figures do not always add up to 100 per cent.

Table 1

Primary Target for DLA normal rules cases in 60 per cent. Other in 30 days and for special rules 80 per cent. in 10 days. Secondary Target for DLA normal rules in 95 per cent. in 55 days and for special rules 90 per cent. in 55 days.

Normal rules Percentage cleared Special rules Percentage cleared
in 30 days in 55 days in 10 days in 15 days
Bristol 32 69 86 90
Cardiff 34 60 59 61
Wembley 36 63 91 92
Sutton 33 59 55 64
Great Britain 31 54 59 64

October 1992
Normal rules Percentage cleared Special rules Percentage cleared
in 30 days in 55 days in 10 days in 15 days
Edinburgh 21 41 48 55
Newcastle 49 72 44 49
Leeds 51 71 80 89
Manchester 55 77 89 91
Bootle 38 62 78 86
Birmingham 30 46 37 42
Bristol 56 75 91 93
Cardiff 54 74 77 80
Wembley 45 68 91 92
Sutton 49 68 69 80
Great Britain 39 58 62 68

November 1992
Normal rules Percentage cleared Special rules Percentage cleared
in 30 days in 55 days in 10 days in 15 days
Edinburgh 35 54 60 66
Newcastle 65 84 66 66
Leeds 65 82 80 90
Manchester 70 86 94 97
Bootle 51 75 82 87
Birmingham 38 55 55 63
Bristol 61 80 96 96
Cardiff 63 82 84 89
Wembley 56 77 93 96
Sutton 53 72 69 80
Great Britain 50 68 71 77

December 1992
Normal rules Percentage cleared Special Rules Percentage cleared
in 30 days in 55 days in 10 days in 15 days
Edinburgh 49 70 66 73
Newcastle 73 87 87 88
Leeds 69 86 81 89
Manchester 74 90 94 96
Bootle 47 74 84 90
Birmingham 38 62 54 59
Bristol 70 86 89 92
Cardiff 66 86 83 88
Wembley 56 78 80 87
Sutton 55 75 75 81
Great Britain 55 75 73 80

January 1993
Normal rules Percentage cleared Special Rules Percentage cleared
in 30 days in 55 days in 10 days in 15 days
Edinburgh 42 73 62 72
Newcastle 69 90 95 98
Leeds 62 85 83 89

Normal rules Percentage cleared Special Rules Percentage cleared
in 30 days in 55 days in 10 days in 15 days
Manchester 67 87 92 95
Bootle 41 80 86 89
Birmingham 40 71 59 69
Bristol 52 83 87 91
Cardiff 60 84 83 87
Wembley 47 74 81 91
Sutton 49 76 82 90
Great Britain 49 76 76 83

February 1993
Normal Rules Percentage cleared Special Rules Percentage cleared
in 30 days in 55 days in 10 days in 15 days
Edinburgh 62 78 81 85
Newcastle 85 96 92 94
Leeds 73 88 88 94
Manchester 81 92 93 97
Bootle 73 92 88 93
Birmingham 56 76 82 87
Bristol 72 89 93 96
Cardiff 74 87 88 91
Wembley 58 78 87 91
Sutton 57 74 91 95
Glasgow 65 85
Great Britain 61 77 85 90

March 1993
Normal Rules Percentage cleared Special Rules Percentage cleared
in 30 days in 55 days in 10 days in 15 days
Edinburgh 69 83 82 90
Newcastle 87 98 99 99
Leeds 80 92 89 95
Manchester 83 94 94 96
Bootle 81 94 94 97
Birmingham 66 86 88 92
Bristol 86 96 96 97
Cardiff 85 94 90 93
Wembley 68 83 89 95
Sutton 61 77 84 91
Glasgow 62 85 75 75
Great Britain 71 85 85 90

Revised targets from April 1 1993 for normal rules are Primary 65 per cent. in 30 days and Secondary 85 per cent. in 55 days. Only one targets has been set from special rules cases 80 per cent. in 10 days.

April 1993
Normal rules Percentage cleared Special rules Percentage cleared
in 30 days 55 days in 10 days 15 days
Edinburgh 76 96 92 96
Newcastle 87 98 95 97
Leeds 82 95 91 96
Manchester 86 97 92 94
Bootle 87 98 95 98
Birmingham 68 89 95 97
Bristol 81 97 94 95
Cardiff 78 93 84 91
Wembley 76 90 81 91
Sutton 67 86 83 89
Glasgow 67 92 68 71
Great Britain 75 91 88 93

Table 2
Performance indicators for top-up claims Primary Target 60 per cent, in 55 days Secondary Target 95 per cent, in 75 days
Normal rules Percentage cleared Special rules Percentage cleared
in 55 days in 75 days in 10 days in 20 days
September 15 22 8 17
October 28 36 16 26
November 37 44 17 33
December 43 49 26 53
January 46 55 18 35
February 57 64 36 52
March 57 63 27 50
April 71 76 21 44

Table 3
Performance indicators for reviews
Primary Target 60 per cent in 55 days
Secondary Target 95 per cent in 75 days
Secondary Target 80per cent, in 75 days (from 1 April 1993)1
Reviews made in 3 months Percentage cleared Reviews outside 3 months Percentage cleared
in 55 days 75 days in 55 days 75 days
September 35 61 6 10
October 30 50 46 60
November 23 40 53 65
December 18 36 40 53
January 11 24 30 47
February 11 25 31 48
March 18 29 39 51
April1 33 47 43 61