HC Deb 17 May 1993 vol 225 cc66-7W
Ms Ruddock

To ask the Secretary of State for the Home Department how many(a) Indian, (b) Pakistani, (c) Bangladeshi and (d) Afro-Caribbean people respectively were prison custody officers and governor grade in March; and what proportion in each case were (i) men and (ii) women.

Mr. Peter Lloyd

Responsibility for this matter has been delegated to the director general of the prison service. I have asked him to send a reply as quickly as possible.

Letter from Derek Lewis to Ms Joan Ruddock, dated 7 May 1993: I am writing to supply the further information promised in Mr. Lloyd's reply of 14 April to your Question about the ethnic background of Prison Service staff. As our statement of Purpose, Vision, Goals and Values makes clear, equality of opportunity is central to the work of the Prison Service. We are committed to ethnic monitoring as a means of measuring whether our policies are achieving greater equality of opportunity for all staff are having any effect. We need to be able to measure whether all staff have equal access to opportunities for promotion, training and career development and, to do this, we first need to create a comprehensive database of staff ethnic backgrounds. The first stage of this process was a voluntary survey of all staff in the non-industrial grades in directly managed prisons. Initially, our database held records of the ethnic origins of only 43‥ of staff and now, after the voluntary survey, that figure has risen to 74‥. Over the next few months we shall be taking further steps to fill the gaps in our database. The table below is drawn from the results of that voluntary survey. It sets out the numbers of staff in the unified (prison officer, senior officer and principal officer) and governor grades in directly managed prisons and have recorded their ethnic origin as other than white. The categories shown are those used in the survey.

Unified grades Governor grades
Male Female Male Female
Caribbean 67 30 0 0
African 39 9 0 0
Black of other origin 32 2 1 0
Indian 40 2 1 0
Pakistani 12 1 1 0
Bangladeshi 18 0 0 0
East African 9 0 0 0
Chinese 10 2 1 0
Asian of other origin 15 2 0 0
Other ethnic groups 92 5 1 0
Total staff recording their ethnic origin as other than white 334 53 5 0
Total staff in grade 20,568 1,979 903 90

You will see that there are five members of the governor grades who have recorded their ethnic origins as other than white. I am aware that, in response to an earlier Parliamentary Question, you were informed that there were no staff in the governor grades who had recorded their ethnic origins as other than white. This was due to an error on our computer records, which has now been corrected.

In the contracted sector, I understand that at Wolds Prison, there are two prison custody officers from the ethnic minorities; one female prison custody officer who is, according to the categories used in our survey, Asian of other origin and one male prison custody officer who is of another ethnic group.