§ Mr. CohenTo ask the Secretary of State for the Environment which stacks at BNFL Sellafield are included in emissions. authorisations as(a) schedule 1 stacks and (b) schedule 2 stacks.
§ Mr. MacleanThe schedule 1 stacks are the B204, B6 Vessel Vent and B230 stacks. The schedule 2 stacks are the B6 Cell Vent, B38 third extension, B355 and B389 stacks.
All figures in Mbq. Alpha Beta Sr90 Ru106 II29 II37 Cs137 Pu Alpha Pu24 Am241-Cm242 R3 C14 Kr35 B204 1988 376 969 25 415 16,233 1,312 52 260 2,154 65 1.3E + 06 1989 263 1,781 35 691 19,131 1,171 70 230 1,464 54 2.7E + 06 1990 193 1,525 28 359 2,395 373 55 134 874 30 5.9E + 08 3.7E + 06 3.8E + 10 1991 159 1,433 32 264 6,099 975 62 127 659 28 6.2E + 08 5.5E + 06 4.5E + 10 1992 113 1,127 17 263 8,721 1,163 34 89 390 19 3.2E + 08 2.2E + 06 2.7E + 10 B6 Vessel Vent 1988 30 269 11 1,854 18 31 2 20 2 1.8E + 08 2.0E + 06 3.9E + 10 1989 6 48 2 117 2 4 1 8 0 1.8E + 08 1.1E + 06 5.2E + 10 1990 1991 1992 B230 1988 53 986 24 61 33 229 13 1989 70 1,709 30 66 38 222 22 1990 70 1,944 31 78 42 374 21 1991 115 1,953 30 70 62 648 35 1992 56 1,832 24 32 39 282 14 1 Discharges from the B6 vessel vent were diverted to B204 from April 1989 onwards, to allow decommissioning work to proceed on the B6 Stacks.
§ Mr. CohenTo ask the Secretary of State for the Environment what are the annual authorised limits for radioactive emissions from(a) schedule 1 stacks and (b) schedule 2 stacks at BNFL Sellafield.
§ Mr. MacleanThe annual authorised limits for schedule 1 and schedule 2 stacks at BNFL Sellafield are listed in the table:
Nuclide Schedule 1 Schedule 2 (gigabecquerels) (gigabecquerels) Alpha 4.3 5 Beta 58 62 Am-241 & Cm-242 0.9 3.5 Cs 137 4 22 C-14 30,000 — I-129 47 41 I-131 140 64 Kr-85 1 × 108 — Pu-alpha 3.1 0.19 Pu-241 36.6 7.4 Ru-106 9 60 Sr-90 3.5 5.4 H-3 1.1 × 106 —