§ Mr. BradleyTo ask the Secretary of State for Social Security, pursuant to his answer of 4 March, to the hon. Member for Hertfordshire, North (Mr. Heald),Official
Table 1 The average incomes of pensioners 1979–1989 (by quinlile—quintile 1 = lowest) (a) Single pensioners Average income (£ per week, 1989 prices) Quintile 1 Quinlile 2 Quintile 3 Quinlile 4 Quinlile 5 Total Income source 1979 1989 1979 1989 1979 1989 1979 1989 1979 1989 1979 1989 Earnings* 0.30 0.10 0.10 0.30 0.30 0.20 3.10 1.90 20.80 18.10 4.90 4.10 Benefit income 42.20 46.50 49.10 54.90 51.50 62.40 51.10 59.40 46.30 52.00 48.00 55.00 Investment income 1.70 2.60 1.80 4.00 2.00 2.70 5.80 9.10 27.30 66.90 7.70 17.00 Occupational pension 0.50 1.50 1.60 3.10 2.80 5.50 6.60 15.60 30.70 61.40 8.40 17.40 Other* 0.40 0.10 0.10 0.30 0.20 0.20 0.80 0.50 0.80 0.90 0.50 0.40 Gross income 45.20 50.70 52.70 62.60 56.70 71.00 67.30 86.40 125.90 199.20 69.50 93.90 Deduction 4.70 8.20 3.90 7.50 3.60 7.40 6.00 10.60 24.50 41.80 8.50 15.10 NET INCOME (BHC) MEAN 40.50 42.50 48.80 55.10 53.10 63.50 61.30 75.80 101.50 157.40 61.00 78.80 NET INCOME (AHC) MEAN 31.70 30.90 39.40 43.20 42.60 47.80 49.50 64.50 89.00 149.50 50.40 67.10 NET INCOME (BHC) MEDIAN 41.80 44.00 49.90 55.70 55.30 64.70 61.70 74.70 87.90 127.70 54.30 64.00 NET INCOME (AHC) MEDIAN 33.40 34.20 39.40 43.30 43.30 47.20 49.80 64.10 77.10 122.00 42.50 46.90 Source:
Family expenditure survey.
(b) Pensioner couples Average income (I per week. 1989 prices) Quintile 1 Quintile 2 Quintile 3 Quintile 4 Quintile 5 Total Income source 1979 1989 1979 1989 1979 1989 1979 1989 1979 1989 1979 1989 Earnings* 0.20 0.50 1.10 0.40 4.90 6.90 23.20 16.20 79.20 70.40 21.60 18.80 Benefit income 70.80 78.70 77.20 86.50 77.00 82.70 73.00 80.90 65.30 74.50 72.60 80.70 Investment income 2.30 3.70 3.10 6.60 4.80 14.10 8.90 24.20 53.60 120.20 14.50 33.70 Occupational pension 2.20 5.00 6.10 12.70 15.90 26.30 31.80 54.80 79.80 130.20 27.00 45.70 Other* 0.20 0.30 0.30 0.40 1.40 0.40 0.70 0.60 0.90 0.70 0.70 0.50 Gross income 75.70 88.20 87.70 106.50 104.00 130.50 137.50 176.60 278.70 396.00 136.50 179.40 Deduction 5.10 9.90 4.70 10.20 6.90 14.50 15.20 22.90 66.90 89.00 19.70 29.30 NET INCOME (BHC) MEAN 70.60 78.40 83.00 96.30 97.10 115.90 122.30 153.70 211.80 307.00 116.80 150.10 NET INCOME (AHC) MEAN 58.70 65.20 69.10 81.60 83.20 105.20 107.10 145.60 190.10 295.30 101.50 138.50 NET INCOME (BHC) MEDIAN 70.80 80.20 82.20 96.20 95.30 114.50 120.60 152.80 183.10 253.30 95.60 114.50 NET INCOME (AHC) MEDIAN 58.90 68.90 68.40 81.20 81.30 105.10 106.40 145.00 164.50 242.90 82.10 105.10 Source:
Family expenditure survey.
(c) Pensioner units Average income (£ per week, 1989 prices) Quintile 1 Quintile 2 Quintile 3 Quintile 4 Quintile 5 Total Income source 1979 1989 1979 1989 1979 1989 1979 1989 1979 1989 1979 1989 Earnings* 0.30 0.20 0.40 0.30 0.70 1.70 8.70 6.50 43.30 38.50 10.70 9.40 Benefit income 52.00 55.50 59.10 67.70 57.50 67.80 58.20 68.80 55.90 61.70 56.50 64.30 Investment income 1.90 3.10 2.30 4.60 2.50 5.50 7.00 15.60 36.50 86.80 10.00 23.10 Occupational pension 1.10 2.40 3.20 6.00 5.30 10.20 14.30 30.00 50.40 89.70 14.80 27.60 Other* 0.30 0.20 0.20 0.30 0.40 0.30 1.20 0.50 0.70 0.80 0.60 0.40 Gross income 55.50 61.50 65.20 78.90 66.50 85.40 89.40 121.40 186.70 277.50 92.70 124.90 Deduction 4.80 8.70 4.20 8.30 4.30 9.20 8.40 15.20 40.20 59.70 12.40 20.20 NET INCOME (BHC) MEAN 50.70 52.80 61.00 70.60 62.20 76.20 81.00 106.20 146.60 217.80 80.30 104.70 NET INCOME (AHC) MEAN 43.80 43.40 48.10 51.60 51.50 64.90 69.10 98.30 128.00 206.90 68.10 93.00 NET INCOME (BHC) MEDIAN 44.50 48.10 51.80 60.50 56.70 67.30 70.50 95.10 135.10 179.90 64.00 78.70 NET INCOME (AHC) MEDIAN 36.10 38.00 39.90 44.10 44.10 52.30 56.00 85.90 117.30 171.60 53.00 68.60 Source:Family expenditure survey.
294WReport, columns 268–70, if he will make a similar analysis for each quintile of pensioners' incomes for single pensioners, pensioner couples and all pensioner units.
§ Miss WiddecombeThe information is in the tables.
(d) Growth in pensioner income 1979 to 1989 Average income change Per cent. Quintile 1 Quintile 2 Quintile 3 Quintile 4 Quintile 5 Total Income source 1S 2C 3U 1S 2C 3U 1S 2C 3U 1S 2C 3U 1S 2C 3U 1S 2C 3U Earnings4 -81 108 -24 177 -62 -29 -37 41 135 -40 -30 -25 -13 -11 -11 -17 -13 -12 Benefit income 10 11 7 12 12 15 21 7 18 16 11 18 12 14 10 15 11 14 Investment income 54 63 68 125 117 102 35 193 117 59 173 122 145 124 138 121 133 130 Occupational pension 181 131 127 99 109 87 100 66 92 137 73 110 100 63 78 107 69 86 Other4 -74 31 -45 131 15 53 -1 -73 -27 -40 -21 -58 5 -22 21 -17 -34 -24 Gross income 12 17 11 19 21 21 25 25 28 28 28 36 58 42 49 35 31 35 Deduction 75 94 81 94 118 99 104 110 114 75 51 80 71 33 49 77 49 63 Net income (BHC) median 5 13 8 12 17 17 17 20 19 21 27 35 45 38 33 529 529 530 Net income (AHC) median 2 17 5 10 19 11 9 29 19 29 36 53 58 48 46 533 536 537 Source: Family Expenditure Survey.
1 Single pensioners.
2 Pensioner couples.
3 Pensioner units.
4 Indicates that sample sizes are too small to provide reliable estimates. Figures are shown only to demonstrate how totals are arrived at.
5 Mean.
1. All figures before housing costs (BHC) unless otherwise stated. After Housing costs—AHC.
2. All average amounts are means except where otherwise stated.
3. Components may not sum to totals owing to rounding.
4. Pension units are defined as single people over state pension age and couples in which the husband is over state pension age.
5. Estimates of percentage growth are based on unrounded income figures and may not therefore be the same as those calculated from the rounded amounts shown in the table.
6. Estimates of growth in total net incomes by quintile are based on medians. Estimates of growth of components of income and total incomes of all pensioners are based on means.
Table 2: Investment income for pensioner units of all ages (a) Pensioner couples Quintile (Ql = lowest) Percentage of units in receipt Average amount for those in receipt (£ per week) 1979 1989 1979 1989 Per cent, growth Ql 56 66 4.00 4.70 18 Q2 67 55 4.60 8.40 83 Q3 68 59 7.10 15.80 123 Q4 76 71 11.80 26.10 121 Q5 90 93 59.30 124.40 110 All 71 87 20.30 38.80 91 296W
(b) Single pensioners Quintile (Ql = lowest) Percentage of units in receipt Average amount for those in receipt (£ per week) 1979 1989 1979 1989 Per cent, growth Ql 49 65 3.50 4.00 14 Q2 49 58 3.60 6.90 92 Q3 45 57 4.40 4.70 7 Q4 62 71 9.20 12.70 38 Q5 78 91 34.90 73.30 110 All 57 69 13.60 24.90 83
(c) All pensioner units Quintile (Ql = lowest) Percentage of units in receipt Average amount for those in receipt (£ per week) 1979 1989 1979 1989 Per cent, growth Ql 52 70 3.60 4.40 22 Q2 55 64 4.10 7.20 76 Q3 50 66 5.00 8.30 66 Q4 68 82 10.30 18.90 83 Q5 83 93 44.20 92.80 109 All 62 75 16.30 30.70 88 297W
Table 3 Investment income for recently retired pensioner units (a) Pensioner couples Percentage of units in receipt Average amount for those in receipt £ per week Quintile Q1 = lowest
1979 1989 1979 1989 Percent. growth Ql 65 81 5.90 7.50 ** Q2 ** Q3 ** Q4 84 91 39.90 61.70 ** Q5 ** All 73 87 21.60 41.50 92
(b) Single pensioners Percentage of units in receipt Average amount for those in receipt £ per week Quintile Q1 = lowest
1979 1989 1979 1989 Percent. growth
Q1 47 48 12.60 31.50 ** Q2 ** Q3 70 75 ** Q4 ** Q5 ** All 60 64 12.60 31.50 150
(c) All pensioner units Percentage of units in receipt Average amount for those in receipt £ per week Quintile Ql = lowest 1979 1989 1979 1989 Per cent growth Ql 50 63 4.20 7.20 71 Q2 56 72 03 68 76 7.50 13.10 75 Q4 77 83 13.30 25.00 88 Q5 87 95 48.00 112.90 135 All 68 78 18.20 38.10 109
Table 4 Occupational pension for pensioner units of all ages (a) Pensioner couples Percentage of units in receipt Average amount for those in receipt £ per week Quintile Q1 = lowest 1979 1989 1979 1989 Per cent, growth Ql 38 48 9.10 15.70 73 Q2 59 66 Q3 77 81 21.70 32.10 48 Q4 79 89 41.70 61.20 47 Q5 74 81 113.80 160.80 41 All 65 73 43.80 62.70 43
(b) Single pensioners Percentage of units in receipt Average amount for those in receipt £ per week Quintile Ql = lowest 1979 1989 1979 1989 Percent, growth Ql 11 21 9.50 10.00 ** Q2 20 32 ** Q3 25 42 15.20 ** Q4 44 62 16.20 27.90 72 Q5 59 78 56.10 86.30 54 All 32 47 29.00 41.60 43 298W
(c) All pensioner units Percentage of units in receipt Average amount for those in receipt £ per week Quintile Q1 = lowest 1979 1989 1979 1989 Percent, growth Ql 20 29 6.00 9.10 52 Q2 34 43 10.30 14.60 42 Q3 38 55 15.70 20.60 31
Percentage of units in receipt Average amount for those in receipt £ per week Quintile Q1 = lowest 1979 1989 1979 1989 Percent, growth Q4 60 74 26.80 41.70 56 Q5 65 81 80.90 117.00 45 All 43 56 36.70 52.10 42
Table 5 Occupational Pension for recently retired pensioner unit (a) Pensioner couples Percentage of units in receipt Average amount for those in receipt £ per week Quintile Q1 = lowest 1979 1989 1979 1989 Percent, growth Q1 63 71 20.80 27.70 33 Q2 Q3 Q4 76 82 89.10 114.50 29 Q5 All 68 75 51.50 65.60 27
(b) Single pensioners Percentage of units in receipt Average amount for those in receipt £ per week Quintile Q1 = lowest 1979 1989 1979 1989 Percent, growth Q1 28 38 * 41.40 ** Q2 Q3 43 67 Q4 Q5 All 37 55 * 41.40 **
(c) All pensioners Percentage of units in receipt Average amount for those in receipt £ per week Quintile Q1 = lowest 1979 1989 1979 1989 Percent, growth Q1 47 58 18.10 22.60 25 Q2 Q3 Q4 67 81 74.60 96.10 29 Q5 All 55 67 45.90 58.00 26 Notes to tables 2–5:
(i) A pensioner unit is defined as a single pensioner aged above state pensionable age (SPA) or a pensioner couple where the husband is aged over SPA.
(ii) A recently retired pensioner unit is defined as a single pensioner aged less than five years above SPA or a pensioner couple where the husband is aged less than five years above SPA.
(iii) * denotes where low sample sizes make any estimate unreliable.
(iv) ** denotes where percentage growth estimates are inappropriate.
(v) Where single quintile estimates are not reliable, due to low numbers of sample cases, an estimate is given for a number of combined quintiles
(vi) All amounts are given at 1989 prices.
299W(vii) Tables I and 3 are based on the separate income distributions for single pensioners, pensioner couples and all pensioner units respectively. Tables 2 and 4 are based on separate income distributions for recently retired single pensioners, pensioner couples and all pensioner units respectively.