HL Deb 24 March 1993 vol 544 c19WA
Lord Colwyn

asked Her Majesty's Government:

Whether they can confirm that the figure for those regarded as being untreatable by the usual surgical procedures for the Blackpool, Wyre and Fylde Area Health Authority is 22,000.

Baroness Cumberlege

This information is not held centrally. My noble friend may wish to approach Mr. R. T. Parkinson, the Chairman of Blackpool, Wyre and Fylde District Health Authority for details.

Hospital Episode System 1989–90
Total episodes where record includes an operation code for amputation of arm, hand, foot or toe
Regional Health Authority ICD 440.2 Atherosclerosis of arteries of the extremities ICD 443 Other peripheral vascular disease ICD 444.2 Peripheral arterial embolism
Northern 16 124
Yorkshire 24 120 12
Trent 12 68 36
East Anglian 12 100 8
North West Thames 136 4
North East Thames 8 144 24
South East Thames 36 96
South West Thames 20 48 4
Wessex 8 68 8
Oxford 56 4
South Western 16 84 32
West Midlands 16 348 16
Mersey 12 124 4
North Western 40 144 36
Special Health Authorities 8

The above figures are derived from a 25 per cent. sample dataset. They have not been grossed up in respect of missing episodes or records which lack a diagnostic code. Comparable information for