§ Mr. David ShawTo ask the Secretary of State for Health if she will list the awards given to voluntary organisations under the section 64 general scheme of the Health Services and Public Health Act 1968 during the financial year 1992–93.
§ Mr. BowisIn 1992–93, grants totalling £18.3 million were awarded under the section 64 general scheme to 312 voluntary organisations in England. This represents a real terms increase of nearly 8 per cent. over 1991–92 and of 47.5 per cent. over 1978–79. Details are given in the table.
Grants to voluntary organisations under S64 of the Health Services and Public Health Act 1968—General Scheme (1992–93 Provisional Outturn) Organisation £ Access Committee (England) 155,000 Action for Dysphasic Adults 30,000 Action for Sick Children 70,000 Action for Victims of Medical Accidents 20,000 Action on Disability and Development 13,000 Action on Smoking and Health 241,500 Action Resource Centre 5,000 ADFAM (Families and Friends of Drug Misusers) 22,700 Age Concern 355,000 Age Exchange Theatre Trust 18,000 Aid for Children with Tracheostomies 9,930 AIDS Ahead 40,000 AIDS and Housing Project 29,000 AIDS Care Education and Training (ACET) 150,000 AIDS Education and Research Trust 10,000 Alcohol Concern 618,000 Alzheimer's Disease Society 168,000 Amarant Trust 9,000 Amnesia Association 6,000 Angel Project 6,500 Arthritis Care 15,000 Association for All Speech Impaired Children 5,000 Association for Prevention of Drug Addiction 7,878 Association for Professionals in Services for Adolescents 48,700 Association for Residential Care 42,635 Association for Stammerers 17,000 Association of Breastfeeding Mothers 6,000 Association of Disabled Professionals 3,000 Association to Aid the Sexual and Personal Relationships of People with a Disability 39,500 Babylife Support Systems (BLISS) 11,000 Barnados 105,000 Black HIV/AIDS Network (BHAN) 40,000 Blackliners 40,050 Bobath Centre 18,000 Body Positive 50,000 Brandon Centre 15,000 Breakthrough Trust 40,000 Breastcare and Mastectomy Association of GB 25,000 Bridge 80,834 Bridges 5,000 British Agencies for Adoption and Fostering 300,000 British Association for Services to the Elderly 12,000 British Association for the Study and Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect (BASPCAN) 27,500 British Association of Cancer United Patients (BACUP) 16,000 British Association of the Hard of Hearing 55,000 Britich Council of Organisations of Disabled People 45,000 British Deaf Association 10,000 British Fluoridation Society 33,000 British Institute of Industrial Therapy 25,000 British Institute of Mental Handicap 30,000 British Kidney Patient Association 15,000 British Organ Donor Society (BODY) 5,000 British Red Cross Society 54,750 Brook Advisory Centres 111,500 Cancer Relief MacMillan Fund 30,050 Cancer Research Campaign 15,000 Cancerlink 43,900 Care Resources for People Affected by AIDS/HIV (CARA) 15,000 Carers National Association 220,000 Catholic Child Welfare Council 3,000 Catholic Marriage Advisory Council 44,310 Centre for Accessible Environment 70,000 Centre for Applied Psychology of Social Care 37,020 Child Accident Prevention Trust 103,000 Child Care 231,957 Child Poverty Action Group 18,000 Child Psychotherapy Trust 28,417 Childline 82,200 Children's Legal Centre 50,000 Choices in Childcare 17,996
Organisation £ College of Occupational Therapists 4,000 Community Drugs Project 6,500 Community Hygiene Concern 10,000 Community Network 10,000 Compassionate Friends 22,000 Contact 32,000 Contact a Family 80,000 Continence Foundation 26,250 Coronary Prevention Group 87,500 Cot Death Society 4,000 Council for the Advancement of Communication with Deaf People 60,000 Council for Disabled Children 60,000 Counsel and Care 60,000 Crohns in Childhood Research Association 5,000 Crossroads Care Attendant Schemes Ltd. 130,000 Crusaid 10,000 Cruse 114,000 Cystic Fibrosis Research Trust 18,000 Dark Horse Venture 4,500 David Hobman Charitable Trust 5,000 Daycare Trust 30,000 Dial UK 45,000 Disability Alliance 30,000 Disabled Housing Trust 17,000 Disabled Living Centres Council 57,000 Disabled Living Foundation 337,000 Disablement Income Group 45,000 Downs Syndrome Association 15,000 Dystonia Society 2,304 Dystrophic Epidermolysis Bullosa Research Association (DEBRA) 11,000 East London Asian Counselling 24,000 Eating Disorders Association 29,000 Elizabeth Fitzory Homes 20,000 Endometriosis Society 15,000 Enuresis Resource and Information Centre 30,000 Excel Employment 20,000 Exploring Parenthood 14,000 Extend 20,000 Family Heart Association 27,400 Family Planning Association 120,000 Family Policy Studies Centre 140,000 Family Rights Group 48,995 Family Service Units 290,000 Family Welfare Association 106,000 First Key 118,832 Foundation for Conductive Education 20,000 Foundation for the Study of Infant Deaths 34,500 Foundation for Women's Health Research and Development (FORWARD) 30,000 Friends for the Young Deaf 10,000 Genetic Interest Group 11,000 Gingerbread 78,000 Globe Centre 31,500 Good Practices in Mental Health 60,000 Greater London Association of Alcohol Services 6,196 Guillain-Barre Syndrome Support Group 9,000 Haemophilia Society 24,000 Headway Association 55,000 Health Information for Nottingham Teenagers (HINT) 36,000 Heartline Association 5,000 Herpes Association 18,500 High/Scope UK 8,000 Holiday Care Service 35,000 Home Farm Trust 20,000 Home Start Consultancy 100,000 Homes for Homeless People 48,000 Hornsey Trust for Handicapped Children 15,000 Horticultural Therapy 57,000 Housing Campaign for Single Homeless 36,500 Hyperactive Childrens Support Group 7,000 Impact Foundation 20,000 In Touch 3,000 Independent Representation of Children in Need (IRCHIN) 30,000 Institute for the Study of Drug Dependence 424,155
Organisation £ Institute of Transcultural Health Care 22,000 International Social Service 53,500 ISSUE (was National Association for the Children) 47,250 Joint Committee on Mobility for the Disabled 1,110 Jubilee Sailing Trust 20,000 Kids 15,000 Kids Club Netword 97,000 Kings Fund Centre for Health Services Development 129,500 La Leche League of Great Britain 10,000 Landmark South London HIV Centre 60,000 Leisure Link 15,000 Leonard Cheshire Foundation 75,000 London Chinese Health Resource Centre 45,840 London East AIDS Network 25,000 London Lighthouse 300,000 London Voluntary Service Council 31,000 MacFarlane Trust 155,233 Mainliners 40,000 Manic Depression Fellowship 16,000 Marfan Association 3,000 Marie Curie Memorial Foundation 20,000 Maternity Alliance 37,695 MENCAP 250,000 Menieres Society 8,000 Mental After Care Association 50,000 Mental Health Foundation 347,500 Mental Health Media Council 30,000 Merseyside Drugs Council (Wirral) 10,000 Migraine Trust 10,000 Mildmay Mission Hospital 150,000 Miscarriage Association 15,000 Mobility Information Service 13,000 Motor Neurone Disease Association 15,000 Myalgic Encephalomyelitis Association 15,000 NAFSIYAT (Intercultural Psychiatry) 15,000 National Aids Manual Charitable Trust 25,000 National AIDS Trust 225,000 National Association of Children with Congenital Abnormalities of the Lower Limbs 11,000 National Association for Maternal and Child Welfare 17,000 National Association for Mental Health (MIND) 475,000 National Association for Patient Participation 7,000 National Association for the Care and Resettlement of Offenders (NACRO) 302,400 National Association for the Limbless Disabled 22,500 National Association of Family Based Respite Care 13,000 National Association of Leagues of Hospital Friends 20,000 National Association of Toy and Leisure Libraries 55,000 National Association of Young People in Care (NAYPIC) 20,900 National Asthma Campaign 15,000 National Back Pain Association 21,000 National Childbirth Trust 65,826 National Childminding Association 127,000 National Children's Bureau 414,800 National Citizens Advocacy 10,000 National Community Health Resource 8,000 National Council for one Parent Families 150,000 National Council for Voluntary Organisations (NCVO) 125,000 National Counselling and Welfare Service for Sick Doctors 2,650 National Development Team 567,000 National Federation of Kidney Patients 12,500 National Food Alliance 31,000 National Fostercare Assocation 105,000 National Information for Parents of Prematures (NIPPERS) 11,000 National Information Forum 16,000 National Institute for Social Work 100,000 National Meningitis Trust 15,000 National Organisation for Counselling Adoptees & Parents (NORCAP) 8,000 National Osteoporosis Society 40,000 National Playbus Association 54,000 National Schizophrenia Fellowship 204,000 National Self Help Support Centre 47,500
Organisation £ National Society for Phenileketonuria (United Kingdom) Ltd. 6,000 National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children (NSPCC) 150,000 National Society for Non Smokers (QUIT) 85,380 National Stepfamily Association 20,000 Naz Project 27,000 Neurofibromatosis Association (LINK) 14,000 New Horizons Trust 7,000 New Parent Infant Network (NEWPIN) 60,000 North Regional Association for the Blind 69,391 One to One 15,000 Outset 25,000 Overseas Doctors Association 17,000 Parent Network 10,000 Parent to Parent Information on Adoption Services 6,500 Parentline Opus 40,000 Parents against Injustice (PAIN) 35,000 Parents for Children 12,000 Parkinsons Disease Society 25,162 Partially Sighted Society 10,000 Patients Association 20,000 People First 17,000 Phobic Action 20,000 Phobics Society 7,500 Physically Handicapped and Able Bodied (PHAB) 30,000 Positively Women 70,000 Post Adoption Centre 5,000 Post Adoption Services 5,000 Prader Willi Syndrome Association UK 4,000 Pre-Retirement Association 20,000 Pre-School Playgroups Association 570,000 Primary Immunodeficiency Association 8,000 Prince of Wales Advisory Group on Disability 112,500 Queen Elizabeth Foundation for the Disabled 54,000 Rainer Foundation 18,700 Rape Counselling and Research Project 20,000 Relatives Association 13,000 Release 2,958 Remap Great Britain 12,000 Repetitive Strain Injury Association 6,000 Rescare 15,000 Research Trust for Metabolic Diseases in Children 10,000 Restricted Growth Association 10,000 Richmond Fellowship 97,000 Royal Association for Disability and Rehabilitation (RADAR) 225,000 Royal National Institute for the Blind 246,600 Royal National Institute for the Deaf 105,870 Royal Philanthropic Society 6,000 Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents (ROSPA) 53,000 Samaritans 160,000 Save the Children Fund 20,000 Schizophrenia A National Emergency (SANE) 67,849 Scoliosis Association UK 2,000 Sense (NADBRH) 95,000 Sequal 25,000 Sickle Cell Society 30,000 Skills for People 11,000 Society for Mucopolysaccharide Diseases 4,000 South Regional Association for the Blind 145,000 St. John Ambulance 53,000 Standing Committee on Sexual Abuse of Children (SCOSAC) 20,000 Standing Conference Ethnic Minority Senior Citizen (SCEMSC) 20,000 Standing Conference on Drug Abuse (SCODA) 310,730 Stillbirth and Neonatal Death Society (SANDS) 61,000 Streetwise Youth 20,000 Stroke Association 46,562 Strutton Housing Association 12,000 Support After Termination for Abnormality (SATFA) 21,250 Tacade 8,500 Tavistock Clinic Foundation 6,030 Tay Sachs and Allied Diseases Association 3,000 Terence Higgins Trust 450,000
Organisation £ Tibbie Trust 1,500 Toxoplasmosis Trust 10,000 Tracheo Oesophageal Fistula Support (TOFS) 2,000 Tripscope 4,000 Tuberous Sclerosis Association 9,000 Turning Point 148,200 Twins and Multiple Births Association (TAMBA) 18,000 UK Association for the International Year of the Family 1994 20,000 UK Health for All Network 30,000 UK Rett Syndrome Association 20,000 UK Thalassaemia Society 28,000 United Response 29,845 Values Into Action 15,000 Vietnamese Mental Health Project 10,000 Vision Aid 13,000 Vocal 28,750 Voluntary Organisations Liaison Committee for Under Fives (VOLCUF) 62,000 Voluntary Aid Societies Emergency Committee 23,901 Walsingham Community Homes 10,000 Westminster Pastoral Foundation 70,000 Widows Advisory Trust 18,000 Winged Fellowship Trust 10,000 Women's Aid Federation (England) 154,200 Women's Health Concern 22,000 Women's Nationwide Cancer Control Campaign 34,200 Women's Therapy Centre 25,000 Working Mothers Association 35,000 Young Minds 10,000 Total Paid 18,298,241