HC Deb 11 June 1993 vol 226 cc360-2W
Mr. Davidson

To ask the Secretary of State for Employment (1) what assessment he has made of the effect on service to the unemployed of cuts in the grading of the counselling service and changes in the time taken to interview clients;

(2) what proposals he has to enhance the counselling service supplied to the unemployed;

(3) what policy considerations underlay his predecessors decision to regrade the counselling service in the Employment Service and to institute a two-tier service.

Mr. Michael Forsyth

Responsibility for the subject of the question has been delegated to the Employment Service agency under its chief executive. I have asked him to arrange for a reply to be given.

Letter from D. B. Price to Mr. Ian Davidson, dated 11 June 1993: As the Employment Service is an Executive Agency, it is the responsibility of Mike Fogden, the Agency's Chief Executive to answer Parliamentary Questions about relevant operational matters. In his absence I am replying to your questions to the Secretary of State about:

  • what assessment she has made of the effect on service to the unemployed of cuts in the grading of the Counselling Service and changes in the time taken to interview clients;
  • what proposals she has to enhance the Counselling Service supplied to the unemployed and what policy considerations underlay her decision to regrade the Counselling Service in the Employment Service and to institute a two tier service.

Ever since the Restart programme of advisory interviews was first introduced in 1986 we have continually developed and enhanced the service we offer to our clients. As part of this process of enhancing our advisory services, we took a policy decision that, as from April 1993, the people who provide these services in our local offices should be re-organised into Back To Work Teams. These teams are made up of a mixture of people, at Executive Officer and Administrativeon Officer levels. Adopting this approach means that we are now able to offer clients different levels of interview according to their needs. For some clients basic advice will meet those needs but for the others, where the initial interview uncovers deeper issues or where the client asks for more help, we will be able to offer in depth advisory interviews. In addition we have ensured that all clients will receive a full diagnostic interview at two key points in their period of unemployment; namely six months and one year. Back To Work teams will also help us provide a more coherent service. This is because clients will see a member of the same team at all their advisory and signing visits and we will make sure that these contacts build on one another. Each member of a team will be able to provide clients with relevant information and advice about their benefit claim and the jobs and programme opportunities available locally. For these reasons we consider Back To Work teams represent the most cost effective way of providing all our clients with a comprehensive range of advisory services tailored to their needs, while allowing the Employment Service to live within its financial means. We will be assessing the effectiveness of Back To Work teams throughout the year and will take whatever action to further enhance them as necessary. You may be encouraged to know that early indications from our local office people are that our clients have reacted well to the service they are receiving under the new arrangements. I hope that this is helpful. As decided by the Administration Committee of the House of Commons Chief Executive replies to written Parliamentary Questions will now be published in the Official Report. I will also place a copy of this letter in the Library of the House.

Mr. Davidson

To ask the Secretary of State for the Employment what assessment he has made of disparities in the policy within the Scottish region on regrading of the counselling service in the Employment Service.

Mr. Michael Forsyth

Responsibility for the subject of the question has been delegated to the Employment Service agency under its chief executive. I have asked him to arrange for a reply to be given.

Letter from D. B. Price to Mr. Ian Davidson, dated 11 June 1993: As the Employment Service is an Executive Agency, it is the responsibility of Mike Fogden, the Agency's Chief Executive to answer Parliamentary Questions about relevant operational matters. In his absence, I am replying to your question to the Secretary of State about what assessment she has made of disparities in the policy within the Scottish Region on regarding of the Counselling Service in the Employment Service. Changes to our advisory services in Scotland have been on the same lines as those in England and Wales. Ever since the Restart Programme of advisory interviews was first introduced in 1986 we have continually developed and enhanced the service we offer to our clients. As part of this process of enhancing our advisory services, we took a policy decision that, as from April 1993, the people who provide these services in our local offices should be re-organised into Back To Work Teams. These teams are made up of a mixture of people, at Executive Officer and Administrative Officer levels. Adopting this approach means that we arc now able to offer clients different levels of interview according to their needs. For some clients basic advice will meet those needs but for the others, where the initial interview uncovers deeper issues or where the client asks for more help, we will be able to offer in depth advisory interviews. In addition we have ensured that all clients will receive a full diagnostic interview at two key points in their period of unemployment; namely six months and one year. Back To Work teams will also help us provide a more coherent service. This is because clients will see a member of the same team at all their advisory and signing visits and we will make sure that these contacts build on one another. Each member of a team will be able to provide clients with relevant information and advice about their benefit claim and the jobs and programme opportunities available locally. For these reasons we consider Back To Work teams represent the most cost effective way of providing all our clients with a comprehensive range of advisory services tailored to their needs, while allowing the Employment Service to live within its financial means. We will be assessing the effectiveness of Back To Work teams throughout the year and will take whatever action to further enhance them as necessary. You may be encouraged to know that early indications from our local office people are that our clients have reacted well to the service they are receiving under the new arrangements. Regarding the arrangements which have been made in Scotland I should explain that it is an important aspect of our way of working that local managers should have flexibility, within our national framework, to vary their organisation in line with local circumstances. If you have a specific issue about the arrangements in Scotland please contact me or our Director for Scotland, Mr. Alan Brown. His address is Employment Service Regional Office for Scotland, Argyle House, 3 Lady Lawson Street, Edinburgh, EH3 9SD telephone, 031 229 9191. I hope this is helpful. As decided by the Administration Committee of the House of Commons, Chief Executive replies to written Parliamentary Questions will now be published in the Official Report. I will also place a copy of this letter in the Library of the House.