HC Deb 09 June 1993 vol 226 c251W
Mr. Llew Smith

To ask the President of the Board of Trade what is the current weight of plutonium, stored under safeguards, arising from foreign reactors(a) in spent fuel, (b) under reprocessing and (c) in separated form at Sellafield; what notifications to (i) the International Atomic Energy Agency and (ii) the European Atomic Energy Agency in regard to safeguards provision Her Majesty's Government have made regarding foreign origin plutonium at Sellafield; and if he will set out the responsibilities British Nuclear Fuels plc has to his Department and the respective international authorities in regard to safeguards.

Mr. Eggar

Details of the civil plutonium stocks, broken down into the categories specified by the hon. Member, are given in the plutonium figures published on 4 February 1993 and placed in the Library of the House. As operator of the Sellafield site, British Nuclear Fuels plc meets the requirements of the Euratom safeguards authorities by supplying, via my Department, inventory change reports, material balance reports and physical inventory listings as laid down in Safeguards Regulation 3227/76. These reports are forwarded by Euratom to the International Atomic Energy Agency.

Mr. Llew Smith

To ask the President of the Board of Trade what quantities of plutonium created in the Wylfa nuclear plant have been subject to application of export licences since 1975.

Mr. Eggar

I cannot answer for previous Administrations. Irradiated fuel from Britain's various civil Magnox reactors is reprocessed together and therefore the plutonium arising, whether in store or exported, is not linked to the specific power station in which it was created.

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