HC Deb 14 July 1993 vol 228 cc510-5W
Mr. Burns

To ask the Chancellor of the Exchequer if he will list the entitlements for 1993–94 resulting from the carry-forward of the capital and running costs underspends allowed under the end-year flexibility schemes.

Mr. Portillo

A list of entitlements totalling £358 million for capital expenditure and £48 million for running costs is shown in the table.

Subject to parliamentary approval of the necessary supplementary estimates, individual cash limits and running costs limits will be increased when entitlement is taken up.

The total increase in cash limits resulting from the take-up of end-year flexibility will be charged to the Reserve and will, therefore, not add to the planned total of public expenditure.

Cash limits on Votes Annual
Class Vote Accounting Department Description of expenditure £ thousands
IX 12 The Crown Office, Scotland, Procurator Fiscal Service and Lord Advocate's Department Administration 59
X 4 Department for Education Administration 1,122
XI 1 Department of National Heritage Museums and galleries 372
XI 2 Department of National Heritage Arts 420
XI 7 Department of National Heritage Administration 64
XII 1 Department of Health1 Hospital, community health, family health services (part) and related services, England 44,957
XII 3 Department of Health Administration, miscellaneous health services and personal social services, England 2,244
XII 6 Office of Population Censuses and Surveys Office of Population Censuses and Surveys 751
XIII 4 Department of Social Security Administration and miscellaneous services 10,806
XIV 2 Department of Agriculture and Fisheries for Scotland Agricultural services, agricultural grants and fisheries, Scotland 2,249
XIV 3 Industry Department for Scotland Training programmes, roads and transport services and industrial support, Scotland 1,777
XIV 12 Scottish Home and Health Department Law, order and miscellaneous health and social work services, Scotland 1,761
XIV 14 Scottish Home and Health Department1 Hospital, community health, family health (part) and other health services, Scotland1 8,401
XIV 17 Scottish Education Department Education, arts and libraries, Scotland 2,606
XIV 22 Scottish Record Office Scottish Record Office 52
XIV 23 General Register Office for Scotland General Register Office for Scotland 212
XV 2 Welsh Office Agricultural support and services, fishing regional and industrial development, Wales 4,660
XV 5 Welsh Office Tourism, roads and transport, housing other environmental services (including civil defence), education, arts and libraries and health and, personal social services, Wales 3,065
XV 8 Welsh Office1 Hospital, community health, family health services (part) and related services, Wales 7,232
XV 9 Welsh Office Administration 50
XVII 1 Her Majesty's Treasury Her Majesty's Treasury 2,000
XVII 6 Inland Revenue Administration 7,711
XVII 10 Department for National Savings Department for National Savings 186
XVII 14 Central Statistical Office Central Statistical Office 533
XVIII 1 Cabinet Office: Office of Public Service and Science Office of Public Service and Science 868
1 Special health scheme.

Cash limits on non-voted expenditure
1992–93 £ thousand
DOE/HC Department of the Environment Grants and capital expenditure financed by the Housing Corporation in England 741
DOE/UA Department of the Environment External financing requirements of Urban Development Corporations in England, grants to local authorities and other bodies under the urban programme, the derelict land reclamation and city grant programmes (including associated LA credit approvals), grants for urban and housing projects under the City Challenge initiative and other expenditure for inner cities initiatives 30,461
DOE/LACAP Department of the Environment Basic credit approvals to local authorities in England for housing, transport (except passenger transport authorities), education, health, other services and Home Office (fire services in shires only). Supplementary credit approvals and certain other grants to local authorities in England for housing. Supplementary credit approvals to certain local authorities for all capital purposes to offset some categories of commutation losses 61
DOE/ES DOE/ERDF Department of the Environment Supplementary credit approvals for other environmental services in England, Lee Valley Regional Park Authority and the Isles of Scilly (water and sewerage) and ERDF grants 7,855
DOH/LACAP Department of Health Supplementary credit approvals for health in England 1,184
MAFF/LACAP Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food Supplementary credit approvals for flood defence, coast protection and harbour improvements in England 870
HO/LACAP Home Office Supplementary credit approvals for probation, police and civil defence in England and Wales. Basic credit approvals for fire (joint FCDAs only) in England and Wales 192
LCD/LACAP Lord Chancellor's Department Supplementary credit approvals for magistrates' courts in England and Wales 695
SO/LA 1 Scottish Office Net capital allocations and grants to local authorities in Scotland for roads and transport, water and sewerage, police, education, social work services, general services, urban programme, river purification and civil defence 32,604
SO/LA2 Scottish Office Net capital allocations and grants to local authorities in Scotland for housing. Capital expenditure by New Towns in Scotland for housing and other environmental services 13,019
WO/LACAP Welsh Office Basic credit approvals for local authorities in Wales. Supplementary credit approvals for all services (except urban programme and urban development grant) and housing grants 4,467
WO/UA Welsh Office Supplementary credit approvals and grants (both capital and current) to local authorities in Wales in respect of the urban programme and Urban Development Grant. Urban Investment Grant and expenditure by the Cardiff Bay Development Corporation 3,729
NID1 Northern Ireland Departments Services in Northern Ireland broadly analogous to services in Great Britain covered by cash limits but including family practitioner services 8,235
NID4 Northern Ireland Expenditure in Northern Ireland on national agricultural capital grant schemes, certain assistance for production, marketing and processing and the fishing industry 1,022
Total non-voted 105,135
Total capital end-year flexibility 358,076

Entitlements for 1993–94 running costs limits resulting from the carryforward of running costs underspends
Department Amount £ thousands
Overseas Development Administration 235
Intervention Board—Executive Agency 144
Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food 1,362
Trade and Industry 1,528
Office of Telecommunications 50
Office of Electricity Regulation 50

Department Amount £ thousands
Department of Transport 1,104
Department of the Environment 982
Property Holdings 238
Home Office 7,235
Charity Commission 50
Lord Chancellor's Department 2,032
Crown Prosecution Service 950
Department of Education 478
Department of Health 1,333

Department Amount £ thousands
Office of Population, Censuses and Surveys 238
Department of Social Security 12,628
Scottish Office 1,433
Scottish Courts Administration 191
Welsh Office 365
Northern Ireland Office 3,582
Northern Ireland Departments
HM Treasury 397
HM Customs & Excise 3,484
Inland Revenue 7,504
Department for National Savings 579
Central Statistical Office 162
Government Actuary's Department 50
TOTAL 48,384

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