HC Deb 13 July 1993 vol 228 cc474-5W
Mr. Frank Field

To ask the Secretary of State for Social Security if he will list each research project his Department currently funds with(a) the institution in which it is based, (b) the funds provided by his Department, (c) the number of staff involved and (d) the start and end date.

Mr. Hague

[holding answer 5 July 1993]: The table lists projects which are currently being funded or part-funded by the Department, together with the organisation conducting the work. There are currently 18 research staff in the Department.

Project title Contractor Project cost (£) Start date Due end date
National Child Development Study—5th Stage Social Statistics Unit, City University 1175,000 June 1989 July 1993
National Child Development Study Analysis—Wave 5 data only Policy Studies Institute 45,000 April 1992 August 1993
Family Credit and the Self Employed Social Policy Research Unit, University of York 134,000 March 1991 July 1993
British Household Panel Study Economic and Social Research Council, University of Essex 2125,000 April 1990 March 1995
Comparison of Child Support in the European Community University of York 91,532 May 1992 July 1993
Persons Abroad Legislation Brunei University 70,000 July 1991 July 1993
Employers Attitudes to Family Credit Institute for Manpower Studies, University of Sussex 116,000 March 1993 April 1994
2nd Lone Parent Survey Policy Studies Institute 123,000 November 1992 December 1993
British Social Attitude Survey Social and Community Planning Research 360,000 January 1991 December 1994
Relate Information Database—Follow Up D. Shapiro/M. Barkham 2,500 March 1993 December 1993
Benefit Information Needs of Lone Parents Centre for Research in Social Policy, University of Loughborough 36,000 May 1993 October 1993
Evaluation of the Newcastle In-Work Benefits Initiative Business and Community Planning Research 410,000 March 1993 November 1993
Survey of First Time Customers Social Policy Research Unit, University of York 111,000 May 1993 March 1994
Developing Local Office Customer Satisfaction Surveys—Pilot Work Public Attitude Surveys Ltd. 11,000 June 1993 August 1993
Family Credit/Benefit News Campaign Evaluation Research Surveys of Great Britain 34,000 April 1993 August 1993
1 DSS contribution to larger study.
2 £25,000 per annum for five years—uprated by Treasury inflator. DSS contribution to larger study.
3 Over three years (1991–94 (not 1992)) DSS contribution to larger study.
4 DSS contribution—this is a collaborative project with Newcastle city challenge and the Employment Service.

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