HC Deb 26 January 1993 vol 217 cc660-9W
Mr. McNamara

To ask the Secretary of State for Northern Ireland how many applications from(a) male and (b) female Roman Catholics were made for posts in the RUC and RUC Reserve in each year since1974; what was the percentage figure of all applications; what numbers were recruited; and what percentage this represents of the total recruited.

Mr. Mates

Comprehensive statistics about the religious composition of the Royal Ulster Constabulary and the Royal Ulster Constabulary reserve, full time and part time, have been collected only since January 1990 when religious monitoring was introduced by the force.

The information available is set out in the following tables and is derived from information provided by applicants as to which schools they attended. This means that the figures provided are to some extent still based on perceptions. This form of monitoring is consistent with the requirements of the fair employment legislation.

Table 3 Applications and recruits to the Royal Ulster Constabulary Reserve (part-time) from individuals perceived to be Roman Catholic
Year Male Female Total Percentage of total applications Total applications
1990 16 18 34 6.30 540
1991 15 8 23 5.57 413
1992 23 7 30 5.02 598
Recruits Percentage of overall intake Total intake
1990 7 2 9 7.96 113
1991 7 2 9 9.57 94
1992 1 1 2 2.78 72

Mr. McNamara

To ask the Secretary of State for Northern Ireland if he will publish a table of all ranks in the RUC and the RUC reserve for each year since 1974 indicating the total number and numbers of males and females in each rank, and the number of Roman Catholics, male and female, in each rank as a percentage and as an absolute figure.

Table 1—Royal Ulster Constabulary
Roman Catholics
Year and rank Male Female Total Number Percentage
ACPO 9 0 9
Chief superintendent 34 0 34
Superintendent 57 1 58
Chief inspector 89 3 92
Inspector 248 5 253
Sergeant 762 21 783
Constable 3,082 252 3,334
Totals 4,281 282 4,563
ACPO 10 0 10
Chief superintendent 35 0 35
Superintendent 64 1 65
Chief inspector 103 4 107
Inspector 275 4 279
Sergeant 799 22 821
Constable 3,263 322 3,585
Totals 4,549 353 4,902
ACPO 9 0 9
Chief superintendent 33 1 34
Superintendent 70 1 71
Chief inspector 107 4 111
Inspector 295 3 298
Sergeant 857 27 884
Constable 3,442 406 3,846
Totals 4,813 442 5,253
ACPO 10 0 10
Chief superintendent 33 1 34
Superintendent 75 2 77
Chief inspector 121 4 125
Inspector 319 4 323
Sergeant 921 32 953
Constable 3,661 509 4,170
Totals 5,140 552 5,692
ACPO 10 0 10
Chief superintendent 34 1 35

Mr. Mates

Comprehensive statistics about the religious composition of the Royal Ulster Constabulary and the Royal Ulster reserve, full time and part time, have been collected only since January 1990 when religious monitoring was introduced by the force.

The information available is as follows:

Roman Catholics
Year and rank Male Female Total Number Percentage
Superintendent 93 2 95
Chief inspector 129 4 133
Inspector 347 5 352
Sergeant 989 35 1,024
Constable 3,893 568 4,461
Totals 5,495 615 6,110
ACPO 11 0 11
Chief superintendent 36 1 37
Superintendent 97 2 99
Chief inspector 138 4 142
Inspector 377 4 381
Sergeant 1,038 38 1,076
Constable 4,241 627 4,868
Totals 5,938 676 6,614
ACPO 12 0 12
Chief superintendent 36 1 37
Superintendent 113 2 115
Chief inspector 142 4 146
Inspector 401 5 406
Sergeant 1,112 46 1,158
Constable 4,408 653 5,061
Totals 6,224 711 6,935
ACPO 12 0 12
Chief superintendent 34 1 35
Superintendent 112 2 114
Chief inspector 140 3 143
Inspector 421 5 426
Sergeant 1,165 52 1,217
Constable 4,738 649 5,387
Totals 6,622 712 7,334
ACPO 12 0 12
Chief superintendent 39 1 40
Superintendent 113 2 115
Chief inspector 150 3 153
Inspector 440 2 442
Sergeant 1,202 58 1,260
Constable 5,061 634 5,695
Totals 7,017 700 7,717
ACPO 12 0 12
Chief superintendent 38 1 39
Superintendent 114 2 116
Chief inspector 160 2 162
Inspector 450 2 452
Sergeant 1,237 60 1,297
Constable 5,317 608 5,925
Totals 7,328 675 8,003
ACPO 14 0 14
Chief superintendent 40 1 41
Superintendent 114 2 116
Chief superintendent 159 2 161
Inspector 459 2 461
Sergeant 1,226 61 1,287
Constable 5,475 572 6,047
Totals 7,487 640 8,127
ACPO 13 0 13
Chief superintendent 40 1 41

Roman Catholics
Year and rank Male Female Total Number Percentage
Superintendent 114 2 116
Chief inspector 161 1 162
Inspector 479 2 481
Sergeant 1,235 69 1,304
Constable 5,568 574 6,142
Totals 7,610 649 8,259
ACPO 13 0 13
Chief superintendent 41 1 42
Superintendent 118 2 120
Chief inspector 160 1 161
Inspector 472 4 476
Sergeant 1,237 74 1,311
Constable 5,540 571 6,111
Totals 7,581 653 8,234
ACPO 13 0 13
Chief superintendent 38 2 40
Superintendent 120 0 120
Chief inspector 160 2 162
Inspector 465 9 474
Sergeant 1,250 73 1,323
Constable 5,545 559 6,104
Totals 7,591 645 8,236
ACPO 14 0 14
Chief superintendent 39 2 41
Superintendent 119 0 119
Chief inspector 160 2 162
Inspector 473 11 484
Sergeant 1,251 72 1,323
Constable 5,516 572 6,088
Totals 7,572 659 8,231
ACPO 13 0 13
Chief superintendent 39 2 41
Superintendent 119 0 119
Chief inspector 159 2 161
Inspector 468 14 482
Sergeant 1,299 72 1,371
Constable 5,474 598 6,072
Totals 7,571 688 8,259
ACPO 14 0 14 3 21.43
Chief superintendent 42 2 44 8 18.88
Superintendent 123 0 123 17 13.82
Chief inspector 159 2 161 22 13.66
Inspector 464 17 481 43 8.94
Sergeant 1,292 70 1,362 119 8.74
Constable 5,441 617 6,058 427 7.05
Totals 7,535 708 8,243 639 7.75
ACPO 14 0 14 3 21.43
Chief superintendent 43 1 44 7 15.91
Superintendent 119 0 119 16 13.45
Chief inspector 161 2 163 20 12.27
Inspector 461 21 482 42 8.71
Sergeant 1,311 69 1,380 124 8.99
Constable 5,405 615 6,020 423 7.03
Totals 7,514 708 8,222 635 7.72
ACPO 14 0 14 2 14.29
Chief superintendent 41 1 42 6 14.29

Roman Catholics
Year and rank Male Female Total Number Percentage
Superintendent 121 1 122 17 13.93
Chief inspector 161 2 163 20 12.27
Inspector 467 22 489 45 9.20
Sergeant 1,324 75 1,399 125 8.93
Constable 5,500 661 6,161 438 7.11
Totals 7,628 762 8,390 653 7.78

Note: ACPO denotes all ranks of Assistant Chief Constable and above.

Roman Catholics
Year and rank Male Female Total Number Percentage
Superintendent 93 2 95
Chief inspector 129 4 133
Inspector 347 5 352
Sergeant 989 35 1,024
Constable 3,893 568 4,461
Totals 5,495 615 6,110
ACPO 11 0 11
Chief superintendent 36 1 37
Superintendent 97 2 99
Chief inspector 138 4 142
Inspector 377 4 381
Sergeant 1,038 38 1,076
Constable 4,241 627 4,868
Totals 5,938 676 6,614
ACPO 12 0 12
Chief superintendent 36 1 37
Superintendent 113 2 115
Chief inspector 142 4 146
Inspector 401 5 406
Sergeant 1,112 46 1,158
Constable 4,408 653 5,061
Totals 6,224 711 6,935
ACPO 12 0 12
Chief superintendent 34 1 35
Superintendent 112 2 114
Chief inspector 140 3 143
Inspector 421 5 426
Sergeant 1,165 52 1,217
Constable 4,738 649 5,387
Totals 6,622 712 7,334
ACPO 12 0 12
Chief superintendent 39 1 40
Superintendent 113 2 115
Chief inspector 150 3 153
Inspector 440 2 442
Sergeant 1,202 58 1,260
Constable 5,061 634 5,695
Totals 7,017 700 7,717
ACPO 12 0 12
Chief superintendent 38 1 39
Superintendent 114 2 116
Chief inspector 160 2 162
Inspector 450 2 452
Sergeant 1,237 60 1,297
Constable 5,317 608 5,925
Totals 7,328 675 8,003
ACPO 14 0 14
Chief superintendent 40 1 41
Superintendent 114 2 116
Chief superintendent 159 2 161
Inspector 459 2 461
Sergeant 1,226 61 1,287
Constable 5,475 572 6,047
Totals 7,487 640 8,127
ACPO 13 0 13
Chief superintendent 40 1 41

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