§ Mr. HagueTo ask the President of the Board of Trade how many pieces of evidence have been submitted to his Department's coal review; and what plans he has to make the evidence public.
§ Mr. EggarEvidence submitted by 327 individuals and organisations had been received by the coal review team by noon on Friday 8 January. Evidence has been copied to the Trade and Industry Select Committee as we have received it and copies have been placed in the Libraries of both Houses. In cases where those submitting evidence have provided it in confidence, we have sought their permission to pass it to the Select Committee, and where such permission has been given, have done so on a protected basis.
We have also now made the evidence, other than commercially confidential material, more widely available by placing copies in the following libraries where members of the public may call, by appointment, to read it: DTI library and information centre, Ashdown house, 123 Victoria street, London SW1E 6RB, telephone 071 215 4245/4250; DTI energy library and information centre, 1 Palace street, London SW1E 5HE, telephone 071 238 3042; Office of Electricity Regulation library, Hagley house, Hagley road, Birmingham B16 8QG, telephone 021 456 6378.
740WIn addition, copies of individual pieces of evidence, other than confidential evidence, may be ordered from the library at 1 Palace street. A charge will be made to cover the cost of this service.
The full list of those submitting evidence is as follows, with an asterisk indicating those who have asked that their evidence be treated as confidential.
- Aberdeen Chamber of Commerce
- Action Group of Northern Ireland Electricity Prices
- Mr. J. M. S. Adams
- AEA Technology
- Alliance Gas Limited
- AMCO Corporation plc
- Amerada Hess Limited
- Amoco (UK) Exploration Company
- Mr. J. Amos
- Anderson Group Limited1
- Anglo United plc
- Antrim Coal Company Limited1
- Mr. R. Anyon (Shop Steward at BNFL Springfields) and Mr. P. Logue1
- Apparel, Knitting and Textiles Alliance
- Applied Energy Services Electric Limited
- Architects and Engineers for Social Responsibility
- ARCO British Limited
- Mr. D. G. Arundale
- ASEA Brown Boveri1
- Associated Electricity Suppliers Ltd.1
- Associated Octel Company Limited1
- Association for the Conservation of Energy
- Association of British Chambers of Commerce
- Association of British Mining Equipment Companies
- Association of Independent Electricity Producers
- Association of Metropolitan Authorities
- Australian High Commission
- Babcock Energy Limited
- Mr. S. Ball
- Banks Development Division
- Barking/Thames Power Limited
- Barnsley Metropolitan Borough Council
- Bassetlaw District Council
- Mr. A. J. Black
- Blue Circle Industries Ltd.
- Bow Group Energy Standing Committee
- Botham Engineering Limited
- BP BITOR Limited
- BP Exploration Operating Company Limited
- Mr. F. Bradbury
- British Alcan Aluminium plc
- British Association of Colliery Management
- British Ceramic Confederation
- British Coal Corporation
- British Gas plc1
- British Geological Survey
- British Gypsum Limited
- British Nuclear Forum
- British Nuclear Fuels plc1
- British Paper and Board Industry Federation
- British Retail Consortium
- British Rubber Manufacturers Association Limited
- British Wind Energy Association
- Broadland District Council
- Brown and Root Limited
- Brunner Mond and Company Limited
- Cairn Energy plc
- Caledonian Mining Co. Ltd.
- Ms. S. Carribine—Low Valleyfield
- Residents' Association
- Centre for Intermediate Mining Research Limited
- Chamber of Coal Traders Limited
- Chemical Industries Association
- Chesterfield Borough Council
- Mr. J. Chiswell Jones
- Churches Energy Group
- City of Nottingham Development Department
741- City of Wakefield Metropolitan District Council
- Clackmannan District Council (Alloa)
- Clay Colliery Company Ltd.
- Clwyd County Council
- Coal Advisory Service
- Coalfield Communities Campaign
- Cobex Limited
- Combined Heat and Power Association
- Combined Power Systems Limited
- Communist Party of Great Britain
- Confederation of British Industry
- Confederation of British Industry (Northern Ireland)
- Confederation of UK Coal Producers
- Conoco (UK) Ltd.
- Consortium of Opposing Local Authorities
- Convention of Scottish Local Authorities
- Cooperative Wholesale Society
- Cory Environmental Ltd.
- Council for the Protection of Rural England
- Council of Churches for Britain and Ireland
- Country Landowners Association
- Countryside Commission
- Countryside Council for Wales
- County Planning Officers' Society
- Mr. H. Cox
- Co-Steel Inc.
- Cummins Diesel1
- Currall Lewis and Martin Ltd.
- Cytun Industrial and Economic Affairs Network (Welsh Clergy)
- Mr. Cynog Dafis, MP
- Mr. A. C. Day
- Derbyshire County Council
- Mr. W. Digby Worthy
- Domestic Coal Consumers' Council
- Doncaster Metropolitan Borough Council
- Durham County Council Dyfed County Council
- E Gas Limited
- Easington District Council
- East Midlands Electricity Consumers' Committee
- East Midlands Electricity plc.
- Eastern Electricity plc.
- Eastern Region Electricity Consumers' Association
- Electricity Consumers' Committee, Merseyside and North Wales
- Electricity Consumers' Committee for London
- Electricity Consumers' Committee Southern Region
- Electricity Pool of England and Wales
- Electricity Supply Trade Union Council
- Energy and Chemical Projects Ltd.
- Energy Economic Engineering Limited
- Energy Information Centre1
- Energy Intensive Users Group/Major Energy Users Council
- Energy Supply Company Ltd.1
- Engineering Consultancy Services Ltd.
- English Nature
- Enron Europe Limited1
- Esso Exploration and Production UK Ltd.
- Federation of Civil Engineering Contractors
- Federation of Small Mines of GB
- Prof. I. Fells—Newcastle University
- Fenton Solid Fuels Ltd.
- Fife Regional Council
- Food and Drink Federation
- Forest of Dean District Council
- Foster Wheeler Energy Limited
- Friends of the Earth
- Galvanisers Association
- Mr. R. Gardner
- Gas Consumers Council
- Gas Strategies
- GEC Alsthom Limited
- General Consumer Council for Northern Ireland
- Mr. F. Gilbert
- Mr. A Glyn
742- Mr. D. F. Godfrey—Larkin and Co.
- Solicitors Grampian Enterprise Limited
- Grampian Regional Council
- Greenpeace
- Mr. P. A. Gruber
- H. Leverton Limited1
- Hamilton Oil Company Ltd.1
- Harper Macleod Limited
- Mr. K. Harrison
- Mr. J. P. Hart
- Mr. R. E. A. Harvey
- Mr. G. Hawkes
- Highland Regional Council
- Mr. D. Hopkinson
- Mr. R. Horrocks
- I. and H. Brown Limited
- ICI Chemicals and Polymers Ltd.
- Institute of Civil Engineers
- Institute of Energy
- Institution of Mining Electrical and Mechanical Engineers
- Institution of Mining Engineers
- Institution of Professionals, Managers and Specialists
- Ivo Energy Limited
- Mr. R. M. Jervis
- Johnson Matthey plc.
- Kelt UK Ltd.
- Kingsnorth Developments Ltd.
- LASMO North Sea plc.
- LE Energy
- Leicester City Council
- Mr. Jim Lester, MP
- Levack Civil Engineering
- Lewis and Towers Limited Liberal
- Democrats Liebherr GB Ltd.
- Mr. and Mrs. R. K. Lindsay
- Prof. N. H. Lipman
- Mr. H. B. Lloyd
- Loadmaster Ltd.
- London Electricity plc
- Mr. F. E. Lynam
- Lytham St. Annes Methodist Circuit Social Responsibility Committee
- Mansfield District Council
- Manweb plc1
- Marks and Spencer plc
- Mr. J. I. Mason
- Mr. G. McAlpine, OBE
- Mr. W. McMillan
- Mechanical Handling Engineers' Association
- Merz and McLellan Limited
- Metropolitan Planning Officers' Society
- Mid Glamorgan County Council
- Midlands Consumers' Committee
- Midlands Electricity plc
- Midlands Electricity plc/Central Power
- Miller Mining
- Mrs. G. Millington
- Mining Association of the United Kingdom
- Mobil Gas Marketing (UK) Ltd.
- Monktonhall Mineworkers Ltd.
- Monument Oil and Gas plc1
- National Association of Colliery Overmen Deputies and Shotfirers
- National Association of Licensed
- Opencast Operators National Association of Local Government Officers
- National Consumer Council
- National Engineering Construction Employers' Association
- National Grid Company plc
- National Network of Chaplains in the Electricity Supply Industry
- National Network of Coal Industry Chaplains
743- National Power plc
- National Rivers Authority
- National Society for Clean Air and Environmental Protection
- National Union of Mineworkers
- Neighbourhood Energy Action
- Newark and Sherwood District Council
- Mr. K. Nicholson
- Non-Fossil Purchasing Agency Ltd.
- North Derbyshire Health Authority
- North East Derbyshire District Council
- North Eastern Region Electricity Consumers' Committee
- North Nottinghamshire Training and Enterprise Council
- North West Region Electricity Consumers' Committee
- Northern Development Company
- Northern Electric plc1
- Northern Ireland Electricity plc
- Nottinghamshire Chamber of Commerce and Industry
- Nottinghamshire Conservative Mining Constituency Associations
- Nottinghamshire County Council
- Nottinghamshire Rural Community Council
- NSM plc
- Nuclear Electrics plc1
- Nykomb Synergetics
- O & K Orenstein and Koppel Ltd.
- Offshore Contractors Council
- Offshore Manufacturers and Constructors Association OFGAS
- Oil and Chemical Plant Constructors Association
- Open University Energy and Environment
- Research Unit Oxford Institute for Energy Studies
- Parkhill Estates Limited
- Parliamentary Alternative Energy Group
- Mr. I. J. Pearce
- Phillips Petroleum Company United Kingdom Limited
- Point of Ayr Colliery Survival Committee
- Pontefract Graders Ltd.
- Powergen plc1
- Powys County Council
- R. J. B. Mining Ltd.
- Rackwood Colliery Co. Ltd.
- Regional Studies Association
- Mr. J. Reynolds—Merrill Lynch, Pierce, Fenner and Smith Ltd.
- Mr. C. Robinson—Exergy Inc.
- Mr. D. Robinson
- Rolls Royce plc.
- Rotherham and District Trades Union Council
- Rotherham Metropolitan Borough Council1
- Royal Academy of Engineering
- Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors
- Royal Institution of International Affairs
- Royal Town Planning Institute
- Rural Power Station Action Group
- Safecom UEP Ltd.
- Save the Moors From Opencast (SHAMROC)
- Scottish Hydro Electric plc.1
- Scottish Natural Heritage
- Scottish Northern Region Electricity Users' Sub-Committee
- Scottish Nuclear Limited1
- Scottish Power1
- Scottish Trades Union Congress
- Mr. A. T. Seabridge1
- Seeboard plc.
- Severn Tidal Power Group
- Mr. J. K. Shanklin
- Shawater Ltd.
- Sheerness Steel Company plc.
- Sheffield City Council
- Shell UK Ltd.
- Shepway Friends of the Earth
- Shirebrook Traders Association
- Mr. A. G. Simmons
- Skegness 2000
- Slough Trading Estates Ltd.
- Mr. E. M. Smith
744- Solid Smokeless Fuels Federation
- South Eastern Regional Electricity Consumers' Committee
- South Wales Electricity plc.1
- South Wales Region Consumers' Committee
- South Western Electricity plc.
- South Western Regional Electricity Consumers' Committee
- Southern Electric plc.1
- Southern Scotland Electricity Consumers Committee
- Staffordshire County Council
- Standing Conference on Regional Policy in South Wales
- Statoil UK Ltd.
- Taylor Woodrow Mining Division
- Texaco
- Town and Country Planning Association
- Trades Union Congress
- Trainload Freight
- Transport and General Workers Union
- Tyne and Wear Chamber of Commerce, Trade and Industry
- United Kingdom Offshore Operators Association Ltd. United Kingdom Onshore Operators Group
- United Kingdom Petroleum Industry Association Limited
- Union of Democratic Mineworkers
- United Gas Company Limited
- Viscosuisse Textured Yarns
- Wakefield and District Trade Union Council
- Mr. J. F. Walker
- Wansbeck District Council
- Ward Brothers Mining Division Ltd.
- Mr. K. Watson
- Watt Committee on Energy
- Mr. J. Watt
- WEFA Energy Group1
- West Midlands Regional Forum of Local Authorities
- Westoe Colliery Campaign Group
- Wimpey Minerals Inc.
- World Solar Power Foundation
- Yorkshire Electricity Group plc1
- Yorkshire Opencast Objectors
- Yorkshire Region Electricity Consumers' Committee
- Yorkshire Water Services Limited1
- Young Group plc1
- 1 part or all of document confidential