HC Deb 12 February 1993 vol 218 c817W
Dr. Wright

To ask Secretary of State for Health how many full-time equivalent staff were employed by the national health service as(a) managerial staff,

Nursing and midwifery, administrative and clerical and general and senior managers in South-East Staffordshire and Mid-Staffordshire HAs

from September 1987 to September 1991

Whole-time equivalents

1987 1988 1989 1990 1991
South-East Staffordshire
Nursing and midwifery (excluding agency) 1,910 1,900 1,880 1,840 1,760
Administrative and clerical 430 440 430 440
General and senior managers 10 10 30 50
Nursing and midwifery (excluding agency) 1,780 1,760 1,800 1,750 1,830
Administrative and clerical 410 410 390 420
General and senior managers 10 10 60 80


1. All figures are rounded to the nearest ten.

2. '—' indicates that the 1991 figures for Administrative and Clerical and General and senior Managers are not centrally available at District level.

3. Source of information: Non-Medical Manpower Census HAP(STATS)B.

4. The fall in the number of nursing and midwifery staff in South-East Staffordshire is because of the transfer of services for elderly mentally ill patients from St. Matthews's hospital to other health authorities and to community homes.