HC Deb 12 February 1993 vol 218 cc788-92W
Mr. Frank Cook

To ask the Secretary of State for Defence what is the latest figure for the annual running cost of each of the service schools of music, broken down into principal categories of expenditure; what is the annual intake of each of the service schools of music; and what is the(a) civilian and (b) service teaching complement.

Mr. Archie Hamilton

The net cash budget for the Royal Marines School of Music in 1992–93 is £6,693,000, of which £4,598,000 is for pay and allowances. This includes the cost of the 65 personnel of the Royal Marines band located at the school. The 1992 intake of trainees was 35 musicians and six buglers. The staff of the school comprises 47 personnel. Of these, 10 service personnel provide military training, and 23 service and 14 part-time civilian personnel carry out musical training.

The forecast running costs for the Royal Military School of Music in 1992–93 are £1,730,000, which will be offset by estimated receipts of £192,000. Personnel costs account for £1,173,000. The annual intake capacity for initial musical training is 140, including 30 foreign and Commonwealth personnel. The teaching staff comprises six military and 11 civilian full-time instructors and 13 part-time civilian tutors.

The RAF school of music is collocated with headquarters RAF music services and the two units' operating costs are not recorded separately. In the most recent year for which records are available (1991–92) the combined operating costs were £3,947,000. The 1992 intake of trainees was 14 new entrants, plus 19 for advanced training. The teaching complement comprises one officer, four non-commissioned officers and one civilian.

Mr. Trotter

To ask the Secretary of State for Defence what is the current established strength of each type of band in each of the services; and in each case what are the ranks of the band members, the number of each type of instrument established and the annual running cost.

Mr. Archie Hamilton

The available information which is not necessarily in the same format for each service, is as follows:

Royal Marine Bands The Royal Marines School of Music, Deal and the RM Bands at CINCFLEET and CINCHAVHOME each has a complement comprising:


  • 1 Lieutenant Colonel (Special Duty Band)
  • 1 Lieutenant (Special Duty Band)
  • 2 Warrant Officer 2
  • 3 Colour Sergeants
  • 6 Sergeants
  • 789
  • 11 Corporals
  • 43 Musicians/Buglers


  • 1 Captain (Special Duty Band)
  • 2 Warrant Officer 2
  • 3 Colour Sergeants
  • 6 Sergeants
  • 11 Corporals
  • 43 Musicians/Buglers


  • 1 Captain (Special Duty Band)
  • 1 Warrant Officer 1
  • 4 Colour Sergeants
  • 6 Sergeants
  • 11 Corporals
  • 43 Musicians/Buglers

Instrumentation for all three above is:

  • 1 Bandmaster
  • 2 Flute/Saxophone
  • 2 Oboes
  • 2 Bassoons
  • 2 Solo Clarinets
  • 6 Clarinet/Violin
  • 4 Clarinet/Viola
  • 4 Saxophone/Violin
  • 4 Horns
  • 2 Solo Cornets
  • 5 Cornet/Violin
  • 2 Cornet Piano
  • 5 Trombones
  • 3 Euphonium/Cello
  • 3 Basses
  • 3 Percussion
  • 1 Drum Major
  • 1 Bugle Major
  • 13 Bugler/Drummer

The Royal Marine Bands at Flag Officer Plymouth, Flag Officer Scotland and Northern Ireland (FOSNI) and Commando Training Centre Royal Marines (CTCRM) each have 42 personnel, comprising:

FO Plymouth

  • 1 Captain (Special Duty Band)
  • 1 Warrant Officer 2
  • 1 Colour Sergeant
  • 6 Sergeants
  • 6 Corporals
  • 27 Musicians/Buglers


  • 1 Captain (Special Duty Band)
  • 1 Warrant Officer 2
  • 1 Colour Sergeant
  • 6 Sergeants
  • 6 Corporals
  • 27 Musicians/Buglers


  • 1 Lieutenant (Special Duty Band)
  • 1 Warrant Officer 2
  • 2 Colour Sergeant
  • 5 Sergeants
  • 9 Corporals
  • 24 Musicians/Buglers

Instrumentation for all three above is:

  • 1 Bandmaster
  • 1 Flute
  • 1 Oboe
  • 1 Bassoon
  • 1 Solo Clarinet
  • 3 Clarinet/Violin
  • 2 Clarinet/Viola
  • 2 Saxophone/Violin
  • 2 Horn
  • 1 Solo Cornet
  • 790
  • 3 Cornet/Violin
  • 1 Cornet Piano
  • 3 Trombones
  • 1 Euphonium/Cello
  • 2 Basses
  • 1 Percussion
  • 1 Drum Major
  • 7 Bugler/Drummer

The annual running cost budget for the Royal Marine School of Music at Deal in 1992–93 is £6,693,000. Figures are not readily available for the individual Royal Marine Bands.

Army Bands

The strength of Army bands varies on the type of band, there are currently 63 bands in the Army. The establishment and rank of Army band members varies according to the type of band.

Arm/Type of Band

RAC Regimental/Infantry Regiment

  • 1 Warrant Officer 1
  • 1 Warrant Officer 2
  • 1 Staff Sergeant
  • 2 Sergeants
  • 4 Corporals
  • 4 Lance Corporals
  • 9 Privates

Infantry Large

  • 1 Warrant Officer 1
  • 1 Warrant Officer 2
  • 2 Staff Sergeant
  • 4 Sergeants
  • 6 Corporals
  • 6 Lance Corporals
  • 14 Privates

H Cav Mounted Minor Staff

  • 1 Major
  • 2 Warrant Officer 2
  • 2 Staff Sergeant
  • 4 Sergeants
  • 6 Corporals
  • 6 Lance Corporals
  • 14 Privates

Minor Staff

  • 1 Major
  • 1 Warrant Officer 2
  • 2 Staff Sergeant
  • 4 Sergeants
  • 6 Corporals
  • 6 Lance Corporals
  • 14 Privates

Foot Guards Major Staff

  • 1 Major
  • 2 Warrant Officer 2
  • 3 Staff Sergeant
  • 6 Sergeants
  • 9 Corporals
  • 8 Lance Corporals
  • 20 Privates

Major Staff

  • 1 Major
  • 2 Warrant Officer 2
  • 3 Staff Sergeant
  • 6 Sergeants
  • 8 Corporals
  • 8 Lance Corporals
  • 20 Privates

AGC Minor Staff

  • 1 Major
  • 1 Warrant Officer 2
  • 2 Staff Sergeant
  • 4 Sergeants
  • 6 Corporals
  • 791
  • 6 Lance Corporals
  • 15 Privates

Gurkha Major Staff

  • 1 Major
  • 2 Captains
  • 2 Warrant Officer 2
  • 2 Staff Sergeant
  • 3 Sergeants
  • 8 Corporals
  • 8 Lance Corporals
  • 23 Privates

The information on the number of instruments in Army bands is not held centrally, nor are the annual running costs for each type of band.

RAF Bands

Current Strengths

  • Central Band— 86 (Two Bands and Salon Orchestra)
  • Area Bands (4)—168 (42 Musicians in each)

Central Band (includes Salon Orchestra):

  • 1 Director of Music (Sqn Ldr)
  • 1 Assistant Director of Music (Flt Lt)
  • 1 Flight Serrgeant
  • 16 Chief Technicians
  • 18 Sergeants
  • 25 Corporals
  • 19 Junior Technicians
  • 1 Senior Aircraftsman
  • 2 Leading Aircraftsmen

Area bands (x 4)

  • 1 Director of Music (1 Sqn Ldr, 3 Flt Lts)
  • 1 Warrant Officer
  • 1 Flight Sergeant
  • 3 Chief Technicians
  • 6 Sergeants
  • 12 Corporals
  • 10 Junior Technicians
  • 6 Senior Aircraftsmen
  • 2 Leading Aircraftsmen

The number of instrumentalists per band is:

Instrument Central Band Area Bands (x 4)
Flute/Piccolo 4 2
Oboe 2 2
Clarinet 18 9
Saxophone 6 3
Bassoon 4 2
Horn 8 4
Cornet 12 6
Trombone 8 5
Euphonium 2 2
Tuba 6 3
Percussion/Timpani 6 2
Violins 3
Viola 1
Cello 1
String Bass 1
Piano 1

The numbers above relate to the instruments established in each Band. Most musicians are accomplished players of more than one instrument.

The annual running costs of the RAF Music Services, including Headquarters costs and the RAF School of Music, based on FY 91/92 rates are as follows:

Headquarters Music Services and United Kingdom Bands 3,947,000
Royal Air Force Germany Band 792,000

The costs include staff costs, LOA, travel and subsistence and other miscellaneous costs, eg. quartering costs.

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