§ Ms CorstonTo ask the Secretary of State for the Home Department at what point during a life sentence or a prisoner's term of imprisonment might he or she be considered for category C status.
§ Mr. Peter LloydResponsibility for this matter has been delegated to the Director General of the Prison Service, who has been asked to arrange for a reply to be given.
Letter from Derek Lewis to Ms Jean Corston, dated 17 December 1993:
The Home Secretary has asked me to reply to your recent Question about the point at which a life sentence prisoner might be considered for category C conditions.In the case of male prisoners, there is no fixed point at which a life sentence prisoner is considered for category C conditions. Each case is considered on its merits and in the light of reports from the establishment in which he or she is held. Factors which influence the decision to move a life sentence prisoner to a category C prison are whether the risk he or she presents is commensurate with category C security; whether the prisoner has addressed any areas of concern, such as alcohol addiction, and the timing of the first review of his or her case by the Parole Board.Establishments for women are not categorised on the same basis as those holding men. But the same general principles for a move to less secure conditions apply.