HC Deb 15 December 1993 vol 234 cc670-3W
Dr. Wright

To ask the Secretary of State for Education if he will publish a table showing, in 1992–93 prices, the gross public spending for each year since 1990–91 and the projected expenditure for each year to 1995–96 for each executive non-departmental public body sponsored by his Department, as listed in "Public Bodies 1992".

Mr. Boswell

Details of the Department's funding for these bodies, in 1992–93 prices, are shown in the table. Planning allocations for 1995–96 will be announced as soon as possible.

1990–91 outturn 1991–92 outturn 1992–93 outturn 1993–94 current Estimates Provision 1994–95 Plans
Business and Technology Education Council Self funding. Became wholly independent and cased to be NDPB sponsored by DFE 1 October 1993
Central Bureau for Educational Visits and Exchanges 3,336 3,632 3,848 3,955 3,896
Merged with British Council 1 December 1993: FCO now sponsor but DFE pays grant
Council for Information on Language Teaching and Research 591 677 949 782 775
Council for National Academic Awards Self-funding. Wound up 31 March 1993
Education Assets Board 609 519 858 2,609 2,516
Further Education Unit 4,274 3,249 3,545 Funding responsibility transferred to Further Education Funding Council 1 April 1993
National Council for Educational Technology 5,145 5,151 5,658 4,790 4,563
National Curriculum Council 8,104 7,994 8,135 2,954
Wound up 30 September 1993
National Youth Agency Established 1,911 1,495 1,304 1,298
1 Apri 1991
Polytechnics and Colleges Funding Council 1,219,255 1,031,285 1,034,601 Wound up 31 March 1993
School Examinations and Assessment Council 8,535 10,936 12,383 4,010
Wound up 30 September 1993
Teaching as a Career Unit 1,642 1,456 1,407 1,145 1,112
Universities Funding Council 2,027,988 1,850,557 1,806,426 Wound up 31 March 1993

Dr. Wright

To ask the Secretary of State for Education if he will list those responsible for making appointments of(a) chairs and (b) members of the boards of governors of higher education corporations.

Mr. Boswell

The Secretary of State makes the initial appointments of members of boards of governors of higher education corporations. Subsequent appointments are for the boards themselves to determine. In certain circumstances the appointment of independent members may be made by the existing independent members of the board. Chairs of boards, in relation to either initial or subsequent appointments, are appointed by the boards of governors from among their members.

Dr. Wright

To ask the Secretary of State for Education if he will list those responsible for making appointments of(a) chairs and (b) members of the boards of governors for grant-maintained schools.

Mr. Robin Squire

Chairmen of self-governing (grant-maintained) schools are elected by the governing body as a whole at the first meeting of every school year. Every governing body must include parent governors, teacher governors, the head teacher and either first governors (in the case of former county schools) or foundation governors (in the case of former voluntary schools).

Parent and teacher governors are elected respectively by parents of registered pupils at, and teachers employed by, the school. First governors are appointed by the governing body, while foundation governors continue to be appointed by those so entitled when the school had voluntary status.

Dr. Wright

To ask the Secretary of State for Education if he will list those responsible for making appointments of(a) chairs and (b) members of the boards to each of the executive non-departmental public bodies sponsored by his Department.

Mr. Boswell

The information required is as follows:

Central Bureau for Educational Visits and Exchanges

  • Chairman and members appointed by the Secretary of State for Education.

Centre for Information on Language Teaching Chairman and 10 members appointed by the Secretary of State for Education. One member appointed by the Secretary of State for Scotland.

Education Assets Board Chairman and members appointed by the Secretary of State for Education. (Appointment to the post of chief executive will in future be made by the board subject to the approval of the Secretary of State for Education.)

Further Education Funding Council for England Chairman and members appointed by the Secretary of State for Education after consultation with the Secretary of State for Wales.

Higher Education Funding Council, England Chairman and members appointed by the Secretary of State for Education.

National Council for Educational Technology Twelve appointments made by the Secretary of State for Education. One appointment made by the Secretary of State for Wales. One appointment made by the Secretary of State for Scotland. One appointment made by the Secretary of State for Northern Ireland

National Youth Agency Management Committee Chairman and members appointed by the Secretary of State for Education.

Schools Curriculum and Assessment Authority Chairman and members appointed by the Secretary of State for Education.

Teaching as a Career Unit Board Director and members appointed by the Secretary of State for Education.

Dr. Wright

To ask the Secretary of State for Education if he will list those responsible for making appointments of(a) chairs and (b) members of the boards of governors of further education corporations.

Mr. Boswell

The members of each further education corporation are responsible for appointing a chairman from among their number. Initial appointments were made by virtue of the instruments of government in the case of FE corporations to conduct former FE colleges and by the Secretary of State in the case of corporations to conduct former sixth form colleges. New or additional members are normally appointed by the corporation.

Dr. Wright

To ask the Secretary of State for Education if he will list those responsible for making appointments of(a) chairs and (b) members of the boards of governors of city technology colleges.

Mr. Robin Squire

City technology colleges are charitable companies and under the model scheme of government the members of the companies are responsible for appointing the chairs and members of the boards of governors.

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