HL Deb 14 December 1993 vol 550 c108WA
Lord Kennet

asked Her Majesty's Government:

What is the present status of the Serpentine Gallery in Kensington Gardens, whether its use by the Arts Council as a gallery has met with public approval, whether it is the Government's intention to restore it to use by users of Kensington Gardens, and what would be the cost to the taxpayer of this, or of any other proposed use to which it might be put.

Baroness Trumpington

The Serpentine Gallery was established by the Arts Council in 1970 and transferred to the Serpentine Gallery Trust in 1987. It occupes its building under the Royal Parks' licence. The gallery estimates that it receives 180,000 visitors each year. The terms of renewal of the gallery's licence are currently under review. I shall let the noble Lord know the outcome in due course.