Mr. Jack
The total amount of certified seed grown in England and Wales in 1992 was 35,000 tonnes. A breakdown by variety is given in the table. For 1993 the estimate is 48,000 tonnes, but no varietal split is yet available. However, a breakdown by area grown is given in the table:
Tonnage of certified seed by variety grown in 1992 |
Tonnes |
Accent |
112.1 |
Ailsa |
77.5 |
Alcmaria |
52.9 |
Aminca |
18.9 |
Arran Cornet |
140.4 |
Arran Pilot |
23.9 |
Asterix |
3.3 |
Ausonia |
535.4 |
Balmoral |
119.4 |
Bintje |
77.5 |
Cara |
4,547.2 |
Cleopatra |
50.0 |
Colmo |
328.2 |
Concorde |
65.6 |
Concurrent |
85.0 |
Costella |
1.0 |
Cultra |
22.0 |
Desiree |
1,350.7 |
Duke of York |
0.9 |
Dundrod |
12.0 |
Epicure |
0.3 |
Estima |
-6,120.2 |
Fambo |
110.0 |
Fianna |
3.5 |
Foremost |
0.7 |
Hermes |
— |
Home Guard |
93.2 |
Kennebec |
44.3 |
King Edward |
675.6 |
Kondor |
150.9 |
Lady Rosetta |
45.0 |
Manna |
4.0 |
Marfona |
3,491.0 |
Marianna |
— |
Maris Bard |
1,364.9 |
Maris Peer |
602.1 |
Maris Piper |
1,415.8 |
Minerva |
362.8 |
Morene |
5.0 |
Nadine |
910.0 |
Obelix |
212.3 |
Ostara |
223.6 |
Tonnes |
Penta |
128.6 |
Pentland Crown |
121.4 |
Pentland Dell |
1,002.4 |
Pentland Hawk |
14.4 |
Pentland Ivory |
4.0 |
Pentland Javelin |
378.2 |
Pentland Lustre |
1.2 |
Pentland Squire |
698.8 |
Pink Fir Apple |
25.0 |
Premiere |
588.0 |
Record |
1,157.4 |
Red Pontiac |
29.2 |
Rocket |
— |
Romano |
3,189.5 |
Russet Burbank |
— |
Sante |
445.0 |
Saturna |
2,419.6 |
Sharpes Express |
6.3 |
Shula |
— |
Stroma |
158.5 |
Ulster Chieftain |
3.0 |
Ulster Sceptre |
43.0 |
Vanessa |
214.2 |
Wilja |
1,200.6 |
35,287.2 |
Area of certified seed by variety grown in 1993. |
Variety |
Hectacres |
First early |
Accent |
2.6 |
Alcmaria |
1.6 |
Aminca |
0.4 |
Arran Comet |
5.8 |
Arran Pilot |
0.9 |
Colmo1 |
13.6 |
Concorde |
4.4 |
Concurrent |
2.8 |
Duke of York1 |
2.9 |
Dundrod |
1.2 |
Foremost |
0.6 |
Home Guard |
5.3 |
Manna |
0.2 |
Maris Bard |
110.1 |
Minerva |
19.2 |
Nikita |
0.2 |
Ostara |
19.2 |
Pentland Javelin |
24.2 |
Premiere1 |
20.3 |
Provost |
0.7 |
Rocket |
0.5 |
Sharpes Express1 |
0.6 |
Ulster Sceptre |
0.1 |
Vanessa |
6.8 |
Second early maincrop |
Ausonia |
14.2 |
Baillie |
0.4 |
Balmoral |
1.6 |
Bintje1 |
6.0 |
Brodick |
2.0 |
Cara |
232.0 |
Cornado |
0.8 |
Desiree |
75.2 |
Estima |
196.9 |
Fambo |
21.0 |
Fianna |
2.3 |
Kerr's Pink |
0.4 |
King Edward1 |
28.8 |
Kingston |
1.7 |
Kondor |
7.2 |
lady Rosetta |
30.5 |
Marfona |
131.5 |
Maris Peer |
43.4 |
Maris Piper |
55.0 |
Variety |
Hectacres |
Morene1 |
3.5 |
Nadine |
58.0 |
Obelix |
3.0 |
Panda |
5.5 |
Pentland Crown |
6.6 |
Pentland Dell |
54.2 |
Pentland Hawk |
2.0 |
Pentland Squire |
53.0 |
Picasso |
10.9 |
Pink Fir Apple |
0.4 |
Record |
17.5 |
Red King Edward1 |
1.3 |
Remarka |
0.6 |
Romano |
102.9 |
Sante |
4.1 |
Saturna |
107.2 |
Stroma |
11.5 |
Wilja |
58.5 |
Total |
1,595.5 |
1 Denotes non-immune variety |
Estimates of England and Wales seed tonnages sold for (x) home and (y) foreign use are not available. However, current estimates for the United Kingdom are:
Seed (tonnes) |
Year grown |
1992 |
11993 |
21992 |
(x) home use |
515,000 |
488,000 |
n/a |
(y) foreign use (exports) |
30,000 |
42,000 |
69,000 |
1 Estimate. |
2 Estimated in 1992. |
A breakdown by market description of the ware potatoes grown in 1992 and 1993 is not available at the England and Wales level. However, utilisation of potato crops marketed in 1992 and 1993 calendar years is given below. These figures are subject to revision.
Ware (tonnes) |
Year |
1992 |
11993 |
21992 |
Ware for human consumption |
6,821,000 |
6,026,000 |
6,902,000 |
of which: |
Ware for foreign market: raw |
120,000 |
113,000 |
98,000 |
Ware for foreign market: processed (raw equivalent) |
76,000 |
63,000 |
76,000 |
1 Estimate. |
2 Estimated in 1992. |