HC Deb 02 December 1993 vol 233 cc689-92W
Ms Primarolo

To ask the Secretary of State for Health what information she has as to the relationship between anti-depressants and suicide deaths broken down by individual drug.

Mr. Bowis

Suicide deaths and undetermined deaths involving poisoning by an anti-depressant drug are shown in the tables, which are derived from the Office of Population Censuses and Surveys "Mortality Statistics: Injury and Poisoning for England and Wales" (Series DH4 No. 17), copies of which are available in the Library. In many cases the anti-depressant was taken in combination with or in addition to another type of drug.

Deaths by Poisoning-Suicide-England and Wales 1991 by Anti-depressant Drugs (Anti-depressant shown in bold)
Drug Number of Persons
Aftershave dettol lofepramine 11
Amitriptyline 36(51)
Amitriptyline chloral hydrate 1(11)
Amitriptyline chloral hydrate chlorpromazine 1
Amitriptyline chlorpromazine 1
Amitriptyline chlorpromazine procyclidine 1
Amitriptyline codeine 1
Amitriptyline desmethyldothiepin dothiepin nortriptyline 1
Amitriptyline diazepam dothiepin 1
Amitriptyline dihydrocodeine 1
Amitriptyline lofepramine 1
Amitriptyline nortriptyline 1
Amitriptyline paracetamol 1
Amitriptyline paracetamol salicylate (Nos)2 1(11)
Amitriptyline temazapam 5(11)
Amitriptyline theophylline 1
Amitriptyline thioridazine 2
Amitriptyline trifluoperazine 1
Amitriptyline oxazepam 1
Amitriptyline Soldapeine 1
Amoxapine 1(11)
Amoxapine chlorpromazine 1
Amoxapine tranylcypromine 1
Amylobarbitone dothiepin quinalbarbitone 1
Anadin extra co-proxamol lofepramine Prothiaden 1(11)
Benzodiazepine (Nos) dothiepin temazepam 1(11)
Benzodiazepine (Nos) opiate (Nos) paracetamol propoxyphene tricyclic antidepressant(Nos) 1
1 Benzodiazepine (Nos) tricyclic antidepressant(Nos) 1(11)
Butriptyline desalkyflurazepam paracetamol Prothiaden 1
Caffeine Prothiaden paracetamol salicylate (Nos) temazepam 1(11)
Chlormethiazole dothiepin trimipramine 1
Chlorpromazine dothiepin procyclidine 1
Chlorpromazine imipramine 1
Clomipramine 1
Clomipramine dextropropoxyphene paracetamol 1
Co-proxamol dothiepin 2
Co-proxarnol imipramine 1
Codeine dothiepin salicylate (Nos.) 1
Desipramine imipramine terodiline 1
Desmethyldothiepin dothiepin temazapam 1
Dextropropoxyphene Fluoxetine norfluoxetine paracetamol thioridazine 1
Dextropropoxyphene paracetamol Prothiaden 1
Diazepam diothiepin 3
Diazepam imipramine 1
Diazepam Prothiaden 1(11)
Dicamba Herbicide dothiepin 1
Dihydrocodeine dothiepin 1
Distalgesic dothiepin 1
Disulfiram dothiepin nitrazepam thioridazine 1
Dothiepin (Prothiaden-31) 87(71)
Dothiepin desmethyldothiepin norpropoxyphene paracetamol propoxyphene temazepam 1
Dothiepin doxepin thioridazine Veganin 1
Dothiepin naftidrofuryl temazepam terodiline trimethoprim 1
Dothiepin nortriptyline 1
Dothiepin paracetamol 2
Dothiepin paracetamol temazepam 1
Dothiepin prochlorperazine 1
Dothiepin propoxyphene 1
Dothiepin temazepam 2

Drug Number of Persons
Dothiepin Eltroxin 1
Doxepin 3
Faverin temazepam 1
Fluoxetine 1
Gamanil 1
Imipramine 10(11)
Imipramine paracetamol temazapam 1
Impramine temazapan 1
Ludiomil 1
Morphine Prothiaden 1
Motival 1
Nitrazepam Tryptizol 1(11)
Nortriptyline 1
Nortriptyline Stelazine 1
Paracetamol trycyclic antidepressant (Nos.) 1
Paracetamol Prothiaden 2
Phenothiazine Prothiaden 1
Prothiaden sinequan 1
Salicylate (Nos.) trimipramine 1
Sertraline 1(11)
Trazodone 1
Tricyclic Antidepressant (Nos.) 1
Trimipramine (Surmontil-1) 4(11)
Triptafen 1
Tryprizol 1
Viloxazine 1
Total 230(261)
1 Number of deaths with mention of alcohol.
2 Nos=Not otherwise stated ie refers to drugs within a particular sub-group— eg tricyclic antidepressants, benzodiazepines, salicyclates, etc., which are not separately identified in the table.

Deaths by Poisoning—Undetermined whether Accidentally or Purposely 1nflicted —England and Wales 1991 by Anti-Depressant Drugs (Anti-Depressant shown in bold)
Drug Number of Persons
Amitriptyline 25(31)
Amitriptyline aspirin benzodiazepine (Nos) codeine temazapam 1
Amitriptyline carbomazepine 1
Amitriptyline chlorpromazine 2
Amitriptyline codeine 1
Amitriptyline dextropropoxyphene paracetamol 1
Amitriptyline diazepam 2
Amitriptyline diazepam methadone thioridazine 1(11)
Amitriptyline dihydrocodeine 2
Amitriptyline lithium temazepam 1
Amitriptyline methadone thioridazine 1
Amitriptyline nortriptyline 2
Amitriptyline paracetamol 2(11)
Amoxapine 2
Amphetamine dothiepin 1
Artane Piportil Prothiaden 1
Aspirin dothiepin 1
Baclofen buprenorphine Celevac clomiparine indomethacin nitrazepam 1
Benzodiazepine (Nos) dihydrocodeine dothiepin 1
Carbamazepine dothiepin 1
Carbamazepine phenothiazine Prothiaden 1(11)
Chloral Hydrate chlordiazepoxide trazodone 1
Chlordiazepoxide Parnate propranolol 1
Chlormethiazole Prothiaden 1(11)
Chlorpromazine clomipramine paracetamol procyclidine 1
Clomipramine 1

Drug Number of persons
Clomipramine diazepam paracetamol temazepam 1(11)
Clomipramine procyclidine 1
Co-proxamol dothiepin 1
Codeine dothiepin paracetamol 1
Desipramine 1
Desipramine ibuprofen paracetamol procyclidine temazepam 1
Dextropropoxyphene dothiepin 1
Diazepam doxepin 1(11)
Dihydrocodeine dothiepin 1
Distalgic Prothiaden 1
Dothiepin (Prothiaden-31) 62(51)
Dothiepin haloperidol Modecate procyclidine 1
Dothiepin paracetamol 2(11)
Dothiepin propoxyphene 1
Dothiepin thioridazine 1
Fluoxetine Prothiaden 1
Imipramine 9(11)
Imipramine paracetamol 1
Imipramine salicylate (nos) 1
Imipramine temazapam 1
Nortriptyline 1
Prothiaden temazepam 1
Sulpiride trimipramine 1
Trimipramine 1(11)
Trimiparine trimiparzine 1
Total 151(171)
1 Number of deaths with mention of alcohol.

Nos=Not otherwise stated i.e. refers to drugs within a particular sub-group—eg tricyclic antidepressants, benzodiazepines, salicyclates, etc., which are not separately identified in the table.